• 19晚期为了地区伐木场棉花提供动力,这条小河上曾起一水坝。

    The creek was dammed in the late 19th century to provide power to the area's lumber and cotton mills.


  • 家公司历史都可以追溯19他们派遣年轻人利物浦鹿特丹出发很远地方去

    Yet the histories of both firms stretch back into the 19th century, to when they dispatched young men on ships from Liverpool and Rotterdam to faraway places.


  • 补充日本全民健康保险体系也许不能灵活地充分满足正在增加21的健康问题

    He added that Japan's universal health care system may not be sufficiently nimble enough to address mounting 21st-century health problems.


  • “买者慎”原则大行其19这种风险决策总体价格利率市场中的其他资本配置决策密不可分。

    In the 19th century, when caveat emptor ruled, such risk judgments were not separable from the overall price, interest rate and other capital-allocating decisions struck in the marketplace.


  • 理查德·金斯:大卫正在一个关于寒武寒武化石的专题节目

    RD: I know you're working on a programme about Cambrian and pre-Cambrian fossils, David.


  • 2009年,通用电气NASA美国航空航天总署)合作,重新开始19世80年代搁置一项工作,继续颠覆传统的无风扇发动机实验。

    In 2009 GE, working with NASA, America’s space agency, picked up work it had largely set aside in the 1980s on a radically different sort of engine called an unducted fan.


  • 当然, ”他们补充, “2009年监管机构能够雇用廉价的有技能的金融从业者了,他们在20世30年代做到的一样。”

    Of course, ” they add, “regulators will be able to hire cheap skilled labor in 2009, just as they were able to in the 1930s.”


  • 法则,如果物种特质一旦失去,就意味着这种特质永远失去。法则科学家路易斯19提出。

    Dollo's Law, a theory proposed by the scientist Louis Dollo in the 1800s, states that when a particular trait is lost in a species, it never comes back.


  • 还有档案橱柜-,起来微不足-,19世九十年代发明的。

    Also, the filing cabinet — that sounds like a minor thingwas invented in the 1890s.


  • 但是这个观点20世六、七十年代诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)语言学理论大行其就不再受科学家认可

    But the idea went out of favor with scientists when Noam Chomsky's theories of language gained popularity in the 1960s and '70s.


  • 1958年来,20世60年代城市工业化程度日益提高,污染的运河桥梁逐渐柏油马路和4高架高速公路替代

    From 1958 onward, and as the city became more industrialized in the 1960s, the polluted stream and its Bridges were gradually buried under at-grade asphalt and a four-lane elevated freeway.


  • 今天标准来看不到1亿美金赔款其实微不足,但支付赔款招来了20黑暗篇章

    While the amount, less than $100 million, was trivial by today’s standards, the payment brought to a close one of the most poisonous chapters of the 20th century.


  • 如果上帝希望我们飞机的话,根本不会赐予我们铁路”,20世50年代,迈克尔·弗兰德斯唐纳德·斯曾如此调侃

    "If God had intended us to fly he would never have given us the railways," quipped Michael Flanders and Donald Swann in the 1950s.


  • 这座残存部分山谷枝繁叶茂环境相得益彰,构成了一独特风景,即使18世晚期,也赢得景观行家的由衷赞叹

    The Abbey's ruins survived to form a 'picturesque' feature in the surrounding wooded valley, appreciated by connoisseurs of landscape in the late 1700s.


  • 回忆起20世70年代80年代的一些情况。时候中国各地之间、城市之间很多商品价格并不一致,所以出现了“倒爷”,这些人被批评“二贩子”,搞长途贩运,搞投机倒把,赚取差价。

    This reminds me of China in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when prices differed in different cities, thus inducing profiteers, who transported goods over a long distance for speculative profits.


  • 尽管白垩小行星撞击地球后为哺乳动物起了活动的舞台,但是哺乳动物真正大行其是100万以后的事情,也就是时期。

    Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.


  • 但是受到21的年代限制,《神探夏洛克》剧集无法完全呈现尔原著中的特风格。

    Yet, confined by its 21st century backdrop, the Sherlock series hasn't been able to fully present some of Doyle's gothic stories.


  • 武士自从19晚期以来常用名字形容远古以来日本武士坚持独特行为准则

    Bushido is a name in common usage since the late 19th century which is used to describe a uniquely Japanese code of conduct adhered to by samurai since time immemorial.


  • 这种做法失宠19因为很难概念微不足精确

    This approach fell out of favor in the 19th century because it was difficult to make the notion of an infinitesimal precise.


  • 也这么人们认知识分子,一名理想主义者,谈起亚里士多德、康德马克思福克纳这样的大家,他得头头是

    I guess so. He was known as an intellectual and an idealist, able to speak coherently about Aristotle, Kant, Marx. Gide or Faulkner.


  • 20世,中国电视领域中的电视“湘军迅速崛起,成为令人瞩目风景

    At the end of the 20th century, the quick development of Hunan TV has become an attractive scene.


  • 我国最早城镇景观出现公元前5周朝当时已经开始沿种植

    Urban landscape of China's first appear in the. 5th century BC, the Zhou Dynasty, has already begun at that time on street tree planting along the Road.


  • 王晓林还从该地区沉积物推测:“大约1.2亿年前的白垩早期场强大的风暴夺走了这些龙的生命。”

    Wang says that sediments in the areasuggest that the pterosaurs died in a large storm about 120 million years agoin the Early Cretaceous period.


  • 近代竞技跳水随着其他欧美体育20传入我国的。

    Modern competitive diving is a sport with the other Europe and the United States in the early 20th century came to China.


  • 西沉思,吩咐,“打听打听怎么的。

    The month of west of building Cu eyebrow contemplates, mandate Ji is nine, "you then discovery out a pry emperor the Ji is how to die."


  • 但是村总是担心被别人发现这个秘密,每天都要冲卫生间好几重新在眼 皮上涂一而且从来不敢海边游泳。

    But Kimura lived in fear of discovery, rushing off to the bathroom several times a day to reapply the glue and never daring to visit the beach.


  • 麻醉剂后,医生挥舞另一个针头,在村的眼皮上缝上了一线,这样就形成了一永久折痕

    Once the anesthetic is administered, the doctor bran-dishes another, hooked needle and threads it through Kimura 's upper eyelids, creating a permanent crease.


  • 位于区的第二20的时候叫做是“意 绪的亚里”。

    Second Avenue in this area was called "the Yiddish Rialto" in early 20th century.


  • 我们成为21中国乃至世界美丽的风景线

    Let us become the most beautiful scenery line in 21st century's China and even in the world!


  • 我们成为21中国乃至世界美丽的风景线

    Let us become the most beautiful scenery line in 21st century's China and even in the world!


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