• 一些年轻诗人告诉他们在初中时候便读到他们自己的写作造成的冲击影响

    Several young poets told me that they first encountered my poetry when they were in high school and that it had a big influence on their own writing.


  • 诗人抹去生命界限不再仅仅审美形式同时也是诗人燃烧生命一种途径方式

    The poet erases the demarcation lines of life and poem: the poem is no longer only a kind of aesthetic form, and a route and way that the poet burns the life at the same time.


  • 为了表示仙女未泯爱情月桂树作为他最喜爱树种决定作为一种对荣誉威望奖励,把它授予那些永恒的诗人流芳百世的

    To show his undying love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree and should be the prize of honour and fame for deathless poets and poetry .


  • 尔顿的惑众谣言似乎依附诗人女作家心中的幽灵,她们弥尔顿身上发现力量男性力量本身是同源的。

    Milton's bogey seems to be the specter hovering over women poets or women writers who may find in Milton an identification of poetic strength with masculinity itself.


  • 认为诗人吐出,是诗人梦幻灵魂真实体现

    He thinks that poetry is the blood vomited by the poet, and it is the complete embodiment of poet's spirit and illusion.


  • 其中许多提及江湖诗人交游情况,颇有助于我们更好地研究陈起作为一个出版家选题出版思想

    Especially those poems referring to the associating with other poets of Jiang Hu poem Group can help us with the study of Chen's theory about publishing and edit.


  • 诗人自我表现张扬,创造原动力

    The motivation of the creation of poetic beauty is the poet's self-expression and development.


  • 孟浩然唐代著名诗人作者李白友谊深厚。

    Meng Haoran was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty and a close friend of the author of the poem, Li Bai.


  • 摘要英国玄学派诗人奇特手法奇思妙著称

    The Poetry of the representative metaphysical poet John Donne is famous for his singular techniques and conceits.


  • 白居易一生写下了数百首精妙,这些表明了诗人结下的非同寻常缘分,同时还揭示诗人复杂内心世界

    Bai Juyi produces hundreds of fine poems concerning drinking in his life which reveals the unusual fate between the poet and wine and which discloses the complicated inner world of him.


  • 作为诗人,池田和义先生发表了大量出版许多个人如《万物语》、《和平之歌》等等,同时也发表许多关于文学方面论著。

    As a poet, he has publicshed many poems and poetry books. For examples: Poems on love and peace; Poems on the heart of creation, He has also publicshed a number of essays on poetry.


  • 两个译本为例,阐述了戏剧独白特性,戏剧性、诗人独白者的距离性以及口语性。

    This paper discusses the two translated versions from three points of view, that is, dramatic nature, the distance between the poet and the monologist as well as colloquialism.


  • 重要交融结合的过程中,诗人个性以及这些饮酒背后所蕴含深层哲学意蕴更令我们敬佩

    But the most important is that, in the combination of wine and poem, the beauty of his personality and the profound philosophy embodied in the poetry earn deep admiration of his readers.


  • 奥西曼迭斯”这首创作缘由很一般:雪莱他同在马洛朋友贺拉斯·史密斯—他一位快乐伦敦股票经济人,同时也是一位诗人

    The origins of "Ozymandias" were humble: a playful contest with a friend, Horace Smith, a jolly London poet-stockbroker, who was staying with Shelley at Marlow.


  • 杜牧(803—852)唐朝著名诗人抒情浪漫绝句最为人所称道。

    Du Mu (803-852) was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty and is best remembered for his lyrical and romantic quatrains.


  • 诗人深受德国中国古典影响,以叙事表现技巧,把的境界意美个人化情感抒发巧妙结合,展示诗人青春时代独有生命体验

    Deeply impacted by German rumor and Chinese classic poem, the poet combined the beauty of poetry with his personal feeling to express his particular experience in youth.


  • 艺术渊源主要在于,另外还受到齐梁宫体以及诗人李白影响,从而形成了白居易有异的风格。

    Yuan Zhen's poems were closely connected with the poems of Du Fu, and benefited from the poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties and from Li Bai...


  • 艺术渊源主要在于,另外还受到齐梁宫体以及诗人李白影响,从而形成了白居易有异的风格。

    Yuan Zhen's poems were closely connected with the poems of Du Fu, and benefited from the poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties and from Li Bai...


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