• 通用电气公司无疑有着一个疯狂目标

    General Electric sure doesn't shy away from a crazy goal.


  • 年轻时有一些很疯狂目标:“三十岁变成大富翁。”

    When I was young, I had crazy goals like: “I want to be rich by the time I’m 30.”


  • 富人设立那些看起来不可能的,困难的,甚至疯狂的目标但是他们知道他们可以实现,来自他们拥有适当心态

    The rich set goals that seem impossible, difficult or crazy. But they know they are achievable. It all comes back to having the proper mindset.


  • 我们中的一些人过着自己没有时间考虑组织目标纪律这样繁忙疯狂混乱无序的生活。

    Some of us have such hectic, busy, crazy, chaotic days that we don't have the time to even consider organization, goals, or routines.


  • 学校遭到袭击部分原因是因为校园对于造成越多伤害越好的疯狂袭击者来说是个容易下手的目标

    Part of the reasonschools have been attacked is that they make easy targets for a derangedassailant hoping to inflict as much harm as possible.


  • 假设其中一个目标与你生活的社区更多的关联,你是否会参与旧货出售街区聚会秋季聚餐或是即将到来圣诞玩具疯狂抢购活动这些活动呢?

    For example, if one of your goals is to be more involved in your community are there any garage sales, block parties, fall suppers, or Christmas toy drives coming up that you can participate in?


  • 这些疯狂举措两个目标,一来是为了重现在北京的辉煌;二来为了马铃薯床上到体育场上

    [font=Verdana]This frenzy of activity has two aims: to ensure that Britain’s Olympians repeat their success in four years’ time; and to get a generation of potatoes off the couch and onto the track.


  • 随着想象力的衰退贫乏成熟抵抗逃避就变得愈发绝望地不惜一切疯狂毫无目标

    As his imagination faltered and grew dim, the fending off of maturity became desperate, demented and pointless.


  • 幸福作为人生唯一目标疯狂——太难了,而且永远不知道何时才能到达因为你自己幸福也没有确切定义

    To have happiness as the only goal can make people crazy, it's too hard, and you never know when you get there because there is no precise definition of happiness.


  • 这些自我限制的执念使我们坚信自己的人生目标过于困难疯狂

    These self-limiting beliefs convince us that what we want to do in life is too hard or too crazy.


  • 虽然感觉像是将要发疯可是多数时候欺负目标完全头脑清醒,他们是因为愤怒疯狂

    Although it feels like you're going insane, in most cases targets of bullying are completely sane but mad with anger.


  • 在内因方面需要偏离导致职务犯罪者官职、财富美色”的病态追求动机偏离导致职务犯罪行为人奋斗目标产生疯狂热情” ;

    Internally, demand departure results in duty criminal's seeking for power, money and badger games morbidly. Motivation departure leads to duty criminal's crazy enthusiasm produced by struggle target.


  • 疯狂科学家转化为一个电气操作的怪物完成目标

    Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.


  • 那时起我们目标一直帮助那些良好工作这个疯狂世界提供设计服务

    Since then our goal has been to help provide design services to those who do good work in this crazy world.


  • 有没有制定什么疯狂的计划?你征服目标是什么?你什么味道的蛋糕(伙计,你真的认为这很邪恶吗)?

    What demented schemes will you devise? What corrupt conquests will you attempt? Which cakes will you eat (but, you know, really evilly)?


  • 2009年5月,东北黑龙江省黑河市实施疯狂的只捕杀,达到全城无狗的目标

    In May 2009, Heihe in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province issued a dog cull order with the aim of making the city "dog-free."


  • 一个明确工作目标防止因为没有明确理想工作目标,为寻找工作行政简历信封,准备其他职业性文件疯狂活动中。

    Have a clear job target: Resist jumping into a frenzy of writing activities for executive resumes, cover letters, and other career documents without being crystal clear about your ideal job target.


  • 不难想象,当员工离开公司时候,会说公司的目标疯狂了——“我们业务增加了三倍,却分钱奖金都得不到。”

    It's easy to imagine employees leaving the company and saying that the goals are crazy -- "we tripled the business and didn't even get our bonuses."


  • 每周自己一个目标看似疯狂不寻常的事

    Set one goal a week for yourself to do one thing that seems outrageous or unusual.


  • 多个游戏目标保持新鲜感?超过100个有趣的关卡? 游戏包很小拥有非常精致的图形?朋友创建一个分数保持饥饿享受又甜的糖果疯狂

    Multiple game goals? Over 100 interesting levels? Very small size but super tasty graphics? Create a high score in your friends circle Keep hungry, enjoy this sweet and delicious Candy Frenzy!


  • 这些疯狂举措两个目标,一来是为了重现在北京的辉煌;

    This frenzy of activity has two aims: to ensure that Britain's Olympians repeat their success in four years' time;


  • 一款非常好玩的3d游戏通过加速传感器来驾驶你的疯狂直升机点击屏幕射击地上坦克大炮其他飞机等等目标

    Crazy choppers is insanely fun 3d game. Fly your crazy copter by tilting your device. Shoot at enemy vehicles, tanks, guns, planes and choppers by tapping the touchscreen.


  • 一款非常好玩的3d游戏通过加速传感器来驾驶你的疯狂直升机点击屏幕射击地上坦克大炮其他飞机等等目标

    Crazy choppers is insanely fun 3d game. Fly your crazy copter by tilting your device. Shoot at enemy vehicles, tanks, guns, planes and choppers by tapping the touchscreen.


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