• 就是奇妙之处,发现

    That's the wonder of poetryyou're always discovering something new.


  • 最后粗鄙的乡村青年:“起身抖抖披风明天森林牧场去。”

    At the very end of the poem, the uncouth swain, "rose, and twitch his mantle blue, tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new."


  • 对于这个释义的第一例证来自一个僧侣的另一首

    The first citation for this new perspective comes to us from yet another monk writing yet another poem.


  • 干草味道那些乡村度过田园样的夏季与那些被迫农场时间按劳动的人激发不同情绪来。

    The smell of newly mowed hay will conjure up different emotions in someone who spent idyllic childhood summers in the country and someone who was forced to work long hours on a farm.


  • 你们可以回忆一下其中叶芝想象一个世界,那世界鲜血里开辟。

    You can look at it with those poems in mind where Yeats imagines a new world coming into being, ushered in through the blood of the old.


  • 1962年6月告诉朋友说:“开始写作了。”真正写作。我看看写的

    By June 1962 she could tell a friend: "I'm writing again." Really writing. I'd like you to see some of my new poems.


  • 所以伯比莉女士考虑用巨大的,高科技叶片来代替,叶片将笼罩酒暗(荷马曾用词,意即深深的大海-译注),这成为一个旅游景点不过有荷马赞美来赞美它们行。

    Miss Birbili thinks giant, high-tech blades, looming over the wine-dark sea, could become an equally welcome sight. But it may be a while before a new Homer hymns them in verse.


  • RootViewController 之后会重载入带有数据十四行

    The RootViewController then reloads the table of sonnets with the new data.


  • 散文咒语就是可以荣曜一个偶发事件序列,让人们经历相对光明的偶发事件。

    Prose incantations can accolade a new sequence of happenstance that is lighter to experience.


  • 我们看到本身是一个预期斗争18世纪面具标题最终出现

    And we see in the poem itself an anticipation of the struggle that results eventually in the eighteenth century in the new title of the mask.


  • 这个没有提供信息但是前面散文相匹配的。

    The verses do not furnish us with fresh information but deal with what is found in the foregoing prose passages.


  • 将流传,赋予生命

    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


  • 传播起源同步古已有之现象系统研究却是一个比较热门话题

    Poetry transmission and the origin of poetry are synchronous and ancient phenomenon, but the discussion and study of it is a new hot issue.


  • 通过一般语言幽默战胜死亡邪恶船长不仅乱世中生存下来,而且应用内在力量——想象尊严建立了一种生活

    Using his lyrical language and humor to triumph over death and evil, Skipper not only survives in the imposition of chaos but also creates a new life with the power insideimagination and dignity.


  • 由此,本文尝试叙事学理论应用到叙事翻译实践中,旨在翻译实践和翻译批评提供一种视点。

    From this point, the thesis attempts to apply the theory of narratology to the translation practice of narrative poetry, aiming to propose a new method to the poem translation practice and criticism.


  • 1983年后讨论基本结束,对舒婷研究渐渐剥离出朦胧解读的基础上进入阶段

    After 1983, the discussion ended mainly and the research changed from her hazy poems into a new stage on the basis of comprehension.


  • 作为加坡五月生代代表,其一定程度上代表了加坡五月社同仁的审美取向并预示着方向。

    As a representative of the new generation of May Poem League, he, to some extent, enables his works to embody his contemporaries' aesthetic orientations and open up new prospects.


  • 辞去了研究分析的工作,在马达加斯加创建了自己的社会企业开始了人生征途。

    He has quit his job as a research analyst and found a perfect new start setting up his own social enterprise in Madagascar.


  • 最后,将米开朗基罗一生创作地十四行分为三个时期来论证柏拉图主义这位巨人艺术创作所带来巨大影响

    Finally, the paper refers to the Michelangelo's sonnets which are roughly grouped into three periods, and they demonstrate the infection of Neoplatonism to this giant's artistic creation.


  • 但丁经典第二部分提出意大利以及一个散文翻译通过背景寓言评论陪同

    The second part of Dante's classic is presented in the original Italian as well as in a new prose translation, and is accompanied by commentary on the poem's background and allegory.


  • 所以宝宝博客发表打油创作历史还是源远流长

    So, little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new, but the verse of the history or the long-standing.


  • 理论体现儒学中理学歌、哲学与文学冲突融合

    His poem and poetry theory embodied the conflict and merger between New-Confucianism and literature.


  • 我院采用SA型消毒液(灭菌王)术前取代传统酒精洁尔灭泡手。

    The introduction of SA Shileshi disinfectant for hand brushing before operation replaced the traditional alcohol and bromogermine disinfectant for hand immersing.


  • 朦胧传统精神复苏”而非“美学原则的崛起”。

    Misty poetry is the resuscitation of traditional poetics, by no means of new esthetics principle growing up.


  • 朦胧传统精神复苏”而非“美学原则的崛起”。

    Misty poetry is the resuscitation of traditional poetics, by no means of new esthetics principle growing up.


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