• 语言说出过程话语有目的的能动主体,会最终与自己的意愿不相一致,某种意义上讲,种削弱破坏作用。

    It speaks in other words as the moment in which the purposeful agency of speech is finally called into question in a certain sense undermined.


  • 有时人们会在了关于朋友家人事情感觉很后悔因为伤害了他们感受。或者,他告诉别人一些原本期望说出事。

    Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person's feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.


  • 志愿者们要求说出脸部表现出情绪

    Volunteers were asked to tell what emotions the faces were showing.


  • 出剧,很高制作水平。(就像同行布莱恩·根评论的,是一流导演手笔。)

    It has high production standards too (as my colleague Brian Logan observes, it has the benefit of a top-rank director).


  • 指着说出这样的话:“片云我们身边降落,我们吞没,装进的肚子,然后慢慢消化掉。”

    He pointed to a cloud and said something like: "When that touches down, we will become engulfed in its insides." It will digest us.


  • 一定数量控制着均匀同一方向移动测试要求简单的说出认为这些点的移动方向是向左还是向右。

    A controlled number of these dots are purposely moving uniformly in the same direction, and the test subject simply has to say whether he believes those dots are moving to the left or right.


  • 试验中,他们要求说出一部曾经舒服观影经历的电影名称

    They were asked to come up with the name of a movie that made them really uncomfortable.


  • 电脑可能扣押也可能带上法庭强迫说出持有随机密钥

    Your computer might be impounded, and you might be taken to court and compelled to reveal who has the random key.


  • 几年女儿诊断出患有白血病

    He said that several years back his daughter had been diagnosed with leukemia.


  • 日本内阁大臣町村信孝名位于福岛县男子山体滑坡所掩埋丧生,另有名家岩手的男子重出房门不慎卡车撞死。

    Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said one man was killed when he was buried in a landslide in Fukushima Prefecture and the other was struck by a truck when he rushed out of his house in Iwate.


  • 负责世界克隆项目李秉春教授说:“马琳拥有超凡癌症探能力,希望克隆出的也具备这种能力。”

    "Marine has excellent characteristics for cancer sniffing and I hope the cloned dogs have the same characteristics," said Lee, who previously headed world's first dog cloning project.


  • 出去吧就说出话来。众人都希奇,在以色列中,从来没有这样的事。

    And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, it was never so seen in Israel.


  • 实际操作中减少刺激物之间区别-说出两个球哪个比较-直到区分出来。

    This is done by decreasing the differences between different stimuli - say the weight of two balls - until the participant can no longer tell them apart.


  • 比方说,GAO磁带中没有说出那些假冒致电者咨询公司名称结果所有这些公司带来了一拉平效应,让它们统统混为一谈。

    The GAO tape, for instance, doesn’t name the companies its fake callers are consulting. The result is a flattening effect that conflates all the companies with each other.


  • 比如说要求说出尽可能多一个字母开头的时,女性通常男性说的

    For example, when asked to list as many words as possible that start with a particular letter, women usually come up with more than men.


  • 人们过了41,我们终于可以自由说话.我们阻止说出我们所相信,任何形式自由.』

    People say 'We're finally free to speak, after 41 years. We were prevented from saying what we believed, or any sort of freedom whatsoever.'


  • 然而一旦说出咒骂言语大多数老板都会做出相同反应:“解雇了!”

    But once curse words come out, most bosses will have the same response: "You're fired!"


  • Ellison男朋友诊断出罹患结肠癌Kinburn

    Ellison's boyfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer, Kinburn said.


  • 芸芸众生的心声彻底地说出粉碎我们心中那些进行一定掩饰东西

    You speak out all our voices and break up the things that we want to gloss over.


  • 说出东西只要亚马逊流媒体服务中存在通过Google的Chrome浏览器带到亚马逊站点,并播放想要看到节目视频

    So say you want to watch something that only exists on Amazon's streaming service. You'll be taken to Amazon's webpage through Chrome, where the video will stream.


  • 卡拉斯拒绝说出哪一品牌活力饮品用于研究

    Kalus declined to say which brand of energy drink was used in the study.


  • 能够揣测爱人情绪了解她们担心弱点而后说出合适的话她们感到安全保护欣赏

    He is able to gauge his lovers' emotions, know their fears and weaknesses, and then say just the right thing that will make them feel safe, protected and appreciated.


  • 托马斯,“多重证据商业交易显示指控球员可能出现聚会

    Thomas said "multiple witnesses and a commercial transaction" indicated one of the charged players was not at the party.


  • 视频最后总结说,“尽管橡胶聚合物分解,但身体完全可以这一团口香糖清除出消化系统,‘’,只要一两天时间。”

    The video concludes 'even though you don't break down the rubber polymers, your body has no problem moving that lump of gum through your digestive system and out the other end within a day or two.


  • 状态对象不变的就是说一旦创建不能或者重建。

    A state object is immutable, that is, once it is created it cannot be changed without being destroyed and recreated.


  • 状态对象不变的就是说一旦创建不能或者重建。

    A state object is immutable, that is, once it is created it cannot be changed without being destroyed and recreated.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定