• 家庭餐馆把尚有余温倒入滤网油水混合物自然泄漏容器内

    The mixture of oil and water can naturally leak and is contained in the container after dish residues or residual soup with remaining heat is poured into the filter gauze in families or restaurants.


  • 一个突出趋势是:人为灾难石油泄漏辐射泄漏,造成的心理疾病自然灾害,像飓风,导致的精神压力持续时间更长。

    One clear trend stands out: Mental distress tends to linger longer after man-made disasters, like an oil spill or radiation leak, than after purely natural ones, like a hurricane.


  • 来往频繁油轮使片海域一直处于可能发生石油泄漏高度警戒状态下,世界自然基金会估计未来10里,波罗的海通过的油轮数就可能翻一番

    The area is permanently on high alert for spills because of intense tanker traffic, which the World Wide Fund for Nature estimates could double in the next 10 years in the Baltic alone.


  • 但是如今威胁帝汶石油泄漏最近侵袭希腊的山火以及其它这类人为或者人力助长的自然威胁都是转瞬即逝

    But oil spills of the sort that now threaten the Timor Sea, forest fires like those that recently afflicted Greece, and other man-made and man-assisted threats to wildlife are transient.


  • 科学家们知道那种自然过程需要多长时间不过麦克林博士说视为限制因素,而且在那段时间内,二氧化碳有可能泄漏

    Scientists don’t know how long that natural process will take, but it is considered the limiting factor, according to Dr. McLing, and the CO2 could leak out during that time.


  • 三十年间充满危险自然虐食者泄漏到捕鱼设备纠缠物

    The intervening three decades are fraught with peril, from natural predators to oil spills to entanglement in fishing gear.


  • 的的确确海床中自然溢出原油泄漏运输过程中产生原油要多得多来自南安普顿大学SimonBoxall到。

    Indeed, much more oil seeps from the sea bed around the world naturally than from spills and shipping, says Simon Boxall from the University of Southampton.


  • 石油泄漏破坏自然环境危害公众健康,污染饮用水扰乱经济

    Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt the economy.


  • 采用全尺寸实验方法研究泄漏条件下室内火灾烟气自然充填过程。

    A full-scale experiment was performed in this paper to study natural smoke filling in enclosure with leakage.


  • 使用电脑用户都有自己秘密文件特别是对于商务用户而言自然愿意别人使用自己的电脑,以免造成商业机密泄漏

    The user of use computer has his confidential document, especially to business affairs user character, do not be willing naturally to let others use his computer, lest cause commercial secret leak.


  • 石油泄漏事件频频发生不仅造成重大经济损失而且越来越危害自然环境,人类健康

    The frequent oil leaking events not only cause a great economic damage, but also make a threat to the environment and human's health.


  • 一种称作“生物气法”的技术依靠地下促使微生物自然繁殖分解泄漏石油

    A technique called "biosparging" relies on pumping oxygen underground to help naturally occurring microorganisms multiply and consume oil spills.


  • 油类污染物泄漏排放自然水体中,会造成水体污染,而且严重地威胁人们身体的健康。

    Water will be polluted if oil-pollution leaks or drawn into the natural water, which threatened the health of people . So, it is extremely important to measure the oil-pollution in water.


  • 由于阀座孔在凝结水水位以下,形成水封,水、汽自然分离,达到蒸汽泄漏

    Though there is no condensate water that uses ball-type sealed lever to make the valve clack tightly adhesion to the valve seat, it can prevent the fresh vapor from leakage.


  • 由于种种自然人为原因管道泄漏事故时有发生有时会伴随着巨大生命财产损失环境污染

    Sometimes, however, pipeline leakage takes place due to some natural or artificial damages. Leakage accidents may cause loss of life and properties along with environmental pollution.


  • 可是这会引起很多问题。1996年,海洋皇后号油轮搁浅估计泄漏了70,000原油严重污染了拥有许多宝贵自然资源的威尔士海岸线

    However, this can cause many problems. In 1 996 the ship, The Sea Empress, ran aground spilling an estimated 70,000 tonnes of oil which has contaminated much valuable natural Welsh coastline.


  • 可是这会引起很多问题。1996年,海洋皇后号油轮搁浅估计泄漏了70,000原油严重污染了拥有许多宝贵自然资源的威尔士海岸线

    However, this can cause many problems. In 1 996 the ship, The Sea Empress, ran aground spilling an estimated 70,000 tonnes of oil which has contaminated much valuable natural Welsh coastline.


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