• 注意的是,绿豆不宜煮得过以免使有机酸维生素遭到破坏降低清热解毒功效

    Beware that do not boil mung beanl too rotten, lest make organic acids and vitamin destruction, reduce heat clearing and detoxicating effect.


  • 最近的一项研究表明尽管人们普遍相信维生素E补充剂功效,但延缓退行性疾病发病方面,维生素 E 补充剂并不糖丸效果更好

    A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their efficacy, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.


  • 此时营养丰富的食物特别是水果蔬菜它们富含维生素有助于免疫系统发挥最佳功效

    You should be eating mostly nutrition-rich foods, especially fruits and veggies, which are packed with vitamins to keep your immune system functioning at its best.


  • 胎盘富含维生素矿物质蛋白质长期以来认为具有治疗甚至是神奇功效

    The placenta is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, iron and protein and has long been thought to have medical, even mystical, properties.


  • 益处大黄用于制作药材,便秘功效,其含有大量维生素矿物质,所含的卡路里较少。

    The good: Rhubarb is used in deserts, has laxative properties, contains tons of vitamins and minerals, and is low in calories.


  • 结果显示虽然早年的发现推断复合维生素可能会降低心脏病某些癌症发病率,但是这次的研究结果表明维生素并无功效这项研究结果发表《内科学文献》(Archives ofInternalMedicine)。

    Despite earlier findings suggesting that multivitamins might lower the risk for heart disease and certain cancers, the study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found no such benefit.


  • 益处大黄用于制作药材,便秘功效,其含有大量维生素矿物质,所的卡路里较少。而且容易室内生长

    The good: Rhubarb is used in deserts, has laxative properties, contains tons of vitamins and minerals, and is low in calories. It's also easy to grow at home.


  • 经测试具有优异的防止维生素酶等易变分子的降解,保持被包裹物活性功效

    Have proved to protect from degradation labile molecules such as vitamins or enzymes.


  • 谷雨时的春茶富含丰富的维生素氨基酸可以帮助身体散热,同时具有明目功效

    Spring tea during Grain rain is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which can help to remove heat from the body and is good for the eyes.


  • 维生素C 不仅能够增强绿茶皮素的功效抑制组胺反应

    Vitamin C helps the quercetin in the green tea work better and also helps block the histamine response on its own.


  • 由于欧米茄-3脂肪酸被证实具有益智的功效因此无论是面包牛奶、供婴儿食用的意大利还是维生素的配方可以找到它。

    These are supposed to make children brainier, so they are being added to everything from bread, milk and pasta to baby formula and vitamin tablets.


  • 含有丰富维生素c清凉生津止渴的功效可以用来泡茶制作饮料

    It is rich in vitamin c, and has an efficiency of reducing pathogenic fire and helping produce saliva and slake thirst. It can be used to brew tea and make drinks with its sour flavor.


  • 柠檬醋一种可食用醋,具有减肥养颜美容的功效。柠檬耐久保存含丰富维生素c防止牙龈红肿出血减少黑斑雀斑发生机率有部分美白效果

    Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin c, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect.


  • 柠檬醋缬方焱蜱一种可食用醋,具有减肥养颜美容功效。柠檬耐久保存,含丰富维生素c防止牙龈红肿音浆纪娟出血减少黑斑雀斑发生机率有部分美白效果

    Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin c, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect.


  • 柠檬醋缬方焱蜱一种可食用醋,具有减肥养颜美容功效。柠檬耐久保存,含丰富维生素c防止牙龈红肿音浆纪娟出血减少黑斑雀斑发生机率有部分美白效果

    Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin c, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect.


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