• 倘若撇开社会公约中一切本质东西我们就会发现社会公约可以简化如下规定

    If then we discard from the social compact what is not of its essence, we shall find that it reduces itself to the following terms.


  • 便是道德问题纯粹社会公约之间区别,舒尔曼其他人相信孩子们会与生俱来地感觉到这些

    That's the difference between a matter of morality and one of mere social convention, and Schulman and others believe kids feel it innately.


  • 研究表明纳税,作为社会公约自由选择一部分,若过分强调执行税法,则这种自由显得不那么自由,因而削弱税德。

    Research suggests that overemphasizing enforcement can actually weaken tax morale, by making taxpaying seem less like a freely chosen part of the social contract.


  • 社会公约例如链接有价值资源激励或者某个社交网络中的约会规则人们喜欢什么,以及能做什么的社会约定密切相关。

    Social conventions, such as the incentive to make links to valuable resources, or the rules of engagement in a social networking web site, are about how people like to, and are allowed to, interact.


  • 通过这些文明公约我们了解到对社会而言,礼貌行为方式意味着什么

    Through such conventions of civility, we learn about what polite behavior and manners mean to the community.


  • 毫无疑问,《世卫组织烟草控制框架公约我们作为国际社会减轻全球疾病负担而拥有强大的工具

    Without question, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is the most powerful tool we have, as an international community, to reduce the global disease burden.


  • 经济社会文化权利国际公约》(1966年)第十二规定实现健康权需采取步骤包括

    The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) in Article 12 states that steps for the realization of the right to health include those that.


  • 草拟残疾人权利公约国际社会保护残疾人权利上重要举措,国际社会对此予以高度重视必要投入。

    It is an important step for the international community to draft the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and should be highly prioritized and appropriately funded.


  • 大家积极与会充分体现包括亚洲国家在内的国际社会禁止化学武器公约》的重视支持

    Your active participation in this meeting fully embodies the attention and support of the international community including Asian nations for the CWC.


  • 因为这份公约所有社会成员们建立了一份公平公正法律——不论是对信徒还是非信徒,都是如此。

    Because it established just and equal laws for all members of their new community - believers and non-believers alike.


  • 酒店拥有一个大型会议中心工作人员举办企业会议公约社会事件

    The hotel also boasts a large convention center and staff to host corporate meetings, conventions, and social events.


  • 国际社会确保公约完整性权威性得到维护。

    The international community should make sure that the integrity and authority of the Convention are safeguarded.


  • 社会生活目的除了公约收获时间详尽荣誉已经建成正在整个忠实遵守

    For the purposes of social life, in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honor has been established and is on the whole faithfully observed.


  • 不论英美国家,还是大陆法国家,关于船舶抵押权成文立法,国际社会制订相关国际公约

    There are statutes about ship mortgage not only in civil law countries, but also in common law countries, and international society has codified related conventions.


  • 现代社会航运已经成为国际贸易重要渠道,海事公约规范海事活动方面至关重要作用

    In modern society, shipping has become the most important way in world-wide trades and communications, and maritime conventions play a crucial role in regulating and standardizing maritime activities.


  • 探讨国际社会通过立法保护儿童免受网络侵害方面,主要论述了《网络犯罪公约》和欧洲联盟有关立法文件规定。

    The first part is the discussion about the sources of international law of the protecting of the right of child from the danger from the internet.


  • 我们正在塑属于我们自己的社会契约,而这套管理公约我方所身处条件制定,跟你们的世界无关

    We are forming our own Social Contract . This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours.


  • 30年前国际社会签署了保护臭氧层维也纳公约》。

    Thirty years ago, the international community signed the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.


  • 经济社会文化权利国际公约》建立了通过提交审议缔约国报告来监督公约执行制度

    The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights depends solely on a reporting system for its implementation under which reports from states parties are submitted and examined.


  • 经济社会文化权利国际公约》建立了通过提交审议缔约国报告来监督公约执行制度

    The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights depends solely on a reporting system for its implementation under which reports from states parties are submitted and examined.


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