• 俄语语气词汉译语境制约,被语境选择

    The Chinese translation of Russian mood word is limited and selected by contexts.


  • 语境选择原文语气词隐含意义译文中外现仍保留隐含状态。

    Hidden pragmatics meaning of the mood word in source text, selected by contexts, will be opened or be hidden as before in target text.


  • 量子引力时空理论横断语境分析显示了量子引力理论提出现实语境对其进行求解的语境选择具有重要意义。

    A diatropic contextual analysis indicates the actual contexts in which quantum gravity theory is proposed and the importance of explanatory contextual choices.


  • 传统语文教学词义讲解一般利用教科书,以直接表示概念词汇意义为基本进行词义的解析结合上下语境选择义项。

    In the traditional Chinese teaching explaining meaning of a word, by the textbook, on the basis of direct definition of the word is to analyze its meaning, do a choice under some context.


  • 口译教学教科书编写补充教材选择课堂组织等环节都应该充分注意语境因素。

    Due attention should be paid to contextual clues in interpretation teaching in terms of textbook compiling, complementary material choice and classroom instruction.


  • 交际双方应该根据语境动态地选择理解委婉语,达到有效交际

    Therefore, the communicators should use and interpret the euphemism on the basis of the context for the purpose of effective communication.


  • 词汇意义随其出现语境不同变化说话人不同选择受话人的不同理解而不同。

    Meaning of words change in different contexts or with the speaker's choice or the hearer's understanding in different situations.


  • 广告交际中,广告制作者不得不选择最佳语境使广告受众接受广告所传递信息

    In advertising communication the AD man has to select the best context so as to make the addressee accept the information conveyed by the advertisement.


  • 主要讨论了构成社会语境要素场合听者主题媒介语言交流过程中对语言变体选择影响

    Focus is put on the influence of the four major elements of social context (situation, hearer, subject matter, and medium) on the selection of linguistic varieties in verbal communication.


  • 翻译褒贬含义词语时,根据语境的提示进行选择,要以原文立场标准。

    The choice of translation of commendatory and derogatory term should be according to the context, and from the point of the original.


  • 语言使用者交际过程做出具体语言选择为了顺应语境

    During the process of choice making, language user has to adapt to communicative context.


  • 单位一定的语法结构内可供词语选择空间很大,具有开放性动态性形成语义、语法和语境的结合体;

    Multi-word units are dynamic and open to many choices of lexis in a specific grammatical structure and form a unity of semantic meaning, grammatical rule and pragmatic context.


  • 语境制约话语意义左右语言选择

    The meaning of the speech and linguistic choices are restricted by contexts.


  • 因此蓄意歧义作为一种具体语言选择语言使用者动态顺应语境因素从而实现交际目的的结果。

    Intentional ambiguity as a linguistic choice is the result of language users 'dynamic adaptation to contextual factors so as to achieve their purposes.


  • 语境词汇选择后的理解影响较大

    One's native language has great effect on speech perception ability.


  • 翻译策略选择译者交际语境主动顺应被动顺应相互交织的结果。

    Therefore, in a sense, a translator's adaptation in the selection of translation strategy is made both actively and passively.


  • 分析表明会话双方的权势关系制约说话者选择冲突性话语回应策略重要语境因素

    The analysis shows that the power relation between the interlocutors is an essential contextual factor that constrains the speaker' s options of response strategies.


  • 本文介绍扩展函数关系数学描述建立相应的语境模式进行复杂语境的译文选择方法

    The thesis also introduces the mathematic representation of extended functional relations, and constructs a contextual pattern database to process the problem in a more complex context.


  • 语境分析,理解原文时选择词义、确定语意、对等文体、吻合意境等方面起到重要作用。

    Aided by the context, the proper meaning of words could be comprehended, and the intention of the writer could be understood.


  • 结果表明,不同转体选择作为一种策略物理世界社交世界、心理世界等语境因素以及具体的交际目的进行顺应的结果。

    It holds that the choice of different vehicles, as a pragmatic strategy, actually results from the interadaptation with language users' physical world, social world and mental world.


  • 对于蓄意歧义语境顺应研究使得我们从中得出一个结论,即,对于蓄意歧义的选择实际上也是语言顺应结果

    The scrutiny of the contextual correlates adapted to by intentional ambiguity enables us to conclude that the choice of intentional ambiguity is, in effect, the result of linguistic adaptation.


  • 特定情景语境制约下,通过对语潜势三个层次选择可以生成不同的语类。

    Determined by context of situation, different genres can be generated through choices in the three levels of genre potential.


  • 语境相关成分结构顺应对象随时变化,这决定顺应动态性是整个选择过程核心

    Since contextual correlates of adaptability and structural objects of adaptability are in constant change, dynamics of adaptability is bound to be the core of the whole process of choice-making.


  • 结果发现,词类歧义解决并不延迟句法类别分配,而是受到其不同用法相对频率语境偏向性的影响,即时选择某种用法。

    The results suggested that disambiguating was not delayed, on the contrary, it was affected by relative frequency and context bias immediately.


  • 哈桑语类结构潜势理论针对柜台服务商业语篇结构成分顺序选择没有涉及文化语境的制约下各种类的生成

    Hasan's GSP only focuses on options of structural elements and their sequences in counter-service business genre, without study the generation of various genres in context of culture.


  • 双重文本的运用是为表明马尔克斯拉美历史神性认识思考拉美西方神学语境中的处境选择

    The double versions show Marquez's godlike understanding of the history of Latin American and his thinking on Latin America's plight and options in western theology.


  • 我们根据话语标记语所处语境来从中选择最恰当处理方法

    We should, according to the context in which a discourse marker lies in, adopt one of these methods to pursue the perfect treatment.


  • 翻译作为跨文化交际桥梁要求译文选择要顺应不同文化语境

    As the bridge of intercultural communication, translation requires constant language choosing according to different context of culture.


  • 翻译作为跨文化交际桥梁要求译文选择要顺应不同文化语境

    As the bridge of intercultural communication, translation requires constant language choosing according to different context of culture.


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