• 一些观察员认为美国风险投资行业正在经历场痛苦的纠正期必定回到往日辉煌

    To some observers, America's venture industry is going through a nasty correction from which it will inevitably bounce back.


  • 尽管传说不再同现实相符,而过去5汇丰也本经历辉煌应当许多苏格兰皇家银行印度业务这样交易等待监管部门批准)。

    The legend no longer fits reality, though. The past five years should have been glorious for HSBC: there should have been lots of deals like the RBS India one (which awaits regulatory approval).


  • 这位音乐大师平静外表下,在经历的种种磨难,紧缩的眉头无忧无虑的内心中,难道没有什么东西影响辉煌成就吗?

    But is there not something affecting in the spectacle of this master, serene amidst all his afflictions, his brow unlined and his heart without a care ?


  • 发现多数辉煌腾达之前经历很多失败小打小闹。

    You'll see that most people had many failures or very moderate successes before being considered truly successful.


  • 经历了凯尔特老虎时期第一不必移居海外取得辉煌的一代。

    The generation that came of age in the Celtic Tiger years was the first that did not feel it had to move abroad to thrive.


  • 有类似经历只是忘掉过去的成就辉煌

    People like her just want to forget.


  • 作为名运动员经历可敬的辉煌

    My career as a player was honourable but not brilliant.


  • 文艺复兴时期一直印象主义,展现瞬间景象为终极目标的“瞬间”艺术经历一个的辉煌

    Ever since the Renaissance until the Impressionism period, the arts, whose ultimate aim was to display the instant, had experienced one climax after another.


  • 这个实验已经进行长…时间已经经历很多文明辉煌失落

    The experiment has been running for a LONG time. There have been many times when civilization has risen and fallen.


  • 我们经历创业艰辛现在,我们迎来辉煌回报社会保护人类环境争当榜样。

    We have gone through a business hardships, and now we are ushering in the glory back to society, to become a model for the protection of the human environment.


  • 中国传统漆艺虽然有着几千文化传承经历发展辉煌衰微,几经起起落落

    Although the Chinese lacquer has a few thousand years of cultural heritage, through the development, brilliant, to the decline, the ups and downs.


  • 市场营销的概念易趣推出消费者辉煌理论经历可怕错误多年来

    The marketing concept that eBay has introduced to consumers was brilliant in theory, but it has gone horribly wrong over the years.


  • 谢谢人生充满了起伏。的一生经历挫折苦难同时创造了辉煌

    My all the life has gone through setback and suffering, at the same time, it is splendid to have also created.


  • 经历困难辉煌我们不离弃的永远是民族文化艺术

    We have experienced difficulties and glories, but we will never give up the nation's culture and arts.


  • 个曾经富甲一方、响江南名士云集、诗画璀璨千年名村,悄悄述说辉煌过去凄楚经历

    The once wealthy village, whose fame is widespread in the area south of Yangtze River area, flourished with poetry and painting, quietly telling the story of its glorious but tragic past.


  • 感激是因为所有那些可能摧毁一生的经历,反过来倒是帮助我创造今天拥有的辉煌

    I thank him because everything that might have destroyed me has helped to create the glory I possess today.


  • 语音增值业务中国上世纪九十年代产生以来,经历辉煌有过低谷

    The voice value-added services have experienced brilliance and low ebb since coming to China in 1990s.


  • 生命辉煌顶点,经历痛苦悔恨,我生命之中那些无价存在那些曾经荒废时光,我所珍藏一点回忆像是我生命之书中最精彩的画页。

    The culmination of my life, the bitter rues I experienced, the worthless things and waste times, each memory I cherished is like the most beautiful leaf of my life book.


  • 第三导演谢晋开始,经历第四代,第五代以张艺谋代表导演手中西部电影到达辉煌最高峰

    From the third-generation director Xie Jin, the fourth-generation experience, to a fifth-generation director Zhang Yimou as the representative of the hands of western movies at the brilliant peak.


  • 经历辉煌时段无疑主教练温格到来一个十年。

    It is certain that her most wonderful time was the last decade after the arrival of Manager Wenger.


  • 伴着米兰旋风,感觉圣西罗球场上的人们跟着米兰环绕世界杯上一起经历辉煌

    With the Milan wind, my feeling comes to Milan that is called the small World Cup, in Giuseppe Meazza there are a lot of outstanding person... AC Milan have been splendent in one hundred years.


  • 预应力结构作为新兴应用科学诞生发展壮大今日辉煌经历50

    Prestressed steel structure, as a new branch of the applied science, has been passed the course of 50 years from its birth, development and strengthening up to the present brilliance.


  • 经历30多年辉煌以后辽河油区天然气勘探开发已经面临严重局面:后备资源严重不足、主力产气区进入开发末期,稳产难度越来越大。

    More than 30 years splendid history has been experienced, t he serious prospecting and development situation of natural gas has been facing by Liaohe Oilfield.


  • 家族企业经历一段创业辉煌,眼下走到裂变十字路口面临成长挑战,企业成长意味着管理资源的增加,尤其是人力资源的扩充。

    After experiencing a refulgent period of carving out, the familial enterprises have reached a crossroad of fission, and been facing to the challenge of growing up.


  • 参加1月20 - 23日锦标赛到目前为止这个英国经历辉煌,他渴望2011年带来一个轰动性开头

    The Englishman has had a great year so far, and will be eager to start 2011 with a bang when he takes part in the Championship from January 20-23.


  • 问问任何一职业生涯上经历辉煌时刻专业运动员他们的经验告诉,“运气来源于长期实践

    Ask any professional athlete about a shining moment in their athletic experience and they'll tell you that "luck" came only after long hours of practice.


  • 比较而言,中国园林经历明清时期辉煌之后由于种种原因,始终难以企及曾经的艺术高度。

    Meanwhile, Chinese garden cannot achieve its great success as it used to after its summit in the Ming and Qing dynasties due to all kinds of reasons.


  • 知道,我经历艰辛越多人生最终就会辉煌

    I know that the more hardship I endure the more glories my life will ultimately be!


  • 已经经历很多文明辉煌失落

    There have been many times when civilization has risen and fallen.


  • 已经经历很多文明辉煌失落

    There have been many times when civilization has risen and fallen.


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