• 反垄断法规制纵向一体化目的在于禁止那些大幅度提高市场集中度,或带来竞争效果的纵向一体化。

    The aim of law regulate vertical integration is that prohibited the vertical integration enhanced market centralized bring more anti-monopoly effect.


  • 反垄断法适用豁免制度形成根源三个因素:即垄断直接经济效率性、垄断的竞争效果和公共利益

    The formation of the exemption in the application of antitrust law is due to three factors: the direct economic effectiveness of monopoly, the competitive effect of monopoly, and the public interest.


  • 专利法适用于组织成员故意不履行披露义务行为虽然已经构成专利权滥用造成限制市场竞争效果情形。

    The patent law is applicable to the action described in the article constitutes patent abuse, but has not caused the result of anti-competition.


  • 体现学者之间竞争奇异效果一个实例最近女性割礼问题进行某些交流

    As a case of the bizarre effects of competition between scholars, take some recent exchanges on female circumcision.


  • 现在,全球电影行业为了新型娱乐方式(比如社交网络手机竞争,都普遍在影片中加入成本越来越高的数字化效果

    The global film industry is packing movies with ever costlier digital wizardry as it competes with new entertainment choices, from social networks to mobile phones.


  • 意大利出口行业旺盛如果意大利竞争可能起到进一步提振的效果

    Italy has a vibrant export sector that could thrive further if the country were more competitive.


  • 如果整出来的效果很棒那么好了,竞争中相关的一切都可以获得公平对待了。

    And if the results were fantastic, well, then all's fair in love and war.


  • 补贴具有类似的效果压低世界市场价格通过引诱没有竞争力且往往规模大生产者制造生产过剩阻止他人进入市场。

    Subsidies have similar effects, depressing world prices and inhibiting entry by inducing surplus production by noncompetitive, and often large producers.


  • 降低婴儿死亡率提高识字率竞争方面都会获得类似的效果

    There are, he says, similar results in terms of reductions of infant mortality, improved literacy and improved competitiveness.


  • 价值中的定位——识别竞争对手与合作伙伴任何网络效果可以用来客户提供更多的价值。

    Position in value network - identification of competitors, complementors, and any network effects that can be utilized to deliver more value to the customer.


  • 科技(捕捉二氧化碳电动汽车)产生竞争效果之前挪威剩余排放量无法排除——只能抵销

    But until new technologies, such as carbon capture or electric vehicles, become competitive, Norway's remaining emissions will not be eliminated-they will simply be offset.


  • 但是选择如此产业作为优胜者,结果可能是稀释个的效果同时存在一个迹象渴望减少政策保护促使产业竞争

    Picking so many sectors as winners, however, may dilute any impact on each one. And there is little sign of much desire to reduce protection to make industries more competitive.


  • 但是选择如此产业作为优胜者,结果可能是稀释个的效果,同时还存在一个迹象渴望减少政策保护促使产业竞争

    Picking so many sectors as winners however may dilute any impact on each one. And there is little sign of much desire to reduce protection to make industries more competitive.


  • 但是选择如此产业作为优胜者,结果可能是稀释一个的效果,同时还存在一个迹象渴望减少政策保护促使产业竞争

    Picking so many sectors as winners, however, may dilute any impact on each one.And there is little sign of much desire to reduce protection to make industries more competitive.


  • 里德尔先生大量不确定因素困扰通用公司——而且远远多于福特尽管通用施行一个良好应对措施,然而竞争对手更多债务实施企业战略上起着积极效果

    Mr Liddell is right: plenty of uncertainties surround GMfar more so than apply to Ford, which despite carrying a good deal more debt than its rival is doing a fine job of carrying out its strategy.


  • 做好评论专栏品牌经营,形成有特色“观点”栏目可以增强报纸竞争能力达到更好传播效果

    To do the best of the commentary-columns brands could build the special columns, enstrength the ability of newspaper competition and get better communication effects.


  • 由于市场竞争加剧中国企业越来越重视广告运用并且加强了对效果检验

    With market competition increasing, Chinese corporations pay more attention to application of advertising, and strengthen the test of advertising effect.


  • 我们看来苹果战略重点放在了提高显示效果渲染效果屏幕分辨率上。同时视频拍摄一直iPhone一个主要竞争优势

    In our view, Apple's strategic focus on improving display, both rendering and resolution, along with video capture has been a key competitive advantage for the iPhone.


  • 购买Wii竞争对手的游戏机之后,你可以很轻易的领略宽广宏伟3d世界以及顶级的1080像素的高清视觉效果

    Purchase a competing device and you get an HD showpiece readily capable of powering sprawling, grandiose 3-d worlds and stunning 1080p visuals.


  • 阿司匹林其他药物竞争达到减少疼痛高温效果

    Aspirin competes with many other medicines for reducing pain and high body temperature.


  • 排斥竞争效果绝对的显而易见的。

    The effect of exclusion of competition is absolute and obvious.


  • 树立品牌提供完善教学保障优秀教学质量效果竞争要素。

    Setting up the brand, providing the teaching safeguard, the outstanding teaching quality, the effect and so on are the essential factors.


  • 总的目标促使深圳广告产业形成合理化有效竞争态势实现令人满意市场效果

    The target is to facilitate advertising organizations in Shenzhen to create a rational situation of effective competition so as to realize a satisfying market effect.


  • 价格高于平均可避免成本如果被证明产生了排斥市场竞争效果具有掠夺性定价意图那么也会构成掠夺性定价。

    Price higher than the average avoidable cost, if exclusive effects of market competition and predatory intention was founded, it would constitute predatory pricing.


  • 大量陈列某商品,并以竞争力的价格取得最大效果

    Bulk merchandising of products to achieve maximum impact at a competitive price.


  • 然而之相伴媒介经营者竞争升级,广告传播环境嘈杂,广告效果评估难度日增

    However, upgraded competition among media operators, noisy communication environment, increased difficulties of effect evaluation and so on as side effects are coming with the flourish.


  • 帝国烟草公司直截了当地否认这些促销协议具有限制竞争目的效果

    Imperial Tobacco categorically denies that these promotional arrangements had the purpose or effect of restricting competition.


  • 香稻一种特殊稻种,具有滋补药用效果国际稻米市场中具有很强竞争成为当今科研热门课题之一

    Scented rice has a very strong competitive ability in international rice market and scented rice research has become a hot research subject in rice research fields in nowadays.


  • 香稻一种特殊稻种,具有滋补药用效果国际稻米市场中具有很强竞争成为当今科研热门课题之一

    Scented rice has a very strong competitive ability in international rice market and scented rice research has become a hot research subject in rice research fields in nowadays.


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