• 意大利很久以来就敦促利比亚更好沿海巡逻防止欧洲寻找更好生活非洲非法移民乘船离岸

    Italy has long pressed Libya to better patrol its coasts to prevent boats carrying African immigrants from leaving its shores in search of a better life in Europe.


  • 同样,该公司在进行试验——离岸采油平台接通电缆,允许他们使用更洁净能源发电不是使用小型天然气发电机

    It is also experimenting with running cables from the mainland to its offshore platforms, to allow them to run off cleaner mains power, rather than small gas-fired generators.


  • 帆船还是等外面,在观察回答信号究竟对不对不久,它就静悄悄驶近了,只见朦朦的片,象是一个幽灵似的,离岸一箭路以外抛了

    The boat that now arrived, assured by the answering signal that all was well, soon came in sight, white and silent as a phantom, and cast anchor within a cable's length of shore.


  • 事实上瑞士的举动全面反映了持续活跃50离岸金融日趋变化环境

    The fact that Switzerland did a deal at all reflects a changing climate for offshore finance, which has flourished for 50 years.


  • 岛上连绵不断山体,白色沙滩离岸珊瑚礁确立的著名蓝色泻湖

    The island has a mountainous, nearly impenetrable interior, white-sand beaches, and famous blue lagoon defined by an offshore coral reef.


  • Ganesh先生大胆认为,离岸业务益处可以直接售予用户

    Mr Ganesh is gambling that the benefits of offshored services can be sold directly to consumers.


  • 1954年8月31日巨浪席卷了新泽西州艾斯博公园的沿岸沙滩猛烈撞击着岸边木板人行道,年轻人们惊恐边破碎的护栏

    High waves roll in over the beach and crash against the boardwalk at Asbury Park, New Jersey on August 31, 1954, driving these youngsters away from the rail.


  • 该官员:“世界上首个甲烷水合物提取天然气离岸实验。”他还说,团队成功收集了一半冰冻状态的物质中提取出的甲烷气体

    "It is the world's first offshore experiment producing gas from methane hydrate," the official said, adding that the team successfully collected methane gas extracted from the half-frozen substance.


  • 沿海行驶还是离岸行驶? 沿海水流可以提供不错的动力,但是距离较近昼夜温差导致的变幻无常带来确定因素。

    The inshore current can give a decent ride but, with the land close by, fickle winds affected by night and day temperatures can provide an unpredictable breeze.


  • 尼尔·康明斯天文学家):那些海潮很可能冲入离岸数百英里然后退潮的时候,潮水冲刷着大表面的各种碎片海里

    Neil Comins (Astronomer): They probably would have covered hundreds of miles and then they would come back 13)scouring the land, taking debris from the surface of the Earth into the oceans.


  • 新加坡位置优越,著名金融中心离岸基金的重要注册

    Strategically located, Singapore has the reputation as an attractive financial centre and is an outstanding place for offshore funds.


  • 离岸英里的海上,一只渔船随波逐浪前进吃早饭信号,近千只海鸥飞来,相互追逐着争食

    A mile from shore a Fishing boat chummed the water and the word for Breakfast Flock flashed through the air, till a crowd of a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for bits of food.


  • 离岸英里的海上,一只渔船随波逐浪前进吃早饭信号,近千只海鸥飞来,相互追逐着争食

    A mile from shore a Fishing boat chummed the water and the word for Breakfast Flock flashed through the air, till a crowd of a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for bits of food.


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