• 许多学生发现自己大学申请时选了专业上过大学课程就换成专业。

    Many students find themselves listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes.


  • 老师教室另一教室,不是学生从一房间到另一房间。

    Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going from room to room.


  • 不寻常的,斯蒂芬·科齐亚特几乎觉得必须证明自己为学生更好未来做的努力是合理的。

    It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.


  • 爱好者学生正在获得接触技术的机会,不必加入长期业余机构

    Hobbyists and students are gaining access to technologies without being part of a long-standing amateur establishment.


  • 听说开始项目学习的时候,每导师只有12学生17人。

    I've been told that when I initially started the project, there were one or two students a guru, and the next year the incoming class has 17 students.


  • 要申请博士学位学生应该阅读《思想市场美国大学改革抵制》这本篇幅短小却精妙睿智

    The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.


  • 美国艾奥瓦州得梅因地区社区学院教室内上课的学生于4月26日时突然校方紧急疏散到了安全地带具体原因则是因为看上去颇为可疑包裹使得学校管理者变得万分紧张

    Several classrooms at Des Moines Area Community College were evacuated after college officials became nervous about a suspicious package.


  • 研究足球周围气流麦凯恩课题自然延伸——学生正在研究粗糙表面对气流影响足球课作为球体测试模型

    Studying the air flow around soccer balls is a natural extension of McKeon's research, in which she and her colleagues study how surface roughness affects air flow, using spheres as test models.


  • 目的既是减轻学生人数增加公共财政带来压力,也是创立市场,让大学其中学费学生质量互相竞争

    The aim was both to ease the pressure on the public purse from rising student numbers, and to create a market in which universities compete for students on cost and quality.


  • 许多人归咎于死板2001年的联邦法律让一孩子掉队要求学校测试学生数学阅读测试科学

    Many blamed the lackluster showing on no Child Left Behind, the 2001 federal law that requires schools to test students in math and reading, but not science.


  • 可以很容易得出结论:对于刻苦学习学生美好的未来等候着他们;浪费学费游戏学生没有什么指望了。

    One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to.


  • 学生空谈理想,应该认真为之奋斗,没有明确目标则会度过他至关紧要几年后头脑空空

    Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one's studies.


  • 当然佛罗里达不是唯一一老师因为和学生发生关系逮捕

    Florida, of course, is hardly the only state where female teachers have been nabbed for preying on boys.


  • 全职工作星期的工作时间是40小时以上,学生能够享受除了可能假期外还包括包括春假寒假暑假

    A person with a full-time job will put in a good 40 + hours per week, and students enjoy every possible vacation day plus spring break, winter break, and summer vacation.


  • 你说热心可爱,不是冷漠?耶鲁大学最近一项研究中,研究人员41学生分成,随机的让A咖啡B组拿咖啡。

    In one recent study at Yale,researchers divided 41 college students into two groups and casuallyasked the members of Group A to hold a cup of hot coffee, those inGroup B to hold iced coffee.


  • 如若合理化纳税人学生补助的意见一团糟局面蒙上阴霾,耻辱的,因为明智的意见。

    The mess could tarnish the idea of rationalising taxpayer support forstudents. That would be a shame, for it is a sensible one.


  • 对于绝大多数国际学生来说,住宿通常大问题调查表明学生们对于寄宿家庭”的住宿方式满意的。

    Accommodation, which is always an issue for most international students, shows that students who stay with host families are the most satisfied.


  • 2001年,我们注意到喜欢摄影学生,将自己20磅的相机包里的使用35毫米胶片尼康相机放在家里随身着轻巧的数码相机。

    In 2001, we noticed a colleague who rhapsodized about the quality of his 35mm Nikon cameras was leav-ing the 20-pound camera bag at home and taking his tiny digital camera everywhere he went.


  • 也是为什么认知科学家认为考试本身——模拟考试小考——有力的学习工具原因之一,不是仅仅只学生进行评估

    That’s one reason cognitive scientists see testing itselfor practice tests and quizzesas a powerful tool of learning, rather than merely assessment.


  • 也是为什么认知科学家认为考试本身——模拟考试小考——有力的学习工具原因之一,不是仅仅只学生进行评估

    That's one reason cognitive scientists see testing itselfor practice tests and quizzesas a powerful tool of learning, rather than merely assessment.


  • 以前我来说学生总是一些形体,或者统计数字学期,每日子里,他们来来往往,直到学期新人替代,新人也是如法炮制,再一遍。

    They had always been just bodies to me, a prescribed number that came and went each day of the semester until they were replaced by others, who would do the same.


  • 现在正在选择专业学生可能希望得到比较安全选择余地,”IT可能就是比较保险选择

    "Students who are now choosing majors might be looking for safer alternatives," he said, and IT may be a safer alternative.


  • 过去12月里高中毕业生失业率已经降了0.7百分点学生失业率下滑0.6百分点。

    Over the past 12 months, the unemployment rate for high school graduates has fallen 0.7 percentage points while for college grads the decline is 0.6 percentage points.


  • 做为他们研究一部分赫尔姆斯博士队伍中大概130学生志愿者观看2001年的爱情喜剧《缘分天注定》,另一小组同样多人数观看了大卫·林奇的一部影片。

    As part of their research, Dr Holmes' team had around 130 student volunteers watch the 2001 romantic comedy Serendipity, while another group of the same size watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 创业初期的公司形象,应该毕业学生不是一家所。

    For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm.


  • 创业初期的公司形象,应该毕业学生不是一家所。

    For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm.


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