• 而且理性个人价值显现工具性个人价值显现前提基础

    What's more, the demonstration of the rationality of individual values is the basis and prerequisite of the instrumental of individual values.


  • 我们的“理性针对一个预定目标的——打赢我们的官司——而且充满了偏见

    Our "reasoning" is a means to a predetermined end-winning our "case" -and is shot through with biases.


  • 而且由于他们文化缺乏理性反思精神旧有争端往往导致新的纠纷。

    And since their cultures lack the spirit of rational reflection, old disputes can usually lead to new ones.


  • 但是如果很好理性的话就该知道:所谓市场底部判断已经出错过多次而且莱曼揭露非流动性证券实际还有非常大的不确定性

    Perhaps with good reason. Market bottoms have already been incorrectly called several times, and there is massive uncertainty over the real value of Lehman's exposure to illiquid securities.


  • 而且限制土地巧取豪夺可以帮助拉高城郊区域地价使现有城郊土地可以被理性使用

    And restricting land seizures could help push up the price of land on the periphery of urban areas and encourage a more rational use of existing urban land.


  • 出于纯粹理性收益成本考虑应该留在Compaq而且朋友也认为我应该留在Compaq。

    Any purely rational consideration of cost and benefits lined up in Compaq's favor, and the people who knew me best advised me to stay at Compaq.


  • 投资者之所以会抛售而且通常理性的进行交易,恐慌主要的情感推动因素(昨天道琼斯指数下跌391便是最好的例子)。

    And fear and panic are the main emotions that drive investor selling, almost always irrationally (see yesterday's 391-point drop in the Dow as an example).


  • 行为金融学门课主题而且也是理性繁荣》这本书的主题。

    This will be a theme of my course and also a theme of this book, Irrational Exuberance.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞不究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥,对河流的判读也不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn’t tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥,对河流的判读也不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn't tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 简直不能当作是个有理性人,对于性格如此执拗地坚持着一种荒谬的看法而且她所孕育的错误印象来行动。

    I can hardly regard her in the light of a rational creature, so obstinately has she persisted in forming a fabulous notion of my character and acting on the false impressions she cherished.


  • 这样依然可以保持理性而且希望大家都会这么这些记到讲义合适地方

    You can still keep organized, which hopefully most of you like to do, and get it in the right place in the notes.


  • 可以想象,做事理性关键因为那会提高办事效率减轻压力而且会增强控制能力,更好地分配时间空间活力塑造你的生活

    As you can imagine, it is crucial to be well organized because it will improve your productivity, reduce your stress and give you more control over time, space and activities that shape your life.


  • 使有创造力而且确保所有个人理财有关事情合理调度。

    Being organized can make you more productive and ensure that all the many issues pertaining to personal finances are addressed.


  • 一个对象需要通知会被多次调用而且接受任何负载

    When an object needing to be advised is invoked very many times and no proxy performance overhead is acceptable.


  • 其合理性在于:同时拥有两者可能达到极其高的利润而且理论上可以制造运行得更好的机器

    Makes sense: having ownership over both can be extremely lucrative and, theoretically, enable a better-working machine.


  • 这个过程需要时间而且我们需要耐心理性

    The process takes time and we should be patient and rational.


  • 对于法律至上观念理解不仅法律自身来理解,而且社会关系的层次上,从人们理性选择等角度进行深层次的考虑。

    To entirely understand the conception of "the supremacy of law", we should not only by the law itself but also by social relationships and the rational choice of human beings'.


  • 现在老百姓假期安排不仅越来越多样化而且越来越趋于理性

    Now, people on the arrangements for the long holidays is not only more diverse but also more and more rational.


  • 转变核心在于黑格尔不仅仅人类理性看作主观思维而且看作客观精神

    The core of the transformation lies in Hegel's regarding man's reason not only as subjective thought, but also as objective spirit.


  • 研究人员的说法正中前额皮质层受损在进退两难之时给出理性回答,即一个推向失控铁路货车之前,而且这种回答的频率其他组人的频率都要高。

    The researchers' hypothesis was that people with VMPC-damage would come to theutilitarian answer in difficult cases (push the guy in front of the wagon) more often than either of the other two groups.


  • 谈话理性让人无法反驳而且他用自己生命担保,要我们自己发现所说真理

    His talks were reasonable and irrefutable, and he challenged us with his own life to discover for ourselves the truth or otherwise of what he had to say.


  • 具体事例总是模糊的说辞,因为具体的东西容易打动人,而且能彰显理性

    It's always better to throw in examples rather than be vague, because it's more impressive and makes you look more legitimate.


  • 分析这个问题主要目的也是了解应聘者工作能力计划性理性而且重点想要知道细节

    Analysis: the issue of the main purpose is to understand the candidate's ability to work and planning, rational, and point to know the details.


  • 是文艺复兴第一不仅确认了而且三种主观性形式正式合理化理性

    And it is the Renaissance which, for the first time, not only affirms but formally legitimizes and rationalizes these three forms of subjectivity.


  • 由于没有理由假定每个原因人类形式的动机而且任何科学原因肯定也都不包含动机,所以哲学基本问题似乎包含一个理性假定

    Since there is no reason to assume that every cause has human-style motivation, and certainly no scientific cause includes motivation, the FQP seems to include an irrational assumption.


  • 相信这种理性可以使得公司更快完成任务,而且的这种使复杂问题简单化的能力有时可以节省工作人员。

    I believe that these organization achieve its goals more quickly, and that my ability for streamlining complex problems can sometimes rub off on co-workers.


  • 人类不仅具有理性思维逻辑推理能力而且具有一定情感能力。

    Human has not only the ability of rational thinking and logical reasoning, but also the behavior of emotion.


  • 人类不仅具有理性思维逻辑推理能力而且具有一定情感能力。

    Human has not only the ability of rational thinking and logical reasoning, but also the behavior of emotion.


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