• 两种构造基本比例惊人的相似

    And the basic proportions of the two structures are surprisingly alike.


  • 而这两种途径儒家思想传播、影响有关

    These two ways were closely related to the spread and the influence of Confucian thoughts.


  • 两种艺术互相关照基础就是内在精神情感

    Motion picture is one of the stars nearby the paintings, the emotion and spirit of mankind is the foundation that connects these two together.


  • 两种形态又切实相互反映着座城市新生衰败

    These two forms really reflect the rebirth and decline in one city.


  • 贯流装置,又齿轮传动方案水力性能

    In the two kinds of the tubular pump sets, the gear box transmission scheme is much better in hydraulic performance.


  • 这两种结构极小时间片段顺序下,趋于频繁分开结合

    But both structures tend to break apart and recombine frequently, on the order of extremely tiny fractions of a second.


  • 方式经常火上浇油往往会造成负罪感或者随后妥协

    Either of these approaches always make a difficult situation worse, often leading to guilt or a later accommodation.


  • 形式融合在一起,成为雪莱单一形式而这两种形式则完全不同

    Now these two forms brought together, synthesized as a single strophic form in Shelley, are coded in entirely different ways.


  • 隐鳃仅有个近亲中国大鲵(上图)日本大鲵,而这两种锐减

    There are only two species related to the hellbender: the Chinese giant salamander (picture) and the Japanese giant salamander, which are also in decline.


  • 变异小鼠显示血管蛋白质水平增高两种血管蛋白出现先兆子痫患者

    The mutant mice also showed elevated levels of two blood vessel proteins that have turned up in pre-eclampsia patients.


  • 段经历使变得节俭坚韧而这两种品质全世界尤其是中国企业家们所必需

    Such memories drove him to be frugal and to persevere-two qualities that are essential for entrepreneurs everywhere but especially in China.


  • 期货市场或是用来进行风险管理或是进行投机交易目的都不需要进行实物交割

    Futures market is used primarily for either risk management or speculation, and neither purpose requires delivery.


  • 生活环境中的大量浮游生物具有脂肪酸氨基酸两种物质又是形成石油基本物质。

    These organisms, living in such waters in enormous quantities, contain fatty acids and amino acids which are the basic material of oil formation.


  • 由于亲属探监具有时效性电话沟通需要监护人员监听两种联系方式不能大量使用

    Because the relative visits prisoners to have the effectiveness, the telephone communication needs the guardianship personnel's monitor, thus these two contact method cannot use massively.


  • 他们向宝宝播放了一段视频,里面三个女人能够说英语法语双语两种都是宝宝们语言

    The babies were shown a video of three women who were bilingual speakers of French and Englishlanguages the babies didn't know.


  • 些大行星就具有大振的波长“正弦波”曲线,而这特性它们能更容易地被观察到。

    They thus have sine waves with large amplitudes and short wavelengths, both of which make them easy to see.


  • 实际上,食谱只是处理饮食中蛋白质碳水化合物的关系,而这两种物质可以平衡健康的饮食来取代。

    It is limited to only processed protein and carbohydrates, which are easily replaceable with a well-balanced, healthy diet.


  • 我国海洋平台A131A537均用LB-52NS焊条焊接这两材料焊接接头强度匹配不同

    The LB-52NS electrode is used in our country to weld both A131 and A537 offshore platform steel, so the strength matching of their welded joints is different.


  • 地区油气层的反射振幅大小是由该区的速度密度决定的,而这两种物性又取决于岩石孔隙度和弹性模量。

    In an area, reflection amplitude depends on velocity and density, which depend upon the porosity and elastic modulus of rocks.


  • 高度抽象思维能力要有高度的形象思维能力,这两种能力正是的左、右脑分别具有优势功能

    He should not only have a high abstract thinking ability but also have the high images thinking ability, with which is the superior function owned respectively by the left and right brain of human.


  • 另外过去一部分石油价格上涨作用消费者负债增加贸易赤字来吸收而这方式都使得美国经济更加脆弱

    Moreover, part of the cost of absorbing past oil-price hikes has been higher consumer debt and a huge trade deficit, both of which make America's economy more vulnerable.


  • 所以英语说话者可以出,“LipRip之间的差别,两种声音英语中对应不同单词

    And so, an English speaker can hear the difference between "Lip" and "Rip" and that corresponds to two different words in English.


  • 普通传动滚筒胶带之间摩擦系数一般为0.25,仿生传动滚筒与胶带之间的摩擦系数0.32以上。

    The friction coefficient between driving drum and belt is about 0.25, while the friction coefficient between bionic driving drum and belt is over 0.32.


  • 美国食品和药物管理局主要关注人们吃到嘴里食物是否有益于健康,新的方式似乎不大可能产生安全食物。

    The FDA is concerned mainly with the healthfulness of what people put in their mouths, and it seems unlikely that either of the new procedures will yield something that is unsafe to eat.


  • 果皮氧剂量是果肉。除此之外,猕猴桃果皮还有抑功效,葡萄球菌大肠杆菌,这两种导致食物中毒

    'the skin contains three times the anti-oxidants of the pulp; it also fights off bugs such as Staphylococcus and E-coli, which are responsible for food poisoning.'


  • 抗体发现之所以重要是因为HIV病毒容易发生变异这两种新抗体可以抵御以任何形态出现的HIV病毒。

    These two new antibody discovery is important because the HIV virus is prone to mutation, and two new antibodies appear to resist any form of HIV.


  • 浆果有时也被称为超级水果”,因为它们大多数含有黄素类黄酮,这两种物质有助于提高记忆力可以让轻易回忆起往事

    Berries are sometimes referred to as “super-fruitsbecause most of them contain fisetin and flavenoid, which are great for improving your memory and allowing you to easily recall past events.


  • 浆果有时也被称为超级水果”,因为它们大多数含有黄素类黄酮,这两种物质有助于提高记忆力可以让轻易回忆起往事

    Berries are sometimes referred to as “super-fruitsbecause most of them contain fisetin and flavenoid, which are great for improving your memory and allowing you to easily recall past events.


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