• 已故的美国参议员爱德华·肯尼迪美国时间29日国家公墓下葬

    Sen. Edward M. Kennedy will be buried Saturday at Arlington National Cemetery.


  • 丹麦坚持猪肉产品安全危险因为这些猪肉被运到美国时间超过了口蹄疫两个星期潜伏期

    Denmark insisted that its pork produces posed no risk whatsoever, since the time it took to ship them to USA exceeded the two-week incubation period for foot and mouth.


  • 东京电力公司报道称,日本时间16美国时间154反应堆的外部建筑再次起火

    Toyko Electric Power Co. reported that fire had broken out again early Wednesday morning in Japan (Tuesday evening in the U. S.) in the building housing reactor 4.


  • 马修·莫里森就把2月8号(美国时间)播出的情人专题的歌单电视指南杂志分享了。

    Matthew Morrison has Shared the entire for the show's February 8, Valentine's Day-themed episode with TV Guide, telling the magazine.


  • 新的一季美国偶像》又开始当然我们2009年1才能看到,一轮海选已经美国时间7月17日旧金山开始。

    The American Idol season has begun. We won't be seeing it, of course, until January of 2009, but the nearly year-long process has kicked off with the first round of auditions in San Francisco.


  • 顺带一说美国时间9月21日还是EmilyZooey父亲奥斯卡最佳摄影提名Caleb Deschanel的生日

    Another noted that September 21 is also the birthday of Emily and Zooey's father, Academy Award nominated cinematographer and director Caleb Deschanel.


  • 这个网站将在美国时间周二上线目标是“像Yelp对待餐厅(注:美国一大型口碑网站)那样慈善)”Hughes说道慈善机构应“帮助人们找到评价他们。”

    The site, which is being unveiled on Tuesday, aims to “do what Yelp did for restaurants, ” Mr. Hughes said, indexing charitiesto help people find and evaluate them.”


  • 这家研究所大量时间绞尽脑汁思考怎样推进美国生产力

    The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.


  • 需要更多时间使驻扎在那里美国部队达到满员

    He needed more time to bring U.S. forces there up to full strength.


  • 随着时间推移跻身美国最高法院雄心壮志酒精绝望消逝

    As time went on, his ambition to be part of the U.S. Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.


  • 对于美国大众来说时间重要

    Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance.


  • 这些契约仆人在将自己时间美国雇主期间当作奴隶对待。

    These indentured servants were treated as slaves for the period during which they had sold their time to American employers.


  • 即使到了年级美国孩子在运动上时间也是韩国孩子的两倍

    Even in eighth grade, American kids spend more than twice the time Korean kids spend playing sports.


  • 并不是每个人同意作者政策观点其中包括批准增加休假时间以及减少美国购房者税收优惠等

    Not everyone will agree with the authors' policy ideas, which range from mandating more holiday time to reducing tax incentives for American homebuyers.


  • 浪费时间拖累美国人民的经济生活私人生活,更不必还令人愤怒了

    Wasted time is a drag on American's economic and private lives, not to mention infuriating.


  • 浪费了时间拖累美国人民的经济生活和私人生活,更不必还令人愤怒了

    Wasted time is a drag on American's economic and-private lives, not to mention infuriating.


  • 很长时间美国许多地方,旅行者一种受欢迎的打破沉闷生活的方式。

    For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.


  • 很长时间美国许多地方,旅行者一种受欢迎的打破沉闷生活的方式。

    For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.


  • 在过去年左右的时间里,美国青少年社交媒体使用偶尔的活动变成了日常活动。

    Over a decade or so, American teens' social media use shifted from an occasional activity to a routine one.


  • 随着时间流逝植树节已经成为美国主要节日之一

    As years go by, Arbor Day has become one of the major holidays in America.


  • 美国越来越多的空闲时间在了上网、给朋友发电子邮件在线游戏

    Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.


  • 时间美国应用软件开发者忙于处理工作家庭事务,以至于出现失眠。

    For a time an app developer in America was so busy attending to work and family that she suffered from sleeplessness.


  • 美国相信当下要付出时间精力以后才能享受劳动成果

    Americans believe in spending their time and energy today so that the fruits of their labor may be enjoyed at a later time.


  • 1950年,美国人民的工作时间任何其他工业化国家

    In 1950, the US had fewer working hours than any other industrialized country.


  • 由于吃饭睡觉料理家务许多美国几乎没有时间参加休闲活动

    With the time spent eating, sleeping, and taking care of household duties, there's little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.


  • 由于吃饭睡觉料理家务许多美国几乎没有时间参加休闲活动

    With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of the household duties, there's little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.


  • 很快美国需要花费相对较少的时间谋生”。

    Soon, Americans would need to spend "comparatively little time earning a living".


  • 大约40%美国工作日晚上睡眠时间不足7小时

    Some 40% of Americans get less than 7 hours of shut-eye on week nights.


  • 1969年至1989年期间美国年度工作时间平均增加了138个小时

    Between 1969 and 1989 employed Americans added an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules.


  • 美国时间如此宝贵因为时间视为重要的事情的显然浪费时间无所事事的人取得更大的成就。

    Time is so valued in America, because by considering time to be important one can clearly achieve more than if one "wastes" time and doesn't keep busy.


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