• 自我比较一种行之有效方法

    A more useful way to compare is to just compare yourself to yourself.


  • 除了自我比较,常常感恩帮助降低嫉妒发生几率。

    Besides comparing yourself to yourself it can be helpful to add a regular gratitude exercise to your life to minimize the envy.


  • 还是一个真实自我比较奖金荣誉不争

    Or do a real self better, do not take money, honor indisputable.


  • “将来可以更好”的心态,却是自我比较取得进步的关心——昨天上个月去年比较今天做得有多

    Get-Better mindset leads instead to self-comparison and a concern with making progress - how well are you doing today, compared with how you did yesterday, last month, or last year?


  • 孩子们网上自己他人进行比较,这种方式极大地伤害了他们自我认同感自信心”。

    She said, children compared themselves to others online in a way that was "hugely damaging in terms of their self-identity and confidence".


  • 老二比较多变,然而,老二不可能主动,也其他人焦虑更易自我批判

    The middle child is influenced by many variables; however, middles are less likely to take initiative and more anxious and self-critical than others.


  • 但是我来说比较自我满足大敌

    But for me comparison is the enemy of contentment.


  • 我们持续地自己他人比较时,我们的自我尊重就建立他人更好的基础上。

    When we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, we are saying our self respect depends on being better than others.


  • 我们大多数我们所害怕做的事情时候比较困难原因我们自我意识开始就过度分析所有事情的。

    The reason most of us have a hard time doing what we fear is because our ego gets in the way and we start overanalyzing everything.


  • 研究人员们发现羞愧行为反应中,那些来自个人主义或是重视自我表现西方社会健全的运动员们比较轻。

    The researchers also found that the behavioral response to shame was weaker in sighted athletes from cultures that were individualisticorself-expression valuing”—societies in the West.


  • 研究人员发现羞愧行为反应中,那些来自个人主义或是自我表现价值的西方社会健全的运动员们会比较轻。

    The researchers also found that the behavioral response to shame was weaker in sighted athletes from cultures that were individualistic-or "self-expression valuing" -societies in the West.


  • 容易烦躁自我意识水平测试得分一般会比较这些人一般难以精确监视自己心情情感因而也难以判断自己真正需要什么

    Bored people tend to score low on measures of self-awareness. They find it difficult to accurately monitor their own moods and feelings and hence understand what they truly want.


  • 人们经常犯一些比较错误表现为:事情之前询问获得许可,过多地自我解释——使传达的信息力度被削弱。

    Some of the biggest mistakes women make include asking permission to do things and over-explaining yourself, which can belittle your message.


  • 埃里克同事比较这些自我评价朋友对他们评价时,一些一致区别出现了

    When Allik and colleagues compared what people thought of themselves compared with their friend's judgement, some consistent differences emerged.


  • 这些参数研究网络连接速度比较地区

    Our parameters come from studying regions that have slower connection speeds.


  • 比较努力工作不断提升自我,坐下来休息欣赏一下周围赞美似乎容易一些。

    Instead of working hard to constantly improve, it is just easier to rest and enjoy the congratulations of people around you.


  • 可以肯定随着各家公司直接比较各自设备市场,从而实现自我定位HTML5有望发挥关键性作用

    What's certain is that HTML5 will likely play a pivotal role as companies position themselves vis-a-vis each others' devices and marketplaces.


  • 很多雇佣者的眼里留学生一般都比较具有自我激励能力,独立性很强,喜欢迎接挑战能够解决各种各样的问题

    Through an employer's seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations.


  • 这个看起来比较明显但是另人惊讶是冲一个一下胡子,可以对自信自我形象的感觉大有不同

    This seems like such an obvious one, but it’s amazing how much of a difference a shower and a shave can make in your feelings of self-confidence and for your self-image.


  • KosakRajapakse他们观察的结果与自我组织计算机模型形成的样式进行比较,发现两种数据吻合

    When Kosak and Rajapakse compared the mathematical patterns derived from their observations to patterns produced by a self-organizing computational model of the genome, the datasets fit.


  • 比较倾向维度其余4个维度自我完美主义倾向总体年级上存在显著差异

    Except the tendency of comparing with others, there were significant differences in the other 4 dimensions and total tendency of self-perfection among different grades.


  • 研究人员们发现羞愧行为反应中,那些来自个人主义或是重视自我表现西方社会健全的运动员们比较轻。

    The researchers also found that the behavioral response to shame was weaker in sighted athletes from cultures that were individualisticor "self-expression valuing"—societies in the West.


  • 研究人员发现羞愧行为反应中,那些来自个人主义或是自我表现价值的西方社会健全的运动员们会比较轻。

    The researchers also found that the behavioral response to shame was weaker in sighted athletes from cultures that were individualistic-or "self-expression valuing"-societies in the West.


  • 进入其他-意识自我带离别人比较判断是否次等

    Move back into other-consciousness, and one moves out of comparing oneself to another, or judging one thing as superior or inferior to another.


  • 谢谢这么说真是希望项链衣服比较搭配,希望看起来自我感觉那样

    Thanks. That's kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with? My dress and they both make me look as good as I feel.


  • 根据调查对象物质精神环境自我实现等需要回答进行计数,然后进行比较

    According to the answer of material, mental, environment and self-actualization of the subjects, the answers were counted and compared.


  • 谢谢这么说真是希望项链衣服比较搭配,希望看起来自我感觉那样

    Lily: Thanks. That's kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with? My dress and they both make me look as good as I feel.


  • 没有自尊很多自我他们比较,总要往高一点走;但不要认为我们相当高的自尊,也会产生问题

    Lost self respect has a lot of ego; they become lower and want to be higher. Also don't think we have high self esteem, it will create problems.


  • 没有自尊很多自我他们比较,总要往高一点走;但不要认为我们相当高的自尊,也会产生问题

    Lost self respect has a lot of ego; they become lower and want to be higher. Also don't think we have high self esteem, it will create problems.


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