• 内部偏侧性不平衡个体好处

    This imbalance of lateralization within populations may also have advantages for individuals.


  • 我们培养使我们获得社会生活必备的规范价值,适应社会生活。

    Such groups are the breeding grounds in which we acquire the norms and values that equip us for social life.


  • 岛上包括其它地方找不到70猴,其它哺乳动物90%,宽达226,656平方英里的土地上,两栖动物爬行动物稀罕独特的

    The island's population includes 70 kinds of lemurs found nowhere else and about 90 percent of the other mammals, amphibians and reptiles are unique to its 226,656 square miles.


  • 岛上包括其它地方找不到70猴,其它哺乳动物90%,宽达226,656平方英里的土地上,两栖动物爬行动物稀罕独特的

    The island's population includes 70 kinds of lemurs found nowhere else and about 90 percent of the other mammals, amphibians and reptiles are unique to its 226, 656 square miles.


  • 如果我们明白它们如何通过群体感应来集合的,我们阻止行为正是我们追求的目标。

    If we can figure out how to stop them from 'counting themselves' via quorum sensing, we could block such group behavior, and that is what we are after.


  • 这些法则集合起来便成了另一智能—这种法则做出决策没有多大联系,但正好关系到同步的行动

    These rules add up to another kind of swarm intelligence-one that has less to do with making decisions than with precisely coordinating movement.


  • 哪里以及如何才能找到的这些信息鸟类观察这胶着在一起的纽带,但是大多一类信息并不集中某个地点

    Information on where and how to find birds is what glues the birdwatching community together, but most of it is not in a centralized location.


  • 感激可以成为社会大家庭、各中的分子

    Be grateful for the group or society that you are a part of.


  • 如果这些负面情绪扩散给了同事可能通过制造体效应使问题恶化或者至少也让每个人最终痛苦

    If that negativity spreads to your coworkers, you can exacerbate the problem by creating a hive mentality, or at least making everyone more miserable as a result.


  • 或许属于中的人们彻底地改变自己行为,并很多方面袒护同胞显得不足为奇

    Perhaps it's not surprising people in these groups radically change their behaviour, preferring members of their own group over others in many ways.


  • 细菌不仅仅单独细胞不只是一个个群体而是一个多相互联系交流关键这其中还包括我们人类。

    Bacteria aren't just isolated cells, or even isolated populations, but multi-species communities that communicate with each other and, crucially, us.


  • 交互可以产生令人惊奇的意外结果

    This kind of group interaction can create amazing emergent results.


  • 几个星期以来一直过着生活,我不得不同其他人一道过日子,主要几个疯疯癫癫俄国人、一个醉醺醺荷兰人和一个奥尔的大块头保加利亚女人

    It is a communal life I have been living for the last few weeks. I have had to share myself with others, principally with some crazy Russians, a drunken Dutchman, and a big Bulgarian woman named Olga.


  • 然而这套系统需要一点建模保证控制不会导致其他我们不想看到情况。

    But it will require a little more modelling to ensure that this kind of group control doesn't lead to other emergent behaviour that could be detrimental.


  • 还有假设我们能够他人自由交谈,拥有相互交换各种信息权力。

    There is a community assumption that we can talk to one another freely and that it is right to exchange knowledge about what is happening in the world.


  • 还有假设我们能够他人自由交谈,拥有相互交换各种信息权力

    That is our default assumption. There is a community assumption that we can talk to one another freely and that it is right to exchange knowledge about what is happening in the world.


  • 在群居方面已知15个种群只有4个种群形成延续超过年以上群体

    Socially, only four of the 15 species are known to form groups that last for more than a year.


  • 巴西人人土地”,Aracruz最高执行CarlosAguiar一家生产纸浆的公司,经常上述侵扰。

    In Brazil "everyone loves the land," says Carlos Aguiar, chief executive of Aracruz, a pulp and paper manufacturer that has been repeatedly invaded by both groups.


  • 就像僧帽水母(Physalia physalis)一样,这种物种实际上也是生物许多动物组成

    Like the Portuguese man-of-war (see picture), the new creature is actually a colonial organism, made up of many animals.


  • 正如伟大阿拉伯历史学家伊本•哈勒敦所言:“只有认同感和大家庭归宿感凝聚起来部族才能沙漠中存活。”

    As the great Arab historian Ibn Khaldun observed: “Only Tribes held together by a group feeling can survive in a desert.”


  • 社会没有达到马尔萨斯理论的限度那些在人口统计学优势范围中的种群群体动力学较少表现零和思想

    When societies are not at the Malthusian limit, such as those groups which are the wave of demographic advance, between group dynamics may be less characterized by zero-sum thinking.


  • 人类单位点致病基因遗传标记基因的遗传连锁分析中,家系应用得普遍结构

    Pedigree is one of the most general population structure in the genetic linkage analysis between human single genetic inheritance disease locus and genetic marker locus.


  • 研究激素水平进行大规模的分析,也是首次大规模夏威夷土著人拉丁人进行研究。

    The study is the largest analysis of hormone levels by ethnic group, and the first large study of native Hawaiians and Latinas.


  • 通过分析更大社交网络重大的发现人们戒烟行为种群体行为个体行为

    The first and most striking finding was the discovery that, from the larger network perspective, people quit smoking as groups and not as individuals.


  • 中庭空间一直延伸地面成为一个社交放松的空间。

    Atrium space reaches until the ground level is used by multiple groups becoming both a socializing and relaxing space.


  • 然后他们是否其他动物或者非动物界找到和这三体的转录组相似的基因

    They then asked whether similar-looking genes to those in a transcriptome were found more often in other animals, or in non-animals.


  • 动物,它能让其他自然的参加游戏中并产生一氛围

    Dogs are naturally pack animals making the play group environment a natural way for your dog to socialize with fellow canines.


  • 园林设计中体现园艺疗法满足需求21世纪园林建设的根本趋势

    Embodying horticultural therapy and satisfying the needs of every body are basic trend in 21 st century.


  • 园林设计中体现园艺疗法满足需求21世纪园林建设的根本趋势

    Embodying horticultural therapy and satisfying the needs of every body are basic trend in 21 st century.


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