• 游泳他人网球了。

    I went swimming while the others played tennis.


  • 有一些研究结果令人满意,的则不然。

    Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.


  • 碰到了一形形色色一些我合得来,的则和我根本合不来。

    I found a very mixed group of individuals, some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.


  • 约50%的学生举起手,而其他的学生保持了沉默。

    About 50% of them put up their hands while the other students kept silent.


  • 些人说新手总是有运气,而其他人相信成功只来自于练习。

    Some people say that beginners have all the luck, while others believe that success comes only with practice.


  • 记得有一天我们乘坐公共汽车出行,我坐了下来,而其他人都站着。

    I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus and I sat down while other people were standing.


  • 把我故意放在地板上的书捡起来,放在桌子上,而其他人都踩过去,或把它踢到一边,这表明他很细心。

    He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and put it on the table, while all the others stepped over it, or pushed it aside, showing that he was careful.


  • 们中的一些人唱京剧,一些人展示他们的民间工艺品,而其他人表演书法或中国古典音乐。

    Some of them sing Peking Opera, some show their folk handicrafts, while others perform calligraphy or Chinese classical music.


  • 载着中一幼崽,的在回来

    While she is taking one load of hatchlings, the others wait for her to come back.


  • 有些看起来可能看起来像

    Some look like people, but others may look like snakes.


  • 穆罕默德·雷兹万看到机会他人看到了灾难

    Mohammed Rezwan saw opportunity where others saw only disaster.


  • 有些鸟类为了安全成群飞行鸟类则独自飞行。

    Some birds fly in groups for safety, while others fly alone.


  • 托德绝望地东张西望,动物肃穆沉默中等待着。

    Toad looked desperately this way and that, while the other animals waited in grave silence.


  • 一定程度化合物美妙焦糖味道给你烧焦苦涩味道

    Certain flavor compounds give you a nice caramel flavor, whereas others give you a burnt or bitter taste.


  • 此类想象基于失业缺点而其所在社会是构建于就业的概念之上的。

    Such visions are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.


  • 鲨鱼有时饿死时间它们它们杀死东西来填饱自己肚子。

    She says, sharks sometimes starve and at other times they fill themselves with what they have killed.


  • 人类语言多产的,是一个开放交流系统交流系统都没有这种特性

    Human language is productive, an open-ended communication system, whereas no other communication system has this property.


  • 但是多数家畜脚掌弹跳想想猫跟动物是用脚趾小跑比如跟鹿

    Most critters bounce on the balls of their feet, think cats and dogs, while others trot on their toes, like horses and deer.


  • 与此同时McGillicuddy太太火车再次下来开始加速

    At the same moment, Mrs. McGillicuddy’s train slowed down again and the other began to gain speed.


  • 对此简单的解释只有蝾螈谱系失去变形能力族系则保留了这种能力。

    The simplest explanation for this is that the axolotl lineage alone lost the ability to metamorphose, while others retained it.


  • 证据表明很多大学已经落后了,有少数学校表现出色不断追赶领先者

    The evidence shows that a large number of universities have fallen off the back of the pack, a few perform strongly and the rest chase the leaders.


  • 世界有些地区煤炭矿产供应充足土壤肥沃,气候宜人地区则不具备这些条件。

    Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favourable climate; other regions possess none of them.


  • 假设一家美国公司建了海外工厂生产产品竞争对手美国国内生产同样的产品。

    Suppose a United States-owned company establishes an overseas plant to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the same product in the United States.


  • 比如说大象这样大型动物小型动物需要更多食物能量后代比小型动物少。

    Large animals like elephants, say, they require much more food and energy and have fewer offspring than smaller animals.


  • 即使没有这样具体的记录这种规模影响明显确实会发生的,结果可能灾难性的。

    Even without such specific documentation, it is clear that impacts of this size do occur and that their results can be catastrophic.


  • 电视镜头显示救援人员试图救出被埋废墟下的他人则在电线建筑巨石中摸索

    Television footage showed rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris, while others scrabbled through wires, construction rods and boulders.


  • 公司已经生产出了方形金属餐盒,也就是工人的餐盒,中一些开始出现学校孩子手中

    The company already made square metal meal containers, the kind workers carried, and some had started to show up in the hands of school kids.


  • 孤立儿童个案研究表明他们缺乏坚定自我概念语言能力的缺乏严重阻碍了他们的智力心理发展

    Case studies of children who are isolated from others reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language.


  • 那些必须销售季节之前就确定产品生产多少公司往往会生产出销量好的产品产品则库存过剩。

    Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products that sell well and have overstocks of others.


  • 表观遗传过程似乎随机发生的,过程则是正常的,比如那些引导胚胎细胞成为心脏大脑细胞的过程。

    Other epigenetic processes appear to occur randomly, while others are normal, such as those that guide embryonic cells as they become heart, brain, or liver cells, for example.


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