• 16磅重的而几乎无法走路

    The 16-pound feline is so fat she can hardly walk.


  • 混乱怨恨存在的,几乎从没公开表露出来过。就以这个办公室

    There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.


  • 道路缓慢几乎不可察觉地开始向上攀升林木环绕山丘上曲折地蜿蜒前进。

    Slowly and almost imperceptibly the road started to climb upwards, looping its way in languid curves around the forested hills.


  • 事实上每个主要行业就业机会大幅减少几乎所有行业被迫从事兼职工作工人人数都在飙升

    The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared.


  • 退潮时,可以蹚水走出1英里远几乎湿不到脚踝

    When the tide ebbs, you can paddle out for a mile and barely get your ankles wet.


  • 几乎所有都给发了投诉邮件。

    And just about every one of them e-mailed me.


  • 车子因为交通阻塞几乎动弹不得。

    My car almost stood still because of traffic block.


  • 穿西装定期外文刊物几乎从不看本地报纸

    He dresses in Western suits and reads the foreign press regularly, though almost never the local papers.


  • 套件必须根据需要执行几乎完全)需要安装时间

    The suite needs to be executable as needed, with little or no setup time required.


  • 而几乎40%的人则把解决方案当做整体商业转型一部分。

    Almost 40 percent viewed cloud solutions as part of an overall business transformation.


  • 每个特定环境几乎一个的情景对应某些产品

    Each one comes with its own context, and almost every context suits some product.


  • 有时候一些内容专用几乎任何时候大多数内容特定用户没有任何关系。

    Sometimes some of the contents are private; and almost all the time, most contents are simply not relevant to a particular recipient.


  • 自己因为儿时发高烧几乎双目失明一度被看护者诊断精神失常,无法医治。

    She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers.


  • 但是只有16%回应者他们喜欢去健身房几乎70%的人认为只是例行工作。

    But only 16 per cent of respondents said they enjoyed exercising in the gym, while almost 70 per cent considered it a chore.


  • 以往教科书中,地球内部地幔地核描述简单几乎相似区域

    In the textbooks of yore, the Earth's inner regions like the mantle and core were presented as simple, fairly homogeneous regions.


  • 出口使得这个城市拥有1400万居民而几乎所有进城务工人员都来自农村

    Exports have built a city of 14 million inhabitants, almost all migrant workers from the countryside.


  • 但是恶梦不再是偶尔骚扰而几乎成为每夜的恐怖行动时,也许就患恶梦障碍

    When nightmares move beyond occasional annoyance tonear-nightly terror, however, you might have nightmare disorder.


  • 由于美国阳光偏南消极供暖房屋建造时窗户朝向南方几乎很少有窗户朝北

    Since the sun shines from the south in north America, passive solar homes are built so that most of the Windows face south. They have very few or no Windows on the north side.


  • 几乎一半父母认为晚9分水岭”(该分水岭的设置旨在保护年轻人受到精神毒害)不再起到任何效用

    And almost half believe the 9 PM watershed - in place to protect youngsters - no longer has any force.


  • 该州每个人都热爱篮球队几乎一半不喜欢出现对我有利的,来说也是勇敢一步

    In a state where everyone loved the basketball team and nearly half of them disliked me, Pitinos presence was helpful and a gutsy move on his part.


  • 两种蓝色不是同一色相(地板蓝色偏餐椅上颜色偏几乎成了灰紫色),但它们搭配的很好。

    The two blue hues aren't quite from the same family (the floor has a touch of yellow, while the chairs have more red and almost hint at a grey-purple), but they work!


  • 霍金因罹患雷氏几乎全身瘫痪,无法说话在邮件中写道:“我们如今进入危险与日俱增历史时期。”

    "We are entering an increasingly dangerous period of our history," said Hawking, who has Lou Gehrig's disease, leaving him almost completely paralyzed and unable to speak.


  • 几乎70%难民他们是通过销售谷物或者维修自行车的方式,得到某些形式私人企业那里至少一半收入

    And almost 70% of the refugees said they got more than half of their income from some form of private enterprise, such as selling crops or repairing bikes.


  • 值得强调因为美国总体上读书的人在减少几乎其他所有媒体形式使用却在增加。”Primack

    "This is worth emphasizing because overall in the U.S., reading books is decreasing, while nearly all other forms of media use are increasing," Primack said.


  • 而几乎三分之一青少年反应自己兄弟姐妹冠以“恶意绰号”,其中18%的孩子报告哥哥姐姐会己所爱。

    Almost a third of teenagers said they were called "nasty names" and 18 percent said their belongings had been taken by a brother or sister.


  • 注意MQSeriesJMS实现使用另外两个实现不同分隔符(使用斜杠几乎所有其它供应商都使用)。

    Note that the MQSeries JMS implementation employs a different topic delimiter than the other two implementations (it uses a forward slash while almost every other vendor uses a point).


  • 由于议会的大权自己的党派包揽,几乎将所有的在野党排除在外,事实上,Mubarak阻断可能成就其巧妙过关的道路。

    Having packed his parliament with his own party and all but shut out the opposition, he has in effect blocked what might have been a useful conduit for artful concessions.


  • 几乎总是情绪上的“饥饿驱使配偶吵架不舒适工作环境工作日的暂时呆滞贫穷(母)或者小孩生活,你的未来,你的过去

    It \ 's almost always emotional hunger that drives you: a fight with a spouse, an uncomfortable work situation, a lull in your work day, a needy parent or child, your life, your future, your past.


  • 几乎总是情绪上的“饥饿驱使配偶吵架不舒适工作环境工作日的暂时呆滞贫穷(母)或者小孩生活,你的未来,你的过去

    It \ 's almost always emotional hunger that drives you: a fight with a spouse, an uncomfortable work situation, a lull in your work day, a needy parent or child, your life, your future, your past.


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