• 怀疑安慰可能不仅仅拥抱一下那么简单。

    You suspect the comfort might have slipped beyond the cuddle.


  • 我们患难呢为叫你们安慰……安慰能叫你们忍受我们那样苦楚。我们你们所存盼望是确定的。

    If I am in distress, it is in the interests of your comfort, which is effective as it nerves you to endure the same sufferings as I suffered myself.


  • 知道算不算得安慰没有得到份工作

    If it's any consolation, she didn't get the job, either.


  • 最后几天疼痛似乎已经停止那时病入膏肓,不再什么安慰了。

    In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort.


  • 孩子们谈了很久没有他们带来什么安慰

    The boys had a long talk, but it brought them little comfort.


  • 当下我们国民经济似乎正在寻找个“故事情节”,至少一种安慰

    That, at least, is some comfort at a time when our national economy seems to be searching for its next story line.


  • 接下来几年里,科技总会大大小小的方面促进社会进步,那些生活工作自动化颠覆的人来说,没有什么安慰作用

    Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.


  • 他们跟着一起叫喊安慰话语管用多了。

    They cried with them, too, and that was still better than words.


  • 女孩父母莫大安慰

    The little girl is a great consolation to her parents.


  • 认为自己任何人更好地安慰孩子

    She felt she could console the child better than anyone else.


  • 相信灵魂永生一定程度上有些安慰

    But he believed that the soul lived forever, which comforted him to some degree.


  • 充满敌意环境中人们认为谋杀案是一起悲剧多少生活在亚利桑那州拉美少许安慰

    But that is little comfort for many Latinos in Arizona, who see the murders as a tragedy partly brought about by a hostile environment.


  • 绿衣军官站在一边,紧张环视四周,他知道怎么安慰母亲不知道怎么逃离令人悲伤时刻

    The Army officer stood by and nervously looked around, not knowing how to comfort my mother but unable to leave the sad moment.


  • 权利受损一方知道他们案件中立机构——来裁决令他们感到安慰

    Aggrieved parties take comfort in knowing that their case will be adjudicated by an impartial body — and a body with teeth.


  • 那些担心B&B彻底玩儿完的同志们来说,或许一丝安慰否则别指望什么了。

    That should soothe worries that B&B is about to implode. Otherwise, there’s little to give comfort.


  • 没有人想到朵花曾经如此同情只鸟,曾经如此渴望安慰

    Nobody thought of the flower which had felt so much for the bird and had so greatly desired to comfort it.


  • 然而,小小的安慰已经过去了

    That small comfort has gone.


  • 93号航班家庭成员会长Gordon Felt的确给人们带来安慰

    Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort.


  • 当然那些失去工作的人来说,不是什么安慰。同时对那些不得不自己长期雇员打发企业主来说起不到什么慰籍作用。

    Of course, that is no solace for those who have lost their jobs, or to the small business owners whose hearts break at letting longtime employees go, "he said."


  • 给了那些担心航天飞机项目结束可能意味着大范围内失去太空探索兴趣人些许安慰

    That gives comfort to those who fear that the end of the shuttle programme might mean a wider loss of interest in the exploration of space.


  • 很多看到他们需要考虑东西放在自己前面时候都会感受到无比安慰不管砣东西看起来多大

    Lots of people experience an incredible sense of relief when everything they need to think about is collected in one place in front of them, no matter how big the pile.


  • 安慰的心灵;不同环境见到房子不再在一个陌生地方遇见了老朋友那么令人感到惊讶了

    This dream recognition comforts me; seeing the house again in different surroundings is no more surprising than encountering an old friend by chance in a strange place.


  • 是真地希望上去安慰:“相信经历今后变得更强的”因为绝对不仅仅一个安慰绝对是真的

    I wish I could have run up to him and said, "This experience will make you stronger in the long run... trust me." Because that's not just a shallow attempt at consolation. It's absolutely true.


  • 是真地希望上去安慰:“相信经历今后变得更强的”因为绝对不仅仅一个安慰绝对是真的

    I wish I could have run up to him and said, "This experience will make you stronger in the long run... trust me." Because that's not just a shallow attempt at consolation. It's absolutely true.


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