• 因此既然没有留着黑色长发白种女孩就会忽略这些特征通过他记住眼睛鼻子的特征来查找符合的人选。

    Thus, since none of the caucasian girls have long, dark hair, he ignores these characteristics and searches for someone with the eyes and nose he remembers.


  • 不会通过争吵进一步折磨她。

    He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her.


  • 可以通过详细记述尝试使人们正视问题

    He could try to sublimate the problem by writing, in detail, about it.


  • 通过所持有投资者们获利

    He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors.


  • 演示了音频信号如何通过电缆传输失真

    He demonstrated how audio signals could be transmitted along cables without distortion.


  • 肖恩·康纳利坚持通过影片表演自己的特技动作冒险

    Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.


  • 考试没有通过,却没有补考感到烦恼

    He failed his exams and didn't bother about the resits.


  • 这本书有点野心勃勃的书名生命书》,试图表明一个善于观察通过遇到的一切事物进行准确系统考察可以学到多少东西。

    Its somewhat ambitious title was "The Book of Life" and it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way.


  • 先是债券上欺骗投资者然后通过合谋成功操纵钢铁市场发家致富。

    He made his pile first by cheating investors in bonds and then through conspiring successfully to rig the market in steel.


  • 一规则人家什么不是通过准备自己辩护使自己分心

    This rule allows him to hear what people say, rather than distracting himself by preparing his defense.


  • 一个可能会声称通过继承购买拥有土地

    A man may claim that he owns land by inheritance or purchase from some other person.


  • 艾伦讲了凯西怎样逐渐通过哈里读书打破的拒绝的。

    Ellen explains how Cathy gradually broke down Hareton's resistance by offering to teach him to read.


  • 公司为Netflix不是称为“通过邮件租用DVD”,原因的。

    There was a reason he called the company Netflix and not, say, DVDs by Mail.


  • 如果一个人真的,你通过行为感受到不仅仅甜言蜜语

    If someone truly loves you, you will know it by their deeds, not just by their words.


  • 现在时候忘记所有这一切,这位神奇男孩致敬,狄厄尼·索斯一样通过大获成功通过艺术不朽

    It is time now to forget all that and salute the miraculous boy who will triumph over death as Dionysos did, becoming immortal through his art.


  • 好像科学家们不能复制捕获一个详尽的想法比如高空跳伞通过注视思想

    As such, scientists can't yet reproduce or capture an explicit thought like "I want to go skydiving" by peering into the mind alone.


  • 信息可以通过使用激光照射一个离子改变状态写入

    Information can be "written" to one ion by zapping it with a laser to change its state.


  • 通过教你怎样赚钱赚钱的,一些教你怎样销售的课程关于博客平台的一些知识。

    He made that money by teaching you how to make more money through courses like teaching Sells and through selling Wordpress themes like Thesis.


  • 知道,凯文·贝肯本人并不需要认识大部分通过取得联系人们

    Remember that Kevin Bacon himself need not know more than a fraction of the people linking through him.


  • 说:“好的网站,却可以利用这个机会通过互联网发布真实有用信息。”

    Useful sites, however, present "a nice opportunity to get factual and good information through the Internet, " he says.


  • 关于工作效率动力方面的文章读到最好的,也是通过别人怎么赚钱赚钱的。

    He writes some of the best articles I've ever read on topics like productivity and motivation, but he also makes money by teaching you how to make money.


  • 作为一个精明商人个人名义不是通过专利武器制造公司申请专利,保留这些专利权利

    A savvy businessman, he retained rights to these patents, making his applications as an individual rather than through the patent Arms Manufacturing Company.


  • 通过许多CEO讨论然后观察如何掌控局面到了最好通过努力得到尊重不是要讨人喜爱。”

    "After many discussions with my CEO and observing how he handled these situations, I learned that it is better to strive to be well-respected than well-liked," he said.


  • 弗格森声称队伍不会仅仅寻求保卫优势而通过首轮淘汰赛

    Ferguson insisted that his side would not simply seek to defend the advantage gained in the first leg.


  • 因为赛亚确实存在,通过玛利亚存在的,承诺的那样,我们罪恶

    Because the Messiah did come, he came through Mary, and he died for our SINS just as it was promised.


  • 相对很少学术界转换阵地,且,最喜欢业余活动登山通过顽强持续不断的努力取得多个第一

    He moved around the academic world relatively little, and his favourite pastime was mountaineering, in which he achieved a number of first ascents by sheer, dogged persistence.


  • 相对很少学术界转换阵地,且,最喜欢业余活动登山通过顽强持续不断的努力取得多个第一

    He moved around the academic world relatively little, and his favourite pastime was mountaineering, in which he achieved a number of first ascents by sheer, dogged persistence.


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