• 认作客户程序方案(参见9)。

    This is known as the Client scenario (see Figure 9).


  • 这次停工环境可能好事,被认作是一个标志性转变

    That is probably a good thing for the environment; but it also marks a symbolic shift.


  • 另外龙认作古代农业文化的重要元素之一——掌管降雨神。

    It is also regarded as the deity in charge of rain, in ancient agriculture.


  • 问题这时出现了,这时人们可以说这些模仿可以认作是说话

    The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.


  • 四个叶片三叶草被认作幸运象征相传夏娃出了伊甸园

    The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old. According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden.


  • 如果协议两种以上语言其中的英语被认作指令性语言。

    If this Agreement is written in two or more languages, the English text thereof shall be deemed to be authoritative.


  • 现在没有认作经济衰退人们仍然希望我们在2008年不会经历经济衰退。

    Now it still hasn't been identified as a recession and some people are still hoping that we won't have a recession in 2008.


  • 也就所谓充足理由简单意义,这一思维规律宣称,事物本质必须认作是中介性的。

    This is the plain meaning of the Law of Sufficient Ground is that things should essentially be viewed as mediated.


  • 呼啸山庄》,艾米莉勃朗特唯一部小说被认作文坛的奇迹伟在文学作品之一

    Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's only novel, is one of the great curiousities, and is one of greatest masterpieces of literature .


  • 这个世界可以认作无限多偶然事实聚集体,也可以被认作是无限多有目的相互关系的聚集体。

    And this world may be regarded in two ways: first, as a collection of innumerable unconnected facts; and second, as a collection of innumerable facts in mutual relation, giving evidence of design.


  • 最初这些语句记录中的,而记录下的一个条款并且被认作是事实,当然毋庸置疑的就事实

    Originally the word consider was used in bookkeeping. It is a term used to record and to regard something as true which is in fact true.


  • 英格兰国王(272- 307年),征服威尔士苏格兰作战在295年创立议会有时被认作是英格兰第一个健全议会。

    King of England (272-307) who conquered Wales and warred with Scotland. His Model parliament of 295 is sometimes considered England's first full parliament.


  • 最后不仅片中扮演主角相继拍摄了斯科塞斯的4部电影,2008年拍摄《禁闭》,被认作马丁斯科塞斯的御用演员罗伯特德尼罗的继承人。

    He was not only picked for a major role in that film, but filmed his fourth Scorsese movie, Shutter Island, in 2008, and is often said to have replaced De Niro as Scorsese’s go-to guy.


  • 对比之下,文化课程被认作打开大学大门的敲门砖,取得丰厚薪酬提高国际竞争力关键

    Academic courses that prepare students for getting into universities, by contrast, are seen as the key to higher wages and global prowess.


  • 父母仅仅被认作狼,或者一对狼。

    Wolf parents used to be referred to as the alpha male and alpha female or the alpha pair.


  • 最棒记忆来自1970年世界杯一次震惊世界扑救。戈登·班克斯突出的应变能力以及完美跑位意识广泛认作英格兰伟大的守门员

    Best remembered for a wonder save in the 1970 World Cup, Gordon Banks is widely regarded as England's greatest goalkeeper for his outstanding reflexes and flawless positional sense.


  • 如果概念作为理念的原则当作抽象统一本来应该那样被认作使经过否定过程而回归自身主观性,那么,离你也会只抽象的形式

    It would be an abstract form, only if the notion, which is its principle, were taken as an abstract unity, and not as the negative return of it into self and as the subjectivity which it really is.


  • 如果概念作为理念的原则当作抽象统一本来应该那样被认作使经过否定过程而回归自身主观性,那么,离你也会只抽象的形式

    It would be an abstract form, only if the notion, which is its principle, were taken as an abstract unity, and not as the negative return of it into self and as the subjectivity which it really is.


- 来自原声例句

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