• 那些靡靡不振的鼓声总能来此游玩的游客听到但是游客们通常不到鼓的

    The faint sound of drums are often heard by visitors although not many people have seen the drummer for themselves.


  • 西奥有关的第二大事召入世界杯国家队阵容。记者日夜驻扎我们村里,不时我们

    The next thing we knew Theo was called up for the World Cup squad and we had journalists camping out in our village day and night, knocking on the door.


  • 随后这些具有文化象征意义鸡蛋放在童子尿熟,首先是壳煮,然后蛋壳裂,再放进去煮。整整煮上一夜食用

    Then the eggs - which have official cultural significance status - are boiled in the urine, first with their shells on and then with them off for a day and a night before they're ready to be eaten.


  • 由于车厢空气较差,婴儿气喘,婴儿父亲只得用安全锤砸车门玻璃。

    The father of a baby, who was bothered by the stuffiness, tried to smash Windows to get air into the carriages.


  • 不过人类本性如此,可以确信,讲古英语那些也会骂娘,比如说,他们锤子手指或者粗话时候

    But human nature being what it is you can be sure that people who spoke Old English swore when they hit their thumb with a hammer or when they wanted to say something rude.


  • 第二哈利窗户声音吵醒了

    The following day, a knock on the window woke Harry.


  • 坐在医院检查室里,穿着僵硬的一次性纸质长袍袜子医生护士戳又。 这个一点都不能让人放松

    There's nothing relaxing about sitting in a doctor's examining room, being poked and prodded while you're wearing a stiff paper gown and a pair of socks that suddenly feel super awkward.


  • 不知为何当成了西瓜这种行为攻击一些中国评论者认为西瓜是中国人独有习惯

    But somehow it was taken as an attack on a practice which some Chinese observers regarded as being unique to their national customs.


  • 就拿来说吧,这种认为拜占廷时期用来强大树神得到帮助的方法,今天我们仍然尽管现在几乎没有崇拜树神了。

    Take knocking on wood, thought to date back to pagan rituals aimed at eliciting help from powerful tree gods. We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods.


  • 哈利办公室门,可是开,虽然第二确信听到迅速掐断的留声机声。

    Twice, Harry had gone to his office and knocked, but received no reply, though on the second occasion he was sure he had heard the quickly stifled sounds of an old gramophone.


  • 昨天不料竟会走出武器法院外表皇后费用DMX与宣称 5月大的马里兰男孩父亲父诉讼一起拍击。

    Rapper DMX walked out of a court appearance on drug and weapons charges in Queens yesterday only to be slapped with a paternity suit claiming he's the father of a 5-month-old Maryland boy.


  • 片刻沉默然后牙齿覆以砂砾,然后一个手掌控制台装饰份。

    A moment's silence, then teeth gritting, then a palm pounding an unadorned part of the console.


  • 好吧神父二次世界大战开始时候,一个年轻漂亮的女人免得德国人发现把她藏我的阁楼他们没有发现她。

    Well, Father, at the beginning of World War Two, a beautiful young woman knocked on my door and asked me to hide her from the Germans; I hid her in my attic, and they never found her.


  • 好吧神父二次世界大战开始时候,一个年轻漂亮的女人免得德国人发现把她藏我的阁楼他们没有发现她。

    Well, Father, at the beginning of World War Two, a beautiful young woman knocked on my door and asked me to hide her from the Germans; I hid her in my attic, and they never found her.


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