• 经过欢迎你,”一个热身”,包括奇妙延伸隔离步法而且自己好,如果作为短期日常锻炼加强语调身体中

    After the "Welcome," there's a "Warm-up" that includes marvelous stretches, isolations and footwork, and does well on its own, if used as a short daily workout to strengthen and tone your body.


  • 知道工作非常精通,而且自己心投入。

    You see, I understand my work thoroughly, and attend to it all myself.


  • 它们自己认识清,清楚自己徘徊目的而且因为它们不清楚,它们易于老是模仿别人东西

    They know not themselves, nor the aim of their wanderings; and, because they do not, they are ever apt to imitate something else.


  • 她们不仅专家而且十分敬业工作努力,积极互动自己社群尽心尽责

    They are not only experts, but also extraordinarily engaging, hard working, interactive and responsive to their communities.


  • 由于工作就是为了人们快乐,所以这个问题来说非常重要。而且为了保护自己这些话题必须自己

    This matters to me because it's my job (or one of my jobs) to make fun of people, and to protect myself, it has to be from my own people.


  • 不会任何必要正统语言而且你说出一句蠢话时愚蠢性即使自己明显的。

    You cannot speak any of the necessary dialects, and when you make a stupid remark its stupidity will be obvious, even to yourself.


  • 10%受访者认为旅行的原因自己单身感到难为情,这种感觉不仅预订阶段存在,而且度假期间存在。

    Being embarrassed to be single was the reason given by 10% of respondents, with this not only being felt during the booking phase but also while on holiday itself.


  • 当然CC倡导者所期望欣赏这种丰富性而且慷慨地自己作品进行这样的许可

    Of course what advocates of CC hope is that you will appreciate all of this richness and also be generous in licensing your own work.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞不究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥河流的判读不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn’t tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥河流的判读不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn't tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 了解少,而且,计划旅行时间只剩一周了,我已经察觉自己于重返真实生活的那份渴望

    I hardly knew anything about her and having only a week left of my trip, I already sensed the anxiety of returning to my real life.


  • 所有的油声称天然美味而且由于认为健康有益促进了橄榄油成功他们都声称自己适合

    All naturally claim to be delicious, and, because olive oil's success has been fuelled by its perceived health benefits, they all claim to be great for you too.


  • 今天员工需要频繁地获得别人自己工作认可而且他们满足自己要求雇主拼命工作。

    Employees today need and want frequent recognition of their job performance and will put forth their best effort for employers who fulfill this need.


  • 希腊债务负担重,而且历来有欠账做假账行为,自己借来货币加管控。

    Greece has a greater debt burden, a history of default and book-cooking, and no control over the currency in which it borrows.


  • 时间金钱而且计划并主动去过节约型生活需要花一些时间,因此解决金钱每个重要需要每个人自己决定

    Since time is also money, and planning and being proactive about living thriftily may take some amount of time, it is up to each individual to determine how much saving money is a priority for them.


  • 事实上本可以确定自己营养素需要这样非常昂贵的而且结果目前的推荐日摄食量的结果非常相似

    The fact is, you could have your very own nutrient requirements determined, but it would be terribly costly, and would likely bear strong resemblance to the current RDAs.


  • 同时,没有写作动机因为你会觉得阅读你的博文,而且自己作品质量不满意。

    You won’t feel motivated to write, because you’ll feel like nobody is reading you, and because you feel unsatisfied with the quality of the work.


  • 组织内部进行观察的话过程变得更快捷廉价而且同时公司的员工非常高兴地看到自己能够优先参与竞争

    Taking a look inside your organization first will make the process faster and less expensive while resulting in employees who are happy that they are being given a leg up on the competition.


  • 不管是否正在经历一些让你感到头痛的事情,比如离婚或者自己生活一些正面的元素,小小的改变你的生活都是帮助的,而且不是很费力哦。

    Whether you’re going through something negative like a divorce, or just want to add more positivity to your life, little changes can have a big effect with very little effort.


  • 长期以来,秘鲁人一直口头上(而且无可非议地)自己本土烹饪感到自豪突然之间世界其他地方好像注意到了。

    Peruvians have long been vocally (and justifiably) proud of their homeland's cooking but suddenly the rest of the world seems to be taking note too.


  • 而且奥巴马来说不啻于是一次挑战需要展示自己到底和平有多认真

    It will also challenge Obama to show just how serious he is about Israeli-Palestinian peace.


  • 但是曼城消息人士随后否认一说法,而且曼城主帅曼奇尼随后正式否认自己这名球员没有任何兴趣

    However, City sources subsequently rejected the report and Mancini has now officially denied holding any interest in the player.


  • 罗斯福克斯商业新闻频道(Fox Business News)表示,巴菲特非常清楚自己什么而且相当公道

    Mr. Buffett 'knows exactly what he wants and he's pretty fair,' Mr. Rose told Fox Business News.


  • 自尊心强的人不仅待人真诚谦逊而且对自己宽容

    Tend not only to treat others with sincerity and courtesy.


  • 研究发现,大多数女性认为180秒足够让她们判断是否你的真命天子 。而且,女性男性的第一印象鲜少改变,她们相信自己假设判断正确的。

    The study also found women rarely change their mind about a man after their initial reaction - and believe they are 'always right' in their assumptions and judgments.


  • 即使她们以前可能这样过,但是她们自己下属缺乏信心嫉妒她们而且更喜欢男性同事

    Even though they must have been in the same position themselves, they show lack of confidence in their female subordinates, get jealous of them and prefer male colleagues.


  • 重要只是我们我们自己解释,我们因此而快乐而且我们论断别人的解释

    What matters only is that we have our own interpretation, we are happy with it, and that we don't judge the others as right or wrong.


  • 重要只是我们我们自己解释,我们因此而快乐而且我们论断别人的解释

    What matters only is that we have our own interpretation, we are happy with it, and that we don't judge the others as right or wrong.


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