• 目的研究脂肪酸胆固醇代谢可能分子机制

    Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of the effect of fatty acid on cholesterol homeostasis.


  • 另外胆固醇代谢失调与老年痴呆症肥胖糖尿病存在密切关系。

    Additionally, Alzheimer's disease, obesity and diabetes are also thought to be related to cholesterol metabolism.


  • 结论致石饲料作为一种环境因素能揭示C57LAKR肝脏胆固醇代谢调节基因表达特征。

    Conclusions The lithogenic diet as an environmental challenge unmasked phenotypes of mRNA expression of hepatic cholesterol metabolism regulatory enzymes of C57L and AKR mice.


  • 其他研究报告虽然没有明确表明,但无烟烟草使用或许糖尿病的高风险胆固醇代谢紊乱。

    Other studies, while not definitive, indicate that smokeless tobacco users may have higher rates of diabetes and abnormal cholesterol levels.


  • 结论三产地ANBE都具有较强纠正高脂蛋白血症脂蛋白-胆固醇代谢紊乱抗脂质过氧化作用作用产地间差别不大。

    Conclusion This study indicated that effects of ANBE from three areas on regulation of serumal lipid are obvious, and the effects of ANBE from different areas have no obvious imparities.


  • 酰基辅酶A胆固醇酰基转移ACAT细胞唯一合成胆固醇酶,在细胞生物体胆固醇代谢平衡中起非常重要的作用。

    Acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase(ACAT) is an intracellular enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cholesterol esters from long-chain fatty acyl coenzyme A and cholesterol.


  • 母乳喂养减少一半以上代谢综合征风险如果不治疗包括高血压肥胖胆固醇在内的复杂症候可能导致重大疾病

    Breastfeeding could more than halve the risk of metabolic syndrome, a mix of symptoms including high blood pressure, obesity and cholesterol that if untreated can lead to major illness.


  • 研究者们强调深入研究巨大潜力他们发现其中基因参与一种未知降低有害胆固醇代谢过程

    Highlighting the potential of further study, they found that one particular gene is involved in a previously unknown metabolic process that can lower bad cholesterol.


  • 具备降低血压胆固醇改善代谢的药物,令这一状况看似可以得到控制

    When drugs are available to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and improve glucose metabolism, the situation looks somehow under control.


  • 没有产生代谢综合征妇女一般腹部脂肪更少,“高密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度更高这种胆固醇胆固醇不一样,是起保护作用的。

    Women who did not develop metabolic syndrome typically had less belly fat and higher levels of "good" high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which unlike "bad" cholesterol is protective.


  • 合成代谢类固醇潜在副作用包括高血压胆固醇变动情绪无常粉刺还有过早秃头

    Anabolic steroids' potential side-effects include elevated blood pressure, changes to cholesterol levels, mood swings, acne and premature balding.


  • 细胞种与胆固醇相似经由容纳每一细胞细胞代谢产生热度来持有更高振动脂肪形式所涂层。

    Cells are coated in a form of fat that is similar to cholesterol and holds a higher vibration by containing the heat that each cell produces in the act of cell metabolism.


  • 小鼠糖尿病,、心脏病其他代谢紊乱疾病(即使严重肥胖胆固醇脂肪饮食习惯亦然)产生免疫

    Mice given the drug became immune to diabetes, heart disease and other metabolic disorders even though they were severely obese or had high cholesterol and extremely high-fat diets.


  • 四十年来致力研究胆固醇新陈代谢洛克·菲勒大学研究者Ahrens,是为数不多的对脂肪胆固醇摄取规定反对态度的之一。

    According to Rockefeller University's Ahrens, who has spent nearly 40 years studying cholesterol metabolism, individuals differ greatly in their response to dietary fat and cholesterol.


  • 代谢综合症是对一系列脂蛋白异常情况总称,高血压肥胖症胰岛素抵抗以及会导致心脏病糖尿病风险胆固醇过高

    Metabolic syndrome, a collection of related abnormalities like hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance, and excess cholesterol, poses a major risk for developing heart disease and diabetes.


  • 澳大利亚研究人员认为芒果中分离得到化合物也许能够有助于机体对抗代谢紊乱症状,诸如糖尿病胆固醇症。

    Australian researchers suggest that compounds isolated from mangoes may be helpful in protecting the body against metabolic disorders like diabetes and high cholesterol.


  • 结论处理白酒影响小鼠脑组织自由基代谢胆固醇含量

    Conclusion: the magnetized liquor can affect the metabolism of free radical and the content of cholesterol in the brain of mice.


  • 肥胖其中主要危险因素,这是由于影响胆囊代谢功能,使胆汁胆固醇含量升高消化脂肪

    Obesity is a major risk factor because of how it affects the gall bladder's metabolism, increasing the amount of cholesterol in the liquid bile that helps digest fats.


  • 代谢综合征个体指标中HDL胆固醇唯一一个男性秃顶统计学关系因素。

    HDL cholesterol was the only individual component of the metabolic syndrome that was statistically significantly associated with male pattern baldness.


  • 可溶性纤维能帮助人体代谢脂肪胆固醇碳水化合物降低胆固醇水平

    Soluble fiber helps the body metabolize fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates, and lowers blood cholesterol levels.


  • 背景x受体一种受体,与细胞胆固醇能量代谢有关。

    Background Liver X receptors (LXRs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily which involve in energy metabolism of intracellular cholesterol and glucose regulation.


  • 其他特征不正常血液密度脂蛋白胆固醇高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平甘油三酸脂代谢综合症肉桂提取物不受影响

    But other characteristics of metabolic syndrome, such as abnormal blood LDL or HDL cholesterol levels or triglycerides, were unaffected by the cinnamon extract.


  • 通过灌流方法比较研究仓鼠大鼠代谢异同及仓鼠胆固醇饲料反应

    Using liver perfusion, the lipid metabolism of hamster is compared with rat, and investigated the response of hamster to high-Ch diet.


  • 调整脂质代谢降低血清甘油三酯胆固醇

    Adjust lipid metabolism: lower TG and CHOL in serum.


  • 茶还可以加快新陈代谢、加快胆汁分泌保护肝脏降低胆固醇保护功能加强心脏功能等等。

    Jiang made by Jiang Cha with the promotion of metabolism, promoting bile secretion, protect the liver, lower cholesterol, the protection of intestinal function and promote heart function.


  • 结论C ITP快速灵敏分离定量血清脂蛋白及其胆固醇含量,可用于临床分析脂质代谢异常

    Conclusions CITP is a new method for separation and quantification of serum lipoproteins and cholesterols, and the results may rapidly, sensitively reflect status of lipid metabolism.


  • 怀地黄中含有人体代谢关系密切维生素E胆固醇

    The experiment discovered that, the Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn. ) Libosch, includes vitamin E and cholesterol which have close relations with human body metabolism;


  • 怀地黄中含有人体代谢关系密切维生素E胆固醇

    The experiment discovered that, the Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn. ) Libosch, includes vitamin E and cholesterol which have close relations with human body metabolism;


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