• 计算机仿译词计算机很有特色一部分

    The loan translation of computer is a characteristic part in the computer words.


  • 字面上有意义并不一定就是音意兼外来

    It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration .


  • 没有中文说明中国文化内没有类似“”的作风态度

    The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture.


  • 不是当句,而是保留语言风格力量分量不是数量译词

    Translation is not a work of word by word, while the genre and strength of the language should be stressed over the quantity of the words used in the process.


  • 该方法利用语言不同语义目标文的单义同义集合,定义构造等价伪译词

    EPT is constructed by using non-ambiguous words of target language, which is semantically equivalent to the source ambiguous words.


  • 利用平行语料库自动获取汉语译词无论是编撰还是自然语言处理领域都有着广泛应用

    Using JapaneseChinese parallel corpus to retrieve the Chinese equivalents automatically is generally applied not only in editing dictionaries but also in the field of natural language processing.


  • 文章通过对该书内容结构特点分析提出《外国史略》马礼逊父子先后接续完成的一部世界史。

    By the analysis of its content, organization, characteristics and translation of words, the article points out that the authors of Concise Foreign History were Robert Morrison and his sons.


  • 信息网络发达当今社会汉语流行语早已频频出现日本大主流媒体以及国内日语刊物网站上。

    In such a society with advanced information network, the translation of Chinese catchwords has frequently appeared in the mainstream media, magazines in Japan and Japanese web sites of China.


  • 本文通过正误对比,着重分析介绍英汉中的难点——习语、典故外来语的注意事项、翻方法美学特征

    By comparing the right and wrong translations, this paper introduces the methods and aesthetic features when translating English idioms, allusions or alien words into Chinese.


  • 实际过程中,最先遇到的、同时也是大量的工作,就是汉语确定选择适当的表达原文一种重要技巧

    The most knotty problem which is faced by translators in their practice is to determine and choose a Chinese expression for the given word in an original, it is a very important translation skill.


  • 垃圾是哪个对应过来??“不能集中注意力工作,从而导致监狱费用紧张。”这个哪一句过来的?prison-wardercolleagues 的工作是keepingtheir charges(就是指罪犯)under control,但书呢他们来说是个distraction,orworse.

    But for Mr Steinberg’s tough prison-warder colleagues it is a distraction, or worse, from the job of keeping their charges under control


  • 注释:在马约卡(地中海西部西班牙的个大岛屿)一家店里两个招牌上的英文,原意"能标准英语""我们能说美式英语",无论是拼法、语法还是的用法上,都因受当地语言习惯的影响,使说英语的游客难以明白其意思。 因而成了"林迷途"主题中能说明问题的例子。

    All this global gabble is best summarized by two signs in a Majorcan shop entrance: "English well talking"and"Here speeching American".


  • 关键批评;翻标准传统当代理论哲学途径

    Key words: translation criticism; translation criteria; traditional translation studies; contemporary translation theories; philosophical approach to translation studies.


  • “极大的”希腊文“υπερβαλλω”一,英文里“hyperbole”(夸张)就是从这个

    The word "surpassing" is "huperballo" inthe Greek, which is where we get the word hyperbole.


  • “极无比”希腊文“βαροζ”,有意思其它五个用到这个地方指的是负面的负担。

    Funny that the 5 other places the Gk. word for"weight" or "outweighs" (NIV) is used are all negative connotations ofburden.


  • 新约里,“肉身希腊文“σαρξ”,这个在《新国际版》(NIV)里有二十三成“sinfulnature”(罪性),罪性所固有的。

    In the New Testament the word "flesh" is "sarx" inthe Greek and is the same word the NIV translates as "sinful nature" 23time, so inherent is the sinful nature to humanity.


  • 我们大力发扬求真务实,勇于创新精神。(省没有实际意义)。

    We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality, truth-seeking and courage in innovation.


  • 英语文学作品常见一种修辞格本文修辞作用及其结构进行了分析寻求、拆、增相应的汉对策

    Oxymoron is a common rhetoric means in English literary works. This is to analysis its rhetoric function structure, and to explore the corresponding translation strategies to Chinese.


  • 我们没有意识工作提供心理满足程度究竟有多大,这种满足充实生活空虚生活区分开来。(增,定义从句,写作)

    We are not conscious of the extent to which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.


  • 这些连同笔记本里。

    Write these words in your notebook together with their meanings.


  • 本文研究范围局限在形容重叠上,主要研究汉韩过程中形容重叠式韩国语中的对形式

    The paper's research scope is the overlap of adjective. To research the corresponding form of overlap pattern in the process of Chinese-Korean translation.


  • 这个法,众家已有种种表达:造作、合成、活动过程力量化合组成、制造、决意、协同构造

    Translators have rendered the word in many different ways: formations, confections, activities, processes, forces, compounds, compositions, fabrications, determinations, synergies, constructions.


  • 置疑,有针对性练习有利于熟悉掌握语言语法基础上进行对,比较两种语言差异。

    A masterwork, targeted word, sentence translation exercises to familiar with grasp language in grammar basis to translate, pare the two language differences.


  • 作者建议英文品牌名称应分源本身有无意义进行研究,音应当被试视角进行操作化。

    The author suggests that we should study this project according to semantic meaning of English brand name, and phonosemantic methods should be manipulated from subject's view.


  • 本文首先将古诗出现色彩分为修辞性色彩修辞性色彩,然后结合许渊冲先生的美”探讨它们在中的处理。

    The color words in ancient poetry, divided into rhetorical ones and non-rhetorical ones, are explored from the perspective of Xu Yuanchong s theory of Three Beautifulness when translated into English.


  • 单位短语、小复句

    The unit of complete translation includes the word, phrase, clause, multiple sentence and sentence group.


  • 英语广告原则——功能对等存在、意弥补法。

    There is a principle of the translation of English advertisementfunctional equivalence, and there are three approaches, namely, the literal approach, free approach and complementary approach.


  • 第二论述AA式形容重叠文中的主要对AA式作状语定语谓语的对情况进行了分析

    Chapter Two introduces the situation of AA-style in the translation, mainly analyzes the situation in translation when AA-style as adverbial, attribute, predicate.


  • 第二论述AA式形容重叠文中的主要对AA式作状语定语谓语的对情况进行了分析

    Chapter Two introduces the situation of AA-style in the translation, mainly analyzes the situation in translation when AA-style as adverbial, attribute, predicate.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定