• 希望通过这种研究表明:无论从哪个角度探讨异化问题都不应该离开实践这个理论基点

    And we also hope to show by the research that we should not leave this basic theory point of "practise", no matter which Angle we probe into the alienation question.


  • 通过这种研究我们得出下列认识:第一幽默类手机短信存在着大量偏离现象,这种偏离是获取幽默效果的重要手段之一;

    Through the deviation study of humorous short messages, this paper gives us a conclusion as follows: first, a great deal of degree deviation can be found in the humorous short message.


  • 通过这种方式可以详细研究环境了解自然界真实画面

    This way he could research the environment in detail and get a true picture of the natural world.


  • 通过卫星地区牛群狮子进行追踪研究人员能够确定这种心理学上欺骗手段是否有助于阻止农民射杀狮子。

    Through satellite tracking of both the herd and the lions in the area, they will be able to determine if their psychological trickery will work to help keep farmers from shooting lions.


  • 通过复制这种行为(“群集智能”),研究人员认为他们可以创造大量虚拟昆虫巡逻保护电脑

    By copying this behaviour (" swarm intelligence ") the researchers think they can create vast Numbers of virtual insects to patrol your computer.


  • 就是说通过研究从员处于利益漩涡之中,他们会将改变其所处情况这种危险是存在的。

    That is, the danger exists that by imposing themselves amidst the phenomenon of interest, the researcher may alter the phenomenon itself.


  • 研究人员儿童学习第二语言最佳途径通过社会交往日常可以接触这种语言。

    The researchers say the best way for children to learn a second language is through social interactions and daily exposure to the language.


  • 如今我们需要通过更多的研究检验这些结果找出这种方法能否成为治疗疾病一种可能筛选方法。

    We now need to test these results in larger studies to find if this could lead to a potential screening method for the disease.


  • 研究人员们希望通过测量不同时期中子星温度证实这种时间强烈冷却的存在。

    The researchers had hoped to demonstrate that brief period of intense cooling by measuring the temperatures of many neutron stars of different ages.


  • 通过这种方式维持深化研究计划建立所在社区公民生活方式

    In this way, you can sustain and deepen your study circle program and continue to build the civic life of your community.


  • 我们知道新生儿天生的语言能力研究人员通过这个实验了解这种语言能力是什么?它们怎样运行的?

    It was already well known that babies have some innate language capacities, but researchers are only just beginning to understand what these capacities are and how they work.


  • 互联网帮助下,专业人士可以任何人提供数据用于研究,其中不乏欢迎这种通过分享数据而获得免费劳力办法的人。

    The Internet allows professionals to make their data available for analysis by anyone, and some are happy to take advantage of the free Labour this promises.


  • 莱顿小组通过研究网站日志揭示了这种攻击的原理。

    Clayton's team could demonstrate that this was how it was done by studying the sites' logs.


  • 顾尚通过模拟随着减小看护代价变化研究这种两难境地。

    Courchamp investigated this awkward trade-off by modelling how the costs of a babysitter change with decreasing pack size.


  • 研究显示这种呼吸练习通过改变血液ph值改变血压而产生立竿见影效果

    Research has shown that breathing exercises like these can have immediate effects by altering the pH of the blood, or changing blood pressure.


  • 通过这种方法研究者们可以了解地震活动异常现象

    By so doing, researchers attempt to identify "gaps" or anomalies, in the pattern of seismic activity. Numerous types of instruments and methods are used for earthquake prediction.


  • 研究MarkBurnworth:“通过这种紫外我们搞好地控制修复范围,比如我们可以破损部分而不去影响其他的地方。”

    Researcher Mark Burnworth said: ‘By using light, we have more control as it allows us to target only the defect and leave the rest of the material untouched.’


  • 生产无线射频身份标签Omni-ID公司通过研究这种反射模式,发明出一种透过金属网格水下都能读取标签

    Omni-ID, a company that makes radio frequency ID tags, studied this reflection in their quest to create a tag that could be read through a metal mesh and in water.


  • 过去10年里科学家们已经开始通过卫星观测察看这种趋势早期研究表明全球范围浮游植物生产力发生小幅下降的情况。

    Over the past decade, scientists have begun looking for this trend in satellite observations, and early studies suggest there has been a small decrease in global phytoplankton productivity.


  • 该组研究人员通过研究化石,发现后肢长度骨盆结构变化证据这种变化可能使某些黑猩猩容易直立行走,就像上述实验观察的那只一样。

    In the fossil record, the research team found evidence of changes in leg length and pelvic structure that may have made it easier for some chimps, like the one in their study, to stand upright.


  • 这种类比问题在于研究人员不能确定这些传统确实通过相互观察习得的。

    The problem with this analogy is that researchers aren't certain that these traditions are really learned by observing others.


  • 这种细胞拥有通过不同比例混合三种色相能够研究中的细胞着上一百余颜色

    By mixing these three hues in different proportions he was able to "paint" the cells in question in more than a hundred different colours.


  • 因此科学家们可以通过研究这些动物探讨人类这种疾病

    So scientists can study the animals to learn more about the human form of the disease.


  • 一项关于流感病毒最新研究表明这种病毒通过脏污的水壶、门把手、工作台面遥控器传播,存活长达24小时

    New research into the flu virus has found that it could be caught from contaminated kettles, door handles, work surfaces and remote controls, where it can survive for up to 24 hours.


  • 通过棉花中的拼接南加州大学研究人员显着增加了这种常见面料弹性

    By splicing the carbon in cotton with boron, researchers at the University of South Carolina have markedly increased this familiar fabric's resiliency.


  • 研究人员发现通过模仿这种作用可以更长时间地维持里产生色素干细胞健康数量

    By mimicking the effect of this enzyme, researchers found it was possible to maintain a healthy population of pigment-producing stem cells in the hair follicle for longer.


  • 这种认为搜索引擎通过牺牲其他网站网页使流行网站更为流行的看法,现在正受到来自研究领域调战。

    The belief that search engines make popular websites ever more popular, at the expense of other pages, is now being challenged by research.


  • 这种认为搜索引擎通过牺牲其他网站网页使流行网站更为流行的看法,现在正受到来自研究领域调战。

    The belief that search engines make popular websites ever more popular, at the expense of other pages, is now being challenged by research.


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