• 学生自己可能没有意识到,他们毕业时,他们将全球劳动力市场中竞争大学需要加强本科生这些问题认识

    Students themselves, however, may not realize that when they graduate, they will be competing in a global labor market, and universities need to raise awareness of these issues amongst undergraduates.


  • 问题在于,那些竞争挤出市场无利可图公司因为裁员如此存活了下来。

    The snag is that unprofitable companies, which should have been squeezed out by competition, have remained alive because it is so hard to fire workers.


  • 旨在解决这些问题开发系统主要目标增加市场份额

    The primary goal of the new system you develop for solving the problem would be to increase market share.


  • 市场本来可以纠正诸如此类问题

    The market, however, corrects issues such as that.


  • 华尔街灾难提出了与年前金融危机相同问题:这场灾难将会新兴市场带来什么直接影响

    And Wall Street's meltdown raises the same questions as the crises of a decade ago: what will the direct effects on emerging markets be?


  • 选择一款技术产品不会因为市场销售情况购买是根据您的需要以及必须解决问题来购买产品。

    When you pick a technology product, you don't buy it for the marketing. You buy it for what needs and problems you have to solve.


  • 这种说法十分荒谬,因为市场发出了随便任何人都得清楚信号失业不是赤字我们最大问题

    What made this so bizarre was the fact that markets were signaling, as clearly as anyone could ask, that unemployment rather than deficits is our biggest problem.


  • 虽然汇丰一直保持盈利,但自己问题大量业务因为美国住房市场风险敞口受到影响。

    Although HSBC has been able to stay profitable, it has problems of its own in the form of the fallout from its huge exposure to the U.S. housing market.


  • 其它大宗商品形成全球市场碳排放显然也是个全球性问题

    Other commodities have been turned into global markets and this is self-evidently a global issue.


  • 英国正在对抗欧洲严重的体重问题市场只有一种减肥药,因此减肥之战迫切需要新式武器

    With Britain battling the worst weight problem in Europe and just one obesity drug on the market, there is an urgent need for new weapons in the battle of the bulge.


  • 如果商业地产供应过量问题美国住房市场那样严重情况或许要乐观一些。

    If there is a silver lining, it is that the excesses that overtook the U.S. housing market aren't as prevalent in commercial real estate.


  • 如果商业地产供应过量问题美国住房市场那样严重﹐那情况或许要乐观一些。

    If there is a silver lining, it is that the excesses that overtook the U. S. housing market aren't as prevalent in commercial real estate.


  • 此外,现在的AMD还有上面提到的产品信誉问题除了入门级Geode处理器之外AMD从来没有在超便携芯片市场有所作为。

    In addition, AMD has the aforementioned credibility issue because the company never competed in ultramobile space with the exception of its Geode processors on the very low end.


  • 股票市场赚钱不是去在一个智力问题中获胜

    I am in the stock market to make money not to win a puzzle.


  • 最近我们看到全世界严重市场问题可以入侵轻易引发不仅仅是由于故障

    Recently, we have seen significant market glitches worldwide that could easily have been caused by interventions rather than just malfunctions.


  • 廉价房产明显不会大量进入市场时候(下面更多内容关于此),购买问题资产来的更安全的资产转移

    Money that had been raised to buy distressed assets was also switched into safer ones when it became clear that bargain properties were not coming to market in great numbers (of which more below).


  • 如果出于市场调查其他一些理由需要放一些选填内容,我们建议清晰地标注这些问题不是填内容标注出来。

    If for marketing purpose or for some other reasons where optional fields are needed, we suggest to mark optional fields clearly instead of indicating the mandatory fields.


  • 问题在于论证道这些技巧使市场更具风险,不是减少风险。

    The problem, he argues, is that this wizardry has made markets more crisis-prone, not less so.


  • 我们许多业界分析师探讨关于未来潮流问题看起来消费者情愿为了便携性牺牲质量正如现在笔记本市场那样

    We have talked to several industry analysts about the trends, and it seems that consumers are willing to sacrifice quality for mobility, as we see now in the notebook segment.


  • 金融家现在发现自由市场论据越发找,他们自己也已经没有了去怀疑这个问题好处

    Financiers will find the arguments for free markets harder to make now that they have lost the benefit of the doubt.


  • 关系营销试图市场营销当做一个长期关系不是单个交易这个角度来分析这个问题

    Relationship marketing attempts to do this by looking at marketing from a long term relationship perspective rather than individual transactions.


  • 但是问题出现次级房贷市场,人们都看清问题时,结构性产品胃口完全消失整个过程就回来了。

    But once the problems in the subprime market became clear, the appetite for structured products collapsed, and the process went into reverse.


  • 至少英国没有这种存货问题因为严密规划法令防止了新建房屋建筑市场的井喷。

    Britain at least does not have such an inventory problem, because its rigid planning laws prevented a house-building boom.


  • 欧元区债券市场慌乱是因为法国情况接近希腊不是德国一个潜在问题国家并非帮助解决问题的国家。

    To nervous euro-zone bond markets France looks a lot closer to Greece than to Germany: a potential problem country, not part of the solution.


  • 市场没有那么宽容他们不管付出多少努力看你有没有他们解决掉问题

    Markets are less forgiving. Customers don't care how hard you worked, only whether you solved their problems.


  • 市场没有那么宽容他们不管付出多少努力看你有没有他们解决掉问题

    Markets are less forgiving. Customers don't care how hard you worked, only whether you solved their problems.


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