• 作为回报,这个男生公司手上奔驰标志并赞助——F1赛车广告一样。

    In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on itjust like the adverts on F1 cars.


  • 首先被磨肉末然后蒸煮烤箱中烘烤;烤箱一个水泥搅拌器一样倾斜着这样可以肉汁流走。

    It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.


  • 接下来空气中添加湿气,很简单炉子一个水壶并且沸腾

    Follow up adding moisture to the air by simply placing a large pot of water on the stove and letting it simmer.


  • 很喜欢一切都保持在最低需求睡觉地方以及一个衣服的地方。

    I love the way it requires one to boil things down to the essentials: a place to sleep, and a place to store clothes.


  • 对于重要东西不要在让它打扰你的心

    Theun important stuff won’t bother you anymore and your mind will feel lessencumbered.


  • 这儿有一我们可以合理地,不管铝条水平置-,还是平躺-,或是,其实长度是一样的。

    I have here an aluminum bar and I make the reasonable, - that when this aluminum bar is sleeping — - when it is horizontal — that it is not longer than when it is standing up.


  • 可以这里,桌子,着手提包

    I might as well put it here and let the table just hold that briefcase for me.


  • 活塞重物的效果刚好,等同于压强

    We have a weight on the piston, and that weight is chosen so that p2 it acts as though p external is equal to p2.


  • 炉火旁沉默中静静地了一分钟,然后来到门边呜呜叫着出去

    After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out.


  • 这次经验学会到,对于某些事情,我们最好还是它放一边、什么也不要说、让它过去

    I've learned through this experience that there are some things that are best just left alone, unsaid, and in the past.


  • 着,为的是出去

    He was barking for someone to let him out.


  • 不得不带到当地一个店铺缝隙里面些东西变得窄一些。是不是给我的卖主忘记了把弄窄了呢?(不知道“”是个什么东西。)

    I have to take it to a local shop to have them put fill in the gap to make it narrower. Did the vendor forget to narrow it?


  • 把酒架子上一个星期好澄清。

    Leave the wine on a shelf for a week to settle it.


  • 如果抓住并且别的地方的话,孩子们很高兴的,”,“你可以小湖附近富人房子。”

    "The kids would love it if you caught it and let it go someplace," he says. "you could let it go down by the lake by the rich people's houses."


  • 根据土著美国人传说如果夜里的上方一个捕梦网会捕捉所有好梦留下。

    Well, according to Native American legend, if you place a dream catcher over your bed at night, it catches all the bad dreams... And it lets in only the good ones.


  • 简洁设计修长款式处处立自如。

    Its simple design and slim format allow it to fit in just about anywhere.


  • 这么小体积反应很快,因而是用于微小元件理想选择。

    The low internal volume results in quick responsiveness which makes it perfect for use in applications picking and placing small components.


  • 但是然后如果应该汽车必要的一个出租汽车驾驶员另外的一个方法件事物哪一个英国似乎表示特别才能

    But then if I were a taxi—driver I should find a car essential. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular talent;


  • 个技术产品做到人一知道该点弄哪,什么什么三下两除二,所有的会用到的功能都没有多余的,实用简洁,每天都会用到。

    So, a good design makes a product speaks by itself with the least education. Look at it and you know what to click for what you need. Simple, easy, for every day.


  • 个技术产品做到人一知道该点弄哪,什么什么三下两除二,所有的会用到的功能都没有多余的,实用简洁,每天都会用到。

    So, a good design makes a product speaks by itself with the least education. Look at it and you know what to click for what you need. Simple, easy, for every day.


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