• 方法结合笔者临床工作体会回顾性学习10年来相关文献

    Methods: Combined with the author's clinical work experience, this paper respectively studied the related literature in recent 10 years.


  • 本文结合笔者自身的教学实践介绍相关过程成果用以分享

    In this paper, combined with the authors' teaching practices, a brief introduction and discussion about the relative process and results will be made for sharing.


  • 文章结合笔者实践经验就电气节能设计关注有关问题进行探讨。

    Combining with the practical experience of the author, electrical energy saving design of the need to be paid attention to the issues were discussed.


  • 本文结合笔者从事翻译教学体会探讨了翻译教学中思维能力培养的问题。

    This paper, by inferring from my experience of teaching translation, aims to probe into the cultivation of thinking.


  • 本文结合笔者多年写作教学实践理论实践方面对问题进行了阐述

    In accordance with his many years of teaching of writing, the author, in this article, elaborates the problem in terms of both theory and practice.


  • 本文结合笔者教学经验学习体会,总结了一些母语外语教学中的运用情况

    The article tries to provide some practical USES of mother tongue in FLT according to the author's teaching and learning experience.


  • 论文最后部分结合笔者一些切身体会,指出开展双语教学所应必须注意问题

    The author supply some of her real understanding in the last part and point out the problems showbe paid attention to in the bilingual teaching.


  • 结合笔者所参与项目研究开发,介绍了一个协同框架为基础敏捷制造系统

    Then, an agile manufacturing system based on collaborative framework is presented, and the three-tier structure of the system application services collaborative framework, man...


  • 结合笔者所参与的项目研究开发,介绍了协同框架为基础敏捷制造系统

    Then, an agile manufacturing system based on collaborative framework is presented, and the three-tier structure of the system application services collaborative framework, management syst...


  • 最后结合笔者作品实例进一步探索图形符号电视艺术设计中的传播要素及其规律

    Finally, combine with the writer's works, further quest in illustration the main factor of propagation and its regulations that figure and symbol have on TV art design.


  • 结合笔者研究工作主要介绍了文本挖掘研究内容,挖掘过程,挖掘算法应用前景

    This paper mainly introduces the research contents on text mining, mining process, mining algorithm and application foreground combined with our research work.


  • 本文结合笔者中学英语教学中的实践,浅谈学困生学习缺陷成因转化策略体会

    In this paper, the author of English teaching in secondary schools in the practice of Poor Students on cause of learning deficiencies in experience strategy and transformation.


  • 结合笔者实践提出改进处理方法湿法脱硫废水处理提供了有效的途径。

    Combining the author's practice, an improved method is put forward. It offers a new efficient method for the treatment of desulfurization wastewater.


  • 本文结合笔者教学实践体会探讨了提高思想道德修养》课教学实效性一些方法

    Based on his personal teaching practice and experience, the author discusses some methods to improve the teaching effect of Ideology and Moral Cultivation.


  • 本文结合笔者参加人造板工程项目的设计体会简要介绍了人造板工程电气设计节能措施。

    According to designers experience, this paper introduces briefly the energy-saving means for man-made fibre engineering.


  • 结合笔者所在高校的实际,阐述学校机房管理存在的问题,提出高校机房管理的策略

    Several strategies were suggested to solve the problems in computer room management at colleges and universities.


  • 结合笔者所在学校,就建立自主学习中心实施自主学习,开发自主学习资源等进行论述。

    The establishment of self-learning center and its practice and the development of learning resources is also urged based on the university of the authors.


  • 本文结合笔者多年实际施工经验,分析了注浆技术房屋建筑工程中队这病害有效处理

    In this paper, the author many years of practical construction experience, and effective treatment of grouting technology of such diseases in the housing construction squadron.


  • 本文结合笔者几年商务英语教学实践,就如何运用交际教学法实施商务英语教学作一探讨。

    The author discusses in the last years of business English teaching practice, how to apply communicative teaching implementation of business English teaching discussed in this paper.


  • 本文结合笔者电子线路实验教学中的实践经验,对电子实验课教学方法提出一些建议方法

    The paper, combining the author's practical experience of teaching electron circuit, puts forward some Suggestions and methods to teaching method of the course.


  • 第二节则是综合中外学者研究成果结合笔者的理解来界定本文所述的行政制度相关概念

    The second quarter based on the foreign and home scholars 'research, define system related concepts of the administration accountability.


  • 结合笔者多年课件开发实践谈谈对奥思平台认识给出一些近期应用中的实用技巧及总结

    Combining with the author's courseware developing practice, this paper talks about the knowledge of Founder author Tool Platform, and offers some practicing skills.


  • 结合笔者从事计算机测控系统研发实践介绍一种测量低电平量程电压信号自动测量方法

    Combining with the practical research and development of the computer measure and control system, the paper introduces an automatic method to measure the "low-level and wide-range voltage signals".


  • 综合力学测试相关进展结合笔者工作的相关数据,针对如何提高力学测试及研究水平进行探讨。

    Combining the relevant progress and related data of mechanical testing, this paper have a preliminary discussion on improvement upon mechanical testing and research level.


  • 文章结合笔者学习和教学实践,着重探讨曲式混淆的方面和排除干扰、正确辨识音乐结构方法

    This paper probes into the three easily confusedaspects as well as the methods of obviating interference and distinguishing musical structure.


  • 结合笔者工作总结了近几年四氮杂卟及其金属配合物、聚合物超分子体系研究的主要新进展和新成果。

    Combined with the series of works made by the authors, the recent progresses in the research of porphyrazines and their complexes were reviewed.


  • 实际运用中,存在着一些突出问题本文这些问题进行了分析,并结合笔者实践提出了解决建议。

    But they are still have some outstanding problems in practice, This thesis discusses these problems and give some Suggestions in light of the writer's practice.


  • 方法结合笔者多年临床研究工作管理经验,对药物临床试验质量关键环节控制措施进行探讨并提出建议

    METHODS:According to the experience of author on clinical research management in many years, key step and control measure of drug clinical trials were explored to put forward recommendations.


  • 综合国内外研究资料结合笔者研究成果 ,评述了岩浆去气形成二氧化碳流体可能性现实性

    The reality and possibility of the formation of CO 2 rich and Au bearing fluids by mantle derived magmatic degassing are discussed.


  • 综合国内外研究资料结合笔者研究成果 ,评述了岩浆去气形成二氧化碳流体可能性现实性

    The reality and possibility of the formation of CO 2 rich and Au bearing fluids by mantle derived magmatic degassing are discussed.


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