• 分开之前骗啦怙恃,他就进修艺术中间设计

    Before he left, he lied to his parents that he would go to study at an art center of design.


  • 但是事情开始变有些失控了,大笔现金他那些奢侈债务用于给不靠谱的艺术中间商。

    He was borrowing large chunks of cash to pay off extravagant loans, and brokering iffy art deals.


  • 17世纪时,文艺复兴的思想已经传遍整个欧洲大地,那些具有逻辑情怀的人士中间艺术科学蓬勃发展。

    Renaissance ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 17th century, with the arts and sciences flourishing extraordinarily among those with a more logical disposition.


  • 而且只是电影书籍音乐艺术所有一切都成了多数中间

    And it's not just movies: books, music, art, everything's moved to the great middle.


  • 如果乌鸦没有发明那种强辩到底艺术它们就会处于欣喜若狂实践者中间

    If crows did not invent the art of having the last word, they are among its most ecstatic practitioners.


  • 如何中国社会底层中间进行艺术教育,如何艺术教育改变中国社会底层的命运。

    How to promote art teaching among the lower communication of China and how to make change in lower community via art teaching.


  • 身体穿孔艺术年轻人中间(甚至对个别年长人来说)都时尚前卫流行元素。

    Body piercing is something of a modern fad amongst youngsters (and some oldsters).


  • 延伸单个天窗位于走廊中间,表明时光流逝损伤室内保存珍贵艺术

    A single continuous skylight centered down the middle of the gallery marks the passage of time without harming the cherished art held within.


  • 长期以来那些从事文学翻译中国学者中间存在着一种争论翻译科学还是艺术

    It has been a long-debated issue whether translation is a science or an art, especially among Chinese scholars who are engaged in the study of the translating of literary works.


  • 伦敦世界闻名都会、是英国首都、是金融文化艺术教育中间

    London is the world famous metropolis, is England's capital, is financial, cultural, artistic, the education center.


  • 如果错过了这些创作中的一个,务必提醒但是这件之前确定我已经他们3D涂鸦艺术中间

    If I missed any of his creations, be sure to notify me, but before you do this, check if I already posted them to the " 3D Sidewalk Art" category.


  • 我们上午参观博物馆后来又参观了艺术中间匆匆地了一午餐

    We visited the Museum in the morning and the Art Gallery later, with a hurried lunch between.


  • 我们越来越重视人对自然所造成破坏也许风景艺术这个中间起到一定作用

    It is also increasingly important to understand the damage we are causing to creation and maybe landscape art can play a role in this.


  • 在那里不仅见到游客还有小偷骗子警察他们中间雕像艺术特别的一人。

    Not only can you find tourists there, but also thieves, swindlers, cops... among whom the living statue artists are the most special group.


  • 树是五颜六色艺术调色板各种色彩散乱地搅和一起;低处树明亮的深红色中间鲜艳的黄色、桔黄色交相辉映;树顶上颜色逐渐过渡成葡萄酒红色。

    Like the messy whirl of an artist's palette, the tree Blazed a Bright crimson on its lower Branches, Burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center, and simmered to deep Burgundy at its top.


  • 戴尔剩下11幅作品艺术中间重新分配,这样每位艺术最终都得到了一件独特的作品

    Dale redistributes the remaining 11 collages between the artists, so that each ends up with a unique collection.


  • 我来说当代艺术想法就是通过做艺术这个过程中间获得某些有效信息用到建筑设计

    To me, the process of creating a piece of art is the act of doing contemporary art. The information I've got during the creation, I would use them in my architectural design.


  • 他们中间很多人作品当时只能国外展览上欣赏到,现在终于国内展出受到中国艺术的关注。

    Many works among the artists could be enjoyed in the foreign exhibitions then, at last they are exhibited at home and they are concerned by China art circle.


  • 体系化针对艺术类专业教授教养建筑设计研讨匮乏良多指标依据只能其它类型建筑规范中间接获得

    But the systemic research on the design of teaching buildings for arts department is in lack, and many guideline bases can only be obtained from other types of construction standards.


  • 藏家和艺术利益就是我们利益,我们中间艺术品的价值永远一致的是我们承诺

    The interests of collectors are ours. The value of artworks is always identical, which is our promise for you.


  • 这个称之为外乡中间地带,这个居于有形无形之间的边远之处才是艺术正真的王国

    It's this in-between that I'm calling a province, this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible one which is really the realm of the artist...


  • 这个称之为外乡中间地带,这个居于有形无形之间的边远之处才是艺术正真的王国

    It's this in-between that I'm calling a province, this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible one which is really the realm of the artist...


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