• 很好地提醒了我们,对他人的尊重可以鼓舞所有人。

    It was a great reminder that treating people with respect can lift all of us up.


  • 浓度肉类少见,在坚果中的含量也其他植物资源中较少,很好证明吃肉处,从而使得饮食也更加均衡。

    Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better-balanced diet.


  • 很好地拆分服务提供者使用者要求服务提供者与使用者对特定的服务代理清晰了解

    This nicely decouples the service provider and consumer, but it requires them to have clear knowledge of the particular service broker.


  • 迄今最为震动事件去年9月雷曼兄弟破产很好地示范一个大型金融机构倒掉所付出代价

    The most seismic event of the crisis to date, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers last September, demonstrated the costs of letting a big financial institution collapse.


  • 好地阐明了为什么当时篮板如此之现今就算是中锋均篮板数也只有12 - 14个。

    This is why the rebounding Numbers were higher across the board then, and why even the best rebounders today only get around 12-14 per game.


  • 解释了为什么过去十年德国实际工资基本保持不变,同期欧盟其他国家实际工资出现了相当幅度的增长。

    This goes a long way to explaining why real wages in Germany have remained essentially flat in the past decade while they have climbed in most other countries that use the euro.


  • 我们只有伽玛射线观察内部之后才能好地了解齿轮结构和用X 射线看骨头非常相似

    We could only get a good look at the structure of the gears after gamma-rays were used to see inside, very similar to the way X-rays are used to see your bones.


  • 证明我们免疫系统我们衰老时确实不能好地发挥作用

    This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age.


  • 通常认为首席执行官高薪员工的剥削,但不能好地解释历史

    The common idea that high CEO pay is mainly about ripping people off doesn't explain history very well.


  • 惊讶发现多人真的么做了,窃贼的日子真的

    You'd be surprised how many people actually do this, and it makes life really easy for burglars.


  • 限制那些足够天赋、即使睡眠少于平均值很好工作娱乐阻碍我们发展件憾事,如果确实他们没有害处的话

    It would be a pity to retard our development by holding back those people who are gifted enough to work and play well with less than the average amount of sleep, if indeed it does them no harm.


  • 显然只有两个模型具有等同描述性时才能很好地自动派生一些模型另一些富于描述性的观点有几分冲突

    Obviously, automatic derivation works well only if the two models are equally descriptive, which sort of conflicts with the idea of some models being more descriptive than others.


  • 似乎可以很好反映造成误报反射率范围因此下面介绍程序任何反射率高于该范围的情形视为可跟踪的降水事件

    This seems to correspond well to the reflectivity range of the false positives, so the program described below will consider anything of higher reflectivity to be a trackable precipitation event.


  • 块陆人们能够一起庆贺因为每一个婚礼的日子应该是一个充满希望的日子。

    It is good that people in every continent are able to share in these celebrations because this is, as every wedding day should be, a day of hope.


  • 但是两部作品未能好地达到整体趣味性大于局部目标

    But neither quite reaches the goal of the whole being more interesting than the parts.


  • 换个角度看,如果苹果和苹果迷恋爱并结合,或许可以阻止他们自己那种迷恋苹果的基因扩散大众当中去。

    On the other hand, making sure that Apple fans only date other Apple fans is a good way of stopping them from spreading their Apple fan genes to the general population, I guess.


  • 尽可能代码内容显示分开

    Separating code, content, and presentation as much as possible is good.


  • 提供了很好性能但是可能编写一个访问者获得有效有用的结果造成威胁

    This offers great performance, but it can be somewhat intimidating to write a visitor class to get valid, useful results.


  • 自组织团队紧密协作并且业务客户保持频繁的沟通,确保了他们构建产品应用能够好地满足业务需求。

    Self-organizing teams collaborate closely and frequently with their business customers which ensures they build products and applications that are well aligned with business requirements.


  • 爱尔兰东北部草皮房子爱尔兰传统风格的房子,可以很好地抵御周围严酷环境

    Turf house in north east Iceland, This is a traditional style of house building in Iceland, offering superb insulation from the harsh environment.


  • 当然是个极端例子可以好地说明问题

    It's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.


  • 从事翻译的过程中,语言目标语言常常像是在玩儿“拔河游戏生成一种持续的“拉力”,也许充实我们的工作——也许相反,取决于我们如何很好地把握

    During translation, source and target language play a game of tug of war, creating an unceasing tension that may enrich our work-or not, depending on how well we can handle it.


  • 现在一项重要研究很好地确定观点

    There is a major study right now that 'snailing it down well.


  • SLAX很好选择了一组面向公办家庭用户软件这很大程度上是通过消除更大发行版本中的余而实现的。

    SLAX does a good job of selecting a useful software collection for office- or home-oriented users, largely by eliminating the redundancy in larger distributions.


  • 你们能力太空生活你们似乎无法回到以前对如何才能和谐生活认识

    You can go and live in space, that's fine, but you don't seem to be able to go back to the understanding of how to live harmoniously with the earth.


  • 由于没有很好地示例代码库划分mvc代码导致它自身容易进行编程序测试,因此没有使用自动化单元测试持续集成系统

    Because the example codebase was not well divided into MVC code that lends itself to easy programmatic testing, automated unit test or continuous integration system was not used.


  • 显然许多开发人员设计XML驱动应用程序未能很好地考虑问题,令人十分担忧。

    This is so obvious that developers, to an alarming extent, fail to take it into account when they design XML-driven applications.


  • 显然许多开发人员设计XML驱动应用程序未能很好地考虑问题,令人十分担忧。

    This is so obvious that developers, to an alarming extent, fail to take it into account when they design XML-driven applications.


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