• 如果你们致力于维持你们关系坚持你们信任将会使你们的关系牢固安全

    If you are committed to keep the relationship and maintain your trust, you will keep the relationship strong and safe.


  • 如果我们不能维持目前增进健康方面动力,稳住阵脚,实现承诺坚持达到各项目标,就会雪上加霜,情况进一步恶化。

    If we do not maintain the current momentum for better health, stay the course, keep our promises, and stick to our goals, a bad situation is certain to get worse.


  • 来自美国农业部成熟老化方面的人体营养研究中心的詹姆斯·约瑟夫博士建议坚持吃各种谷类食物、水果蔬菜维持身体健康和清晰头脑

    James Joseph, Ph.D., a physiologist from the USDA's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, recommends that you stick with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to maintain a healthy, clear mind.


  • 例如董事会坚持银行对于本国补助支付既定利率水平更高的利率维持整个市场的稳定。

    In several cases the directorate insisted that Banks pay a higher rate on their state aid than had been proposed in order to maintain a level playing field, for example.


  • 无论他们到哪里这个颜色使得他们很容易敌人发现。 外加上他们维持阵形的坚持,他们在战争中简直就是活靶子尤其独立战争中。

    This made them an easy target no matter where they went, and in combination with their emphasis on holding their formation, they were sitting ducks especially during the American Revolution.


  • 大部分长期维持减肥效果那些将健康饮食习惯变成生活一部分并且坚持锻炼

    Most people who keep weight off for the long term are those who adopt healthy-eating habits as part of their normal lifestyle and who also get regular exercise.


  • 不能治本只要他们坚持每天服用,他们维持这种承受力

    It's not a permanent cure, but as long as they go on taking a daily dose they should maintain their tolerance.


  • 维持良好发展势头,需要中美双方坚持两国关系重要原则基础上继续共同努力。

    To maintain such sound momentum of development, it will take both sides to work together on the basis of upholding major principles in bilateral relations.


  • 其实男朋友的,我们关系维持13之久,可他坚持生孩子以前只好分手。

    But the truth was I had ended a long-term relationship more than a year before because my boyfriend of 13 years did not want to have children.


  • 实验结果证明只要坚持服药体重就可以维持,但必须考虑到所有药物副作用

    Weight maintenance is demonstrated as long as adherence to medication continues. All medications have side effects that need to be considered.


  • 研讨结果同样显现坚持充足睡眠也有意人们维持安康体重

    The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, also showed that getting the right amount of sleep helped people maintain a healthy weight.


  • 可是如果一个到今天仍然坚持穿补丁衣服,那维持简单朴素生活动机问题。

    However, if a man nowadays still wears a piece of clothes with patches, his motive for keeping the life will be in doubt.


  • 如果患者坚持挺过6个月治疗病死率连续维持4%至5%之间

    If patients can adhere to survive the first 6 months of treatment, the mortality rate for five consecutive years can be maintained at 4-5 percent between.


  • 老鞋坚持认为我们不必要诉诸武力维持和平

    YOS maintains that we need not resort to violence to maintain peace.


  • 理查特别欣赏公司坚持维持标准做法就算面临巨大市场压力,也不损害一分品质

    Richard: I especially admire the way that your company has insisted on 3 maintaining its standards, even when you've been under tremendous pressure from the market to 4 compromise your quality.


  • 无论是产品还是服务维持一个组织竞争力坚持不懈地追求降低成本目标,又影响品质方法

    Whether it is a service or a product to sustain an organization's competitiveness, one has to relentlessly pursue cost reduction goals without compromising the quality of the solutions.


  • 这次由于客户原因再次修改生产计划,就在一个前,空客官方还坚持2009年的生产量维持18

    But this time it is customers who are driving the change. The Airbus moves comes only about a month after officials for the manufacturer insisted 2009 production would remain at 18 aircraft.


  • 工作在继续需要你们每个人坚持每日训练维持精神焦点

    The work continues and what is required of each of you is to persist in your daily disciplines and maintain your focus.


  • 过去的里,辛迪虽然艰苦维持婚姻,但仍然坚持下去。

    For seven more years, Cindy hung on as hard as she could to the marriage.


  • 过去的里,辛迪虽然艰苦维持婚姻,但仍然坚持下去。

    For seven more years, Cindy hung on as hard as she could to the marriage.


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