• 番茄红素溶性必须一定量脂肪一起食用才能身体吸收

    Lycopene is fat soluble and must be consumed with a certain amount of fat to be absorbed by the body.


  • 现在商家正在引进很多无食物他们这些食物有着传统脂肪食物相同味道口感

    Now manufacturers are introducing fat-free versions of various foods that they claim have the taste and texture of the traditional high-fat versions.


  • 棱皮没有它们爬行类动物相似的结构:含油皮肤下面纤维,再下面是脂肪组织

    Leatherbacks do not have blubber, but they do have a reptilian equivalent: thick, oil-saturated skin, with a layer of fibrous, fatty tissue just beneath it.


  • 人体不能排泄甘油三但是分解脂肪。”马洛尼说。

    "The body cannot excretetriglycerides, but fat can be broken down, " says Maloney.


  • 剔除肉食中的脂肪食用乳制品可以降低二恶英化合物接触

    Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds.


  • 主要问题热量因此如果大量脂肪淀粉食物-酸奶黄油土豆比如-或大量的吃他们负荷就会增加

    The main issue is calories, so if you load starchy foods with fat -sour cream and butter on a baked potato, for instance -or eat them in large quantities, the caloric load can add up.


  • 应该警惕食品(乳制品除外),因为食品公司经常通过添加更多弥补脂肪缺少

    You should also be wary of low-fat and fat-free foods (with the exception of dairy products), because food companies often compensate for the lack of fat by adding more sugar.


  • 显而易见,绞细的火鸡肉一种很好的低替代品但是烹饪时肉质会变干,因为脂肪保持蛋白质水份主要成分

    Ground Turkey is an obvious lower-fat alternative, but it dries out when it is cooked since fat is the key ingredient to keep proteins moist.


  • 脂肪提炼后动物沸水表面

    As the fat renders, the tallow will float to the surface of the boiling water.


  • 如果是想它招待客人,那可以尝试一下我们给出蛋奶酒配方-它只有152大卡热量2.7饱合脂肪

    Glass of wine instead, or if you're hosting, try making our lightened version shown here-it has just 152 calories and 2.7g saturated fat.


  • 身体分泌出太多胰岛素会加快热量转化甘油三而这就是身体储存脂肪方式

    When your body secretes too much insulin, it accelerates the conversion of calories into triglycerides, which is how your body stores fat.


  • 相对牛奶,低牛奶更好,因为它们包含所有营养而不脂肪

    Instead of whole milk, use low-fat or nonfat milk, which contains all the nutrients without all the fat.


  • 如果试图降低脂肪摄入,可以去掉整个蛋黄或者份蛋黄,因为蛋黄几乎是100%的

    Discard the yolk or a portion of it if you're trying to lower your fat intake, as the yolk is almost 100% lipid.


  • 大自然为了保护鲸鱼,使不致北冰洋受冻,便让它长了厚厚的脂肪叫做

    To protect the whale form the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber.


  • 此外,骨同样直接脂肪细胞信号使它们释放另一种叫做联素激素联素可使躯体更易受胰岛素影响

    Moreover osteocalcin also sends signals to fat cells directly, causing them to release another hormone called adiponectin that makes the body more sensitive to the effects of insulin.


  • 开始海豚遭受一个创伤比如说被鲨鱼咬了周围就会白的脂肪覆盖受伤区域起到保护作用

    To begin, soon after a dolphin sustains an injury such as a shark bite, surrounding blubber appears to extend a whitish layer over the exposed area to protect it.


  • 听起来很疯狂但是要求从现在开始停止购买标有“低或者“无脂肪”的食品

    It sounds crazy, but I want you to stop buying foods marketed as low-fat or fat-free.


  • 而即使是那些帖了标签,它们中的大多数所含有脂肪几乎冰淇淋差不多,所含的卡路里相当。

    Unless labeled fat-free, many frozen yogurts contain nearly the same amount of fat as a reduced-fat ice cream, as well as the same number of calories.


  • 吸收脂肪组织人体处理这种毒性一种途径

    Absorbing them into adipose tissue is one of the body's ways of dealing with that toxicity.


  • 据说这种含有脂肪水果能力终结非洲饥饿问题水果的48%必需脂肪氨基酸多种维生素甘油三酸组成

    These fatty fruits have been said to have the ability to put an end to starvation in Africa, as 48% of the fruit is made up of essential fatty acids, amino acids, Vitamins and triglycerides.


  • 由于无生命地球上天然有机化学系统很可能形成简单,所以本次古生物工程采用较简单的——主要是普通脂肪

    Because simpler membranes are more likely to have formed from the natural organic chemistry factory on prelife Earth, the protocell project is working on plainer lipids - chiefly ordinary fatty acids.


  • 事实上溶性维生素维生素a,DE,K维生素b12身体吸收最佳方式是以饱和脂肪的形式被吸收。

    In fact, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins a, d, e, K, and B12 are best absorbed by the body in the form of saturated fats.


  • 饮食苏打作为脂肪灌装奶酪牛奶属于一类只限于无味产品。

    And diet soda as a "low-fat filling food"? Cheese and milk also reside in this category - but surely only the tasteless low-fat version.


  • 油腻腻东西便是,便是已经死翘翘脂肪细胞,等同于羊毛它却被冠冕堂皇地用于蜡。

    That sticky substance is sebum, which is made from the delightful recipe of wax and the remains of dead fat-producing cells.


  • 瘦肉、禽类乳品适量含单不饱合脂肪酸脑或多重不饱合脂肪酸的黄油食用油

    Try to include lean meat, fish and poultry, along with low or reduced fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated margarine spreads and oils in your diet.


  • 瘦肉、禽类乳品适量含单不饱合脂肪酸脑或多重不饱合脂肪酸的黄油食用油

    Try to include lean meat, fish and poultry, along with low or reduced fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated margarine spreads and oils in your diet.


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