• 他们不停地看上去多么美丽塞萨尔又是如何地幸运

    People kept telling me how beautiful I looked and Cesar how lucky he was.


  • 研究人员旨在鉴别使鱼类失眠基因并不是展示如何最小睡眠的状态下活下去。

    The researchers are working to identify the genes responsible for this fishy restlessness. Not that they’ll reveal how you can get by on minimal shut-eye.


  • 以信息来源开场:当看中招聘广告求职时,明确广告的出处,简要描述如何符合广告所陈述每一条件要求

    Source4 opening.when responding to a job AD, identify the publication in which the AD appeared, and briefly describe how you meet each requirement stated in the AD.


  • 我们最近厄立特里亚加大了努力的力度,该国向世人显示了一个非洲国家如何成功地抗击疟疾方面取得进展的,”南卡尼:“我们正在就在若干国家开展新项目的准备工作进行讨论,这些国家包括赞比亚、布基纳法索以及塞内加尔、加纳和尼日利亚。”

    We’ve recently also boosted our efforts in Eritrea which has shown how successfully an African country can make progress in the fight against malaria,” Nankani says.


  • 年轻人探索他们生命意义时,他们的心灵往往一切可能的选择敞开,像是关于信仰什么如何生活以及——如果一定要这样的话——为了什么献身

    As young people search for meaning in their lives, their minds are often open to all possible choices about what to believe, how to live, and what-if anything-to dedicate themselves to.


  • 传递乐观经验正在经历中的孩子不是如何想念他们。

    Instead of saying how much you miss him, express optimism about the experience your child is going through.


  • 处于停歇的主要感情就像许多父母他们无法理解失去这么年轻生命没有他们如何生活下去

    The paralysis is primarily emotional, like the parents who say they can't comprehend losing so many young lives and how to keep living without them.


  • 随着美国公司学会如何降低生产成本他们就能美国本土生产,不必外包中国国家

    And he says as American companies learn to keep their costs down, they can manufacture at home, instead of outsourcing to countries like China.


  • 如果孩子,‘参加一个聚会’,然后家长'如何知道确实要去那里不是另外的地方

    "If a kid says' I want to go to a party, 'and the parent says,' How do I know you're going there and not somewhere else?"


  • 锻炼我们勇气方法就是一个人积极的话——即使他们如何接受感到不安。

    A good way to train your courage is to say something positive about a person - even if you're nervous of how they'll receive what you say.


  • 通过许多CEO讨论然后观察如何掌控局面到了最好通过努力得到尊重不是要讨人喜爱。”他

    "After many discussions with my CEO and observing how he handled these situations, I learned that it is better to strive to be well-respected than well-liked," he said.


  • 奥德冰岛火山科学家们正在探究另外一个问题——火山爆发如何影响气候不是反过来琢磨这个问题。

    No evidence yet exists. In Iceland, Oddsson said, volcanologists are asking another question - how volcanoes might affect climate, instead of the other way around.


  • 可能希望尽可能关注健康不是纠缠体重,”夏尔博士,“肥胖管理并非只关乎体重上的数值,它关系到如何改善健康。”

    "You might want to focus on being as healthy as you can and not obsess about your weight," Dr. Sharma said. "Obesity management is not about treating Numbers on a scale."


  • 周五给出了建议询问我的司法部名律师周一过来,这次基本是,他不管如何还是了。

    I gave that advice on a Friday, and the same attorney at Justice who inquired called back on Monday and said essentially, Oops, they did it anyway.


  • ,“可是孩子们父母身上学习如何交流,但偏偏我们因为不再面对面失去了这些能力,比如至关重要肢体语言。”

    But kids learn how to communicate from their parents and we lose all sorts of things - crucial body language for example - by not talking face to face.


  • 失败成功助推剂因为告诉哪里以及如何取得成功(不是空闲时间都花在看电视上比如)。

    Failure is the fuel of success, because it shows you where to go and how to make something of your life (instead of spending your free time watching television, for example).


  • ,“问题如何补偿乡村土地所有者封存蒙受的损失呢?”

    The question, he says, is: "How can rural landowners be compensated for sequestering carbon?"


  • 如果没有情侣词典(组织可以帮忙,他可以提供一个全是夫妇的交流平台,教你如何出来不是出来

    If there aren't any, a couple's counselor can help or refer you to a couple's group. Learn to talk it out, rather than to argue it out.


  • 受到辐射其他毒剂造成基因损坏身体如何保护自己的?西村昨天电话采访中,对这问题的现有理论受到了发现挑战

    The findings challenge existing theories about how the body tries to protect itself when it suffers genetic damage from radiation or other toxins, Nishimura said yesterday in a telephone interview.


  • 男性天生就是“做事”的,所以重要如何男孩出来

    Males are programmed to 'do things' and so this is the key to getting boys to talk.


  • 但是,就我们先前一样,这种创意不是任何人都能做的,只有那些懂得如何利用狂热模式的有经验的老手才能熟练掌握不至于造成难看的效果。

    But, as with the previous tip, they shouldn't be attempted by anyone but experienced designers who know how to use a crazy pattern without creating a really ugly website.


  • 选民告诉民意测验专家麦凯恩把注意力集中如何打垮巴马上,没有处理其自身问题

    Voters increasingly tell pollsters that Mr McCain is focused on tearing down Mr Obama, not on dealing with their problems.


  • 功能设计规格不是一个技术设计规格。 也就是,这份文档解释的是用户看到的产品是什么样子,不是程序员如何实现这些功能

    This was a functional spec, not a technical spec, which means, all it talked about was what the user saw, not how it was implemented.


  • 奥德冰岛火山科学家们正在探究另外一个问题——火山爆发如何影响气候不是反过来琢磨这个问题。

    In Iceland, Oddsson said, volcanologists are asking another question - how volcanoes might affect climate, instead of the other way around.


  • 咖啡种植农民陈国印:“美国咖啡种植者其实并不真正了解如何种植咖啡,但是根据目前的地质特点,普尔十分适合种植培育咖啡,美国的农民并不见得知道更多。”

    US coffee farmers don't really understand the cultivation of coffee. But according to current national indications we know that Pu'er City is vigorously promoting the growth and cultivation of coffee.


  • 咖啡种植农民陈国印:“美国咖啡种植者其实并不真正了解如何种植咖啡,但是根据目前的地质特点,普尔十分适合种植培育咖啡,美国的农民并不见得知道更多。”

    US coffee farmers don't really understand the cultivation of coffee. But according to current national indications we know that Pu'er City is vigorously promoting the growth and cultivation of coffee.


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