• 为了提高比赛速度,必须训练您自己时间保持某个舒适范围之外配速。

    Training yourself to maintain a pace that is outside of your comfort level for an extended period is so important for fast racing.


  • Webmin真正使得执行系统管理变得那么简单,在浏览器舒适范围内就可以做到。

    Webmin really makes it easy to perform system administration from the cozy confines of your Web Browser.


  • 段关系关于成长、在新的领域冒险的课题,伸展我们自己,不再停留在舒适范围里面。

    A relationship is about growth and taking risks into whole new areas, extending ourself beyond our comfort zone.


  • 随著一直有规律继续这个调音,你发现能量安伏下来或是舒适范围得到扩展然后能力多次

    As you proceed to listen to this Attunement on a regular basis, you will find your energetic nesting or comfort zone expanding, and you will be able to listen to it multiple times.


  • 人们在一定温度范围感到舒适

    There is a range of temperatures for people to feel comfortable.


  • 汽车一样当今大学市场上消费者有着广泛的选择而且人们他们预算范围寻找他们舒适最满意一个

    As with automobiles, consumers in today's college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets.


  • 人们舒适温度范围满意自己效率

    People in their comfort zone of temperature are more satisfied with their productivity.


  • 如果说我们作为个体需要好的推动摆脱自己舒适的话,那么范围更广的组织就更需要强有力的撞击。

    If we as individuals need a good push to get us out of our comfort zones then unwieldy organisations need a mighty shove.


  • 公路赛车不同,驾驶舒适不在方程式弹簧考虑范围阻尼非常确保撞击路面颠簸影响尽可能缓和

    Unlike road cars, occupant comfort does not enter the equation - spring and damper rates are very firm to ensure the impact of hitting bumps and kerbs is defused as quickly as possible.


  • 现代物理学指出我们研究范围舒适日常生活拓展时空极限时,我们许多基本假设不再成立了。

    Modern physics has shown that when we move far from the comfort of our everyday lives to explore the extremes of time and space, many of our basic assumptions start to crumble.


  • 创造这么突破性进展通常需要一个大胆跨越,跨越人们对舒适认识范围到达一个未知区域。

    Creating such a breakthrough often requires a bold leap out of one's comfort zone and into the unknown.


  • 感到力量每一个级别运动员提供能力保持干爽,舒适最佳性能通过他们服装范围任何条件

    Feel the Power provide athletes at every level the ability to stay dry and comfortable, for optimum performance, through their apparel range for any conditions.


  • 单位人员则更多考虑穿戴舒适后背处加增加伏案时上臂活动范围

    Unit personnel should more consider wearing comfort, as in the back with a pleated, increase desk upper arm of the scope of activities.


  • 提高舒适减少这种通用垫子范围风险

    Improve comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores with this range of general-purpose cushions.


  • 预测控制模型应用提高对地板辐射供暖系统的控制精度,使室内温度控制设定范围保证了室内的舒适

    The application of the model can improve the control accuracy of radiant floor heating system, and control indoor temperature within a given range, thus ensure indoor thermal comfortableness.


  • 小汽车满足城市居民出行增多、出行范围扩大,并且要求出行质量提高需要,城市居民带来了便利、快捷舒适

    Private cars can meet the townsman's demand of more frequent egressions, larger extents of egression, and higher egression quality with the result of benefit, convenience and comfort to the townsman.


  • 这些舒适耐用真正魅力现有选择范围谎言

    These shoes are comfortable and durable, but their real appeal lies in the range of options available.


  • 通过运动方程结合人体活动范围得出了作业过程中各百分位飞行员手舒适域。

    We acquire reachable area and comfortable area of pilots via working out athletics equation and movement range of body.


  • 超过三个基本结构东风油罐车开车范围选择提供不同个体之间动态参数水平运动舒适

    Over and above the three basic configurations, Audi drive select provides scope for varying individual parameters between the levels dynamic, sport and comfort.


  • 这个扶手提供了一个舒适自由活动范围可以缓解颈部肩膀手臂肌肉张力

    The arm rests provide a comfortable, free range of motion that can relieve tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulder, wrist, and arm areas.


  • 如果用户允许室内温度舒适范围内有一定波动这种方法将会良好运行能实现自动调节。

    This method works well and auto-controlled if the user allows a certain variation of the room temperature within the comfort limits.


  • 满足舒适条件下探讨置换通风在工程应用时送风参数选择范围

    In a comfortable condition for people, discusses the scope of the breeze parameter of displacement ventilation in engineering applied fields.


  • 应用指标评价了一般空调环境舒适温度范围指出了舒适指标在未来智能空调中的应用。

    The comfort temperature range of a air conditioned room and the thermal comfort index's application on a intelligent air conditioner in the future are also discussed.


  • 空气离子卫生学评价结果,单极系数人体舒适范围,空气质量评价指数达到A级以上,为清洁空气。

    Air ions hygienic evaluation was in the range of comfort, and the air quality evaluation index was up to a grade (the best clean air).


  • 空气离子卫生学评价结果,单极系数人体舒适范围,空气质量评价指数达到A级以上,为清洁空气。

    Air ions hygienic evaluation was in the range of comfort, and the air quality evaluation index was up to a grade (the best clean air).


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