• 这种说法带有浓重虚伪色彩,就像跑了再关上马厩一样——在马背上的受过良好教育

    There is heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 按照传统观点,这些大学里学习法律一直被看作律师专门工作,不是一个受过良好教育所必须具备的知识素养。

    Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.


  • 例如我们不妨考虑一下这样出身贫穷,没能受过良好教育通过彩票运气由于继承一位无名但却有钱的亲戚的遗产一夜暴富

    As one example, consider a person who grew up poor and poorly educated, but became wealthy through the luck of the lottery or an inheritance from an unknown but wealthy relative.


  • 巴马不仅紧密的团结了黑人青年人、中立选民以及受过良好教育白人自由党人作为核心选民,且成功地瓦解了希拉里的联盟:在弗吉尼亚他获得了52%白人选民的支持,希拉里只获得了47%;

    Mr Obama has not only solidified his hold over his core constituentsblacks, the young, independents and educated white liberals.


  • 更为合情理机制受过教育妇女生育子女,过得好,人们仿效过得好的人。

    The more plausible mechanism is that educated women have less children and are more prosperous, and that prosperous people are imitated.


  • 玻利维亚,未受过任何教育妇女生育婴儿死亡率为10%,中学以上学历妇女生育的婴儿的死亡率为0.4%。

    A baby born to a Bolivian mother with no education has 10% chance of dying, while one born to a woman with at least secondary education has a 0.4% chance.


  • 不过即便对于受过教育说阿拉伯言,古老语言、夸张振奋的篇章难以理解

    Yet the archaic language and high-flown verse, while inspiring, can also be difficult to understand even for educated Arabic speakers.


  • 他们受过良好教育阅读消费者报告克莱斯勒东西往往在报告名单榜末。

    They're highly educated. They read consumer reports and Chrysler products are generally the bottom of the list.


  • 他正许多受过教育以色列自由人士莫衷于是感到困扰

    He is troubled, he says, by the apathy in which many educated Israeli liberals choose to wrap themselves.


  • 对考试制度最好评论涂在墙上则没受过教育的一句话:”十几岁的辍学者,现在一个十几岁的百万富翁

    The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: ”I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.


  • 毕业生受过教育来适应所求职业老板们正在抱怨高级技术工人稀缺又作何解释呢?

    How is it that graduates are over-educated for the jobs they land and employers are complaining that there is a shortage of highly skilled labor?


  • 受过职业教育外国青少年只有8%,德国青少年37%。

    Just 8% of foreign teenagers are in vocational training, compared with 37% of Germans.


  • 学校教员来自本地土耳其资金来自受过西式标准教育后代精英们如果不是义务制土耳其语教学)。

    Staffed by locals and Turks alike, the schools are patronised by the offspring of elites lured by Western standards of education (if not mandatory Turkish-language classes).


  • 富人受过更好教育人士更倾向塞拉在巴西他们数量更少一些。

    Richer and better-educated folk preferred Mr Serra, but Brazil has fewer of them.


  • 很多猎人使用大家族代代留传的枪支他们大多数受过枪支安全教育,要明智地不是愚蠢地使用枪支。

    Many hunters have guns that have been past down for generations in their family. These are mostly people educated on gun safety that use their guns wisely and not foolishly.


  • 的膝下另有5孩子没有收入,没有受过教育,唯一认得的字就是文件上签下自己名字孩子们的父亲早已撒手不管。

    She had five other children, no income, and no education, although she had learned to write her name, and she had signed the papers with it. The child's father was no longer living with the family.


  • 一些没有受过良好教育培训的年经仓促进入商界后,做事急躁毫无成效

    The young men who rush into business with no good education or drill will do poor and feverish work.


  • 举例言,为孩子选择艾利森这个名字母亲通常受过17以上正规教育没有过高中的母亲往往跳过这个名字。

    For example, the name Allison is usually selected by mothers with 17 or more years of schooling, and bypassed by mothers without a high school diploma.


  • 作为子女,一句“谢谢”,怎能挽回父母呢?父母虽然没有受过良好教育他们有人世间伟大的爱。

    As a child, a "thank you", how can save parents didn't love to me? My parents didn't received a good education, with some of them the greatest love in the world.


  • 受过教育父亲建议企业工作,他的富有的父亲则建议他拥有自己企业。

    His educated dad advised him to work for a corporation. His rich dad advised him to own the corporation.


  • 这种事情带有浓重虚伪性,就好比等马儿全,才把马厩死? ?那些马上的正是受过良好教育

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped? With the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 这种事情带有浓重虚伪性,就好比等马儿全,才把马厩死? ?那些马上的正是受过良好教育

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped? With the educated themselves riding on them.


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