• 希望4频道段话。

    I hope Channel 4 doesn't bleep it out.


  • 9已经陈述材料进行了价值的概括

    Chapter nine provides a valuable recapitulation of the material already presented.


  • 我们4部分分析方法定时修改对于隔离性能问题来说可能个很有用工具的确需要一个灵活接口

    The method timing modification we examined in Part 4 can be a useful tool for isolating performance issues, but it really needs a more flexible interface.


  • 现在就像在这个系列 1部分的,比起蓝牙服务器,蓝牙客户机工作多得多,而且只要一下理解为什么

    Now, as I stated in Part 1 of this series, Bluetooth clients have a lot more work to do in comparison with Bluetooth servers -- and if you think about it for a second, you'll understand why.


  • 世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约56世界卫生大会于2003年5一项国际条约

    The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an international treaty which was adopted in May 2003 by the 56th World Health Assembly.


  • 漏洞称为“日”漏洞,因为漏洞自从产品推出以来就一直存在——从开始就存在,甚至开发人员都没有发现

    It is known as a "zero-day" vulnerability because, effectively, it has been there since the product was launched - day zero - and not even its developer had spotted it.


  • 波那契数列,就是新的前面,我们4练习9已经介绍

    The Fibonacci sequence, in which each new term is the sum of the preceding two, was introduced in Chapter 4, exercise 9.


  • 上次1415节还引用以诺材料

    He also, as I said last time, he cites some Enoch material in verses 14 and 15.


  • 驾车到伦巴穿行金门大桥航行太平洋海岸公路甚至塔霍湖附近所有道路

    They’ve driven down Lombard Street, crossed the Golden Gate bridge, navigated the Pacific Coast Highway, and even made it all the way around Lake Tahoe.


  • 还记得1部分中每个蓝牙服务(不论是否使用OBEX)都必须拥有惟一的标识符么?

    Do you remember from Part 1 that every Bluetooth service (whether or not it USES OBEX) must have a unique identifier?


  • 发现号曾经进行38往返太空飞行,NASA计划39次飞行退役

    The Discovery has launched into space 38 times, and NASA aims to retire the shuttle after its final and 39th voyage.


  • 1部分介绍命令界面提供了一个Jython界面,用于自动化经常执行任务

    The command line interface, described in Part 1, provides a Jython interface with which commonly performed tasks can be automated.


  • 可以使用3部分描述解析来构建index视图一旦任何代码进行了修改,该视图不得不解析CDT工作空间中的每个文件

    You could build an Index view using the parser described in Part 3, but it would have to parse every source file in the CDT workspace whenever any code is modified.


  • 功能丰富的Perl: perl和amazon云,1部分,我SimpleDB中使用一个用户但是会使站点变得非常复杂因此放弃了这个想法。

    I said in Part 1 that I was going to have a users table in SimpleDB, but it complicated the site too much, so I dropped it.


  • 已经调整了非lvm分区系列1部分所述现在LVM配置添加空间,您有两个选择

    If you've resized non-LVM partitions, as described in part 1 of this series, and want to add the space to your LVM configuration, you have two choices.


  • 传递RequiredValidator()构造函数字符串参数 <da:jstring>标记编码系列 1部分 部分介绍

    The string parameters that are passed to the RequiredValidator() constructor are encoded with the <da:jstring> tag, which was presented in Part 1 of this series.


  • 移动Web应用程序常用本地缓存策略系列 2部分参见参考资料 部分的链接详细介绍这种策略。

    This is a local caching strategy common to mobile Web applications, and is described in detail in Part 2 of this series (see Resources for a link).


  • SetupComponent 1 部分 中介绍)遍JSF组件允许呈现嵌套组件之前更改属性

    The SetupComponent class, which was presented in Part 1, traverses the JSF component tree, allowing you to change the attributes of the nested components right before their rendering.


  • 1解释本文阐述部署模式之间关系(未使用阴影的那些模式在1部分介绍)。

    Figure 1 illustrates the relationships among the deployment patterns covered in this article (the unshaded patterns were covered in Part 1).


  • 类似 3部分privateCatalog 3 部分清单3配置的受保护执行代理bean)映射上面 清单2托管 beancatalogprivateData属性

    Similarly, I'll map Part 3's privateCatalog (a secured proxied bean configured in Listing 3 of Part 3) to the privateData property of the catalog managed bean of Listing 2 above.


  • 4我们解释控制器作用封装应用程序逻辑

    In Chapter 4, we explained that the role of the controller is to encapsulate your application logic.


  • 一个10进入NBA10赛季曾经到达顶峰的大山,现在面前了。

    In this 10th year my 10th season as an NBA player the mountain I once climbed to reach the top looms in front of me again.


  • 81内容记住之后,她就开始复习以前学习内容

    When she remembered the whole content of lesson 81, she began to review the content that she has learned before.


  • 依逻辑推断,那100名有婚外情的男子100天时通通处死正如谜题所述,村庄里每个男人背叛自己妻子

    By that logic, 100 cheating husbands will be executed on the 100th day, as the riddle states that every man in the village has cheated on his wife.


  • 想到3脑袋

    I can think of 3 great ones off the top of my head.


  • 想到3脑袋

    I can think of 3 great ones off the top of my head.


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