• 太过强大财政机制组合可能抬高物价从而使英国银行降低利率难度加大。

    A big fiscal-stimulus package would tend to push prices up and thus make it hard for the Bank of England to reduce interest rates.


  • 应该强调财政机制排序(根据复杂性影响力)取决于每个国家实际情况

    It should be stressed that ranking financial mechanisms (in terms of complexity and impact) depends on each country's context.


  • 计划关键要素碳排放抵押权”——一种允许鼓励个人家庭提高住宅能源使用效率财政机制

    A key part of the plan is the "carbon mortgage", a financial mechanism enabling and encouraging individuals and families to increase the energy efficiency of their homes.


  • 90年代遭遇财政危机之后瑞典采取了更为谨慎公共财政机制设定经济周期内取得预算盈余目标

    After its fiscal crisis in the 1990s, Sweden adopted a much more cautious approach to the public finances and set a goal of running a budgetary surplus over the economic cycle.


  • 文章财政机制财政体制、财政政策以及外生因素四个方面比较全面分析了我国经济转轨时期财政风险状况。

    The article analyzes the economic financial risk in the period of transition from the financial mechanism, financial system, financial policy and external factors.


  • 长期解决方案更为复杂因为欧洲央行确立的机制几乎不会财政刺激留下空间而离开经济增长债务问题可能得到解决。

    Thatwould be more complicated because the regime imposed by the ECB would leave no room for fiscal stimulus and the debt problem could not be resolved without growth.


  • 曼彻斯特年会上,财政大臣更进一步欧元区防御机制展开最大攻势委婉要求德国承诺的救助份额。

    In Manchester, the chancellor went further, calling for euro-zone defence mechanisms to be given "maximum firepower" : a coded call for Germany to commit vast sums.


  • 保守大人物相信欧元可以得救至少暂时可以得救,成本将会很高,以用于建立的新机制,在各国间进行财政转移解决巨大工资差距。

    The euro can be saved, at least for a while, Tory bigwigs believe, but the costs will be high: new institutions, fiscal transfers and sharper wage differentials.


  • 成员要求财政预算中的赤字控制GDP3%以下虽然对于此规定无任何具有强制力的管理机制

    The members also pledged to keep their budget deficits under 3 percent of GDP, although there are no enforcement mechanisms.


  • 欧洲于2010年5救助希腊,从而抛弃了“不救助”的规则既然这样做了,那么明显地需要建立一个新的财政支持机制

    Once Europe decided to ditch the no-bail-out rule in May 2010, when it rescued Greece, a new mechanism of fiscal underpinning was clearly needed.


  • 但是519号位于新德里国家公共财政政策研究所IlaPatnaik以及同事发表篇文章证明了布雷顿森林体系机制逐步淡出。

    But a paper published on May 19th by Ila Patnaik and her colleagues at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in Delhi documents a gradual thinning out of the Bretton Woods II regime.


  • 如果财政政策制定者往常一样被允许采取措施,那么财政赤字可能达到马斯特里赫特条约规定的上限GDP3%,一个非常危险的水平。) 这句的翻译有点问题,能否改进下:如果允许财政稳定机制发挥作用——它们几乎肯定被允许——已经处于接近马斯特里赫特限度(即GDP的3%)的财政赤字会进一步提高。

    If fiscal stabilisers are allowed to operate, as they almost certainly will be, the budget deficit, which is already dangerously close to the Maastricht limit of 3% of GDP, will rise further.


  • 这个机制内部太多既得利益,情报上的,财政的,欧洲至少在现阶段放弃这些利益。

    There's too much vested in the system, intellectually, financially, for Europe to abandon it, at least for now.


  • 加强财金领域对话协调建立财政金融对话与合作机制

    The two countries will launch a financial dialogue and cooperation mechanism to strengthen their dialogue and coordination in this sector.


  • 作为最终激励机制如果一揽子计划没有获得通过更加直接严厉财政削减政策将会自动生效,这个结果是两政客所深恶痛绝的。

    And as a final incentive, if the package fails to get through, harsher and more immediate cuts will automatically be imposed, in ways that politicians of both stripes would hate.


  • 他们2013年推行永久稳定救援机制的问题上达成一致,但是由于默克尔女士拒绝财政大臣承诺的为其提供资金的提议,这个机制不能得到充足的资金。

    They agreed on a “permanentrescue mechanism to be introduced in 2013, but couldn’t fund it properly, because Mrs Merkel refused to put up money her finance minister had pledged.


  • NEC设计团队中的重要一不过他们宣称由于遇到财政危机因此不得不原型机制阶段离开项目组

    NEC was an important part of the design team but said that its own struggling business has forced it to halt participation in the manufacturing phase of the supercomputer effort.


  • 建立财政科技投入稳定增长机制

    We will establish a mechanism to ensure stable growth of government investment in science and technology.


  • 英飞凌的无线单元业务三星电子(Samsung Electronics)公司GalaxyS芯片,在第三季度财政报表销售额达 3.46 亿欧元,较去年上升 38%。

    The Infineon unit, which also makes chips for Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy S phone, had sales of 346 million euros in the fiscal third quarter, a 38 percent increase from a year earlier.


  • 财政政策机制,同美国联邦储备委员会英国央行货币政策委员会一样,应该受到尊重

    Mechanisms of fiscal policy should enjoy the respect commanded by the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of England's monetary policy committee.


  • 花销机制形成财政政策

    The group of mechanisms expending form the fiscal policy.


  • 农业污染防治补偿机制涉及财政市场两个方面。

    The compensation mechanism of controlling agricultural pollution relates to financial and market.


  • 因此亟须建立完善邮政普遍服务财政补偿机制保障提升邮政普遍服务的质量水平

    Therefore, the urgent need is to build financial compensation mechanisms for the universal postal service, to protect and enhance the quality of universal postal service and level.


  • 法国德国领导人希望修正几项主要欧盟条约17个疲弱不振欧元国家,作更广泛财政监督管理机制

    The French and German leaders want to amend key European treaties to provide greater fiscal oversight and governance over the ailing, 17-member euro currency union.


  • 出口退税制度作为一项出口财政激励机制国际通行税收政策,被世界许多国家地区广泛应用

    Export drawback system, as a financial incentive mechanism of export, is a current tax policy with extensive application in many countries and regions around the world.


  • 这种分析结果有助于规划者消除一些财政选择从而减少全部机制进行真正成本-效益分析所需成本时间

    The results of this analysis helps planners eliminate a number of financial options, thereby reducing the time and cost of conducting a true cost-benefits analysis to all mechanisms.


  • 这种分析结果有助于规划者消除一些财政选择从而减少全部机制进行真正成本-效益分析所需成本时间

    The results of this analysis helps planners eliminate a number of financial options, thereby reducing the time and cost of conducting a true cost-benefits analysis to all mechanisms.


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