• 抬起头看见衣服打扮露出不能置信的表情

    She looked up, then did a double take when she saw my dress and makeup.


  • 喜欢电影因为我看人物表情,也不能欣赏对话里的幽默不过喜欢逗乐的形体表演。

    I don't enjoy films because the characters' expressions make no sense and I don't find verbal humour funny, though I do like slapstick.


  • 孤独症人士一般都有交流困难因为我们不能直觉地解读非语言信息- - -比如面部表情肢体语言

    Autistic people often have difficulties in communication because we are unable to intuitively read nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language.


  • 容貌是柔和的,眼睑闭着嘴唇带着微笑表情天上天使不能看来更为美丽

    Her brow smooth, her LIDS closed, her lips wearing the expression of a smile; no angel in heaven could be more beautiful than she appeared.


  • 一些专家由于孩子们在使用社交网络的时候,不能看到对方的身体语言以及脸部表情等,所以很容易造成曲解

    Some experts said that the site provides a skewed view because its users cannot see body language or facial expressions.


  • 阿斯伯格患者对谈话中的双关语感到十分费解,他们对别人面部表情以及说话的语调不能解读。 他们过于钻牛角尖,过于咬文嚼字,以至于常常(并非有意地)得罪他人。

    They find it hard to decipher figures of speech, facial expressions and tones of voice, and are frequently (but unintentionally) concise and literal to the point of rudeness.


  • 他正海狼赖生,从前不能和解憎恨表情,依旧强烈地留在脸上

    He was looking at Wolf Larsen, the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face.


  • 将来不能小孩了。”医生面无表情告诉

    "You won't be able to have children," the doctor told me nonchalantly.


  • 有些精神病患者不能正常地与人进行感情交流科学家认为这种特点有可能回报的渴望过于强烈以及够注意到别人脸上忧虑表情有关

    Psychopaths can't connect emotionally. Researchers have thought that trait may be connected with an outsized drive for reward and an inability to register fearful expressions in others' faces.


  • 很多不能控制命运运作

    Many Major Arcana indicate that the situation is out of your hands: destiny is at work.


  • 但是补充说说明懂得那些情绪表情含义

    But, he added, this did not show that dogs understood the meaning of those emotional expressions.


  • 这个机器人头部可能不能一个真实爱因斯坦那样逼真研究人员也指出机器人的一些表情看起来还有一些笨拙

    The robot head probably isn't realistic enough to pass for a real-life Einstein, and the researchers noted that some of the robot's facial expressions are still awkward.


  • 眼睛颜色暗黑色不能因为瞳孔周围瞬膜显露出来,而影响表情

    The color is dark and the eye does not show a yellow ring or a sufficiently prominent haw to affect the dog's expression.


  • 不过如果穿着它们出现学校里,我不能确定孩子们怎么,”我到,同时在脑海里勾画个79岁的女儿脸上可能出现的惊恐表情

    "I'm not sure what my kids would say, though, if I showed up with them on my feet at school," I said, picturing the looks of horror on the faces of my seven - and nine-year-old daughters.


  • 灰姑娘不能参加宴会因为没有漂亮衣服两个姊姊却漂亮衣服。她们表情愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

    Cinderella a can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


  • 钱德勒想保持正常表情个“没事”的手势很明显不能呼吸

    Chandler tries to save face and makes the 'OK' sign with his hands, while obviously unable to breathe.


  • 如果情感阻尼,你可能不信任别人因为不能阅读别人的面部表情言语情感,”

    "If you have emotional dampening, you may distrust others because you cannot read emotional meaning in their face or their verbal communications," he said.


  • 特别是他们由于疾病不能走动看到他们无助表情只有同情对于这真的很难过的事。

    Especially, it was a sad thing for me that they couldn't move any more because of disease, and I could only watch their helpless expressions with sympathy.


  • 同样记住别人收到讯息不能听到你的声音语调或者看见脸部表情所以确定你的意思表达清楚。

    Also, remember that the person who receives your message cannot hear the tone of your voice, or see the expression on your face, so make sure your meaning is clear.


  • 虽然多表情设定不能灵活的表达多样的情绪颗温暖善良的

    Dov does not express emotions with his face well, but has a warm and delicate heart.


  • 瞳孔周围不能瞬膜显露出来,而影响表情

    The eye does not show a yellow ring or a sufficiently prominent haw to affect the dogs expression.


  • 改变表情不能改变什么

    Changing the Face "can change nothing."


  • 虽然他们不能英语小丑们交流这些孩子们脸上表情写满欢乐幸福语言

    Although they can not be exchanged for English and clown, but these kids face of the expressions of joy and happiness filling the language.


  • 灰姑娘不能参加宴会因为没有漂亮衣服两个姊姊却漂亮衣服。她们表情愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

    Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


  • 特别是德育课堂中,教师通过表情手势姿态等方面显示体态起到有声语言所不能替代的作用

    Through expressions, gestures, and postures, posture language plays an tremendous function in the moral training class, which can not be substitutive by the sound language.


  • 我们不能要求更多宝贵自然表情

    We couldn't ask for a more precious and natural expression.


  • 灰姑娘不能参加宴会因为没有漂亮衣服两个姊姊却漂亮衣服。她们表情愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

    Cinderella can not go to the party because she does not have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


  • 灰姑娘不能参加宴会因为没有漂亮衣服两个姊姊却漂亮衣服。她们表情愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

    Cinderella can not go to the party because she does not have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


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