• 通过特定方式互动利用新人(女)友的方式行事,让我美梦成真

    By interacting in a particular way, I will draw out of this new person behaviors my ex used to engage in. That's expectation becoming reality.


  • 家长问问(女)朋友:“你父母喜欢任么,为什 么?”

    Before you meet the parents, ask your boyfriend/girlfriend: "Did your parents like your ex?


  • 就在两个孩子发现刘晨尸体其一朋友已向警方报道失踪

    Two weeks before the children discovered Mr Liu's body, a male friend reported him missing.


  • 另外某些情况下这些学生已经经历了重新评价成功”,一种神经学上的说法,意思淡忘(女)他们带来快乐——这是走出失恋阴影的一步。

    Plus, in some cases, students were already undergoing reappraisal success, which is neurological-speak for remembering the less convivial aspects of an exthe first step in getting over him or her.


  • 事实上,解除好友关系这种事还暗藏着某种愿说出口的尴尬——是否表明依然受到你/女友的钳制呢?

    It's a fact that there's an unspoken awkwardness to defriending -- won't it show your ex that he or she still has a hold on you?


  • 新角色杰奎琳(夏洛特·兰普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎琳开门见山是不是“直”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 他们可能从未与之交往过却你怀有好感的,也可能是你货真价实/女友。

    These could be people you've never dated who've started to show an interest or actual exes.


  • 艾特马斯基和谈话20的事了,但是从以后,艾特马斯基就成立了一个名叫计划终身赞助群体”叫做“PLAN”的非盈利组织,并担任这个组织的总负责人。

    That conversation took place more than 20 years ago and led to the creation of a nonprofit organization called the Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network, or PLAN. Etmanski is the organization's president.


  • 一对中年夫妇坐在电视机翻看杂志,女的在品尝美酒。

    A MIDDLE-AGED couple sits in front of a TV set. He flicks idly through a magazine, she holds a drink.


  • 一档电视选秀节目中,台湾名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为苏珊·博伊尔。

    A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.


  • 一个白人制作一部电影让它上映期待票房第一不可想象的,25确实发生了,《窈窕奶爸》的罗宾·威廉姆斯和《窈窕淑》的达斯汀·霍夫曼就做了同样的事。

    One can't imagine a White man making a movie in a dress and expecting the film to be No. 1 at the box office. But that did happen 25 years ago when Robin Williams " Mrs."


  • 这个,”酒吧,轻轻张卡片,就好像小鱼,且灵魂已在离开,了可以永远被护佑的之天堂。 “我们。”

    "This," said the barman, holding out the card as if it was a small fish whose soul had three weeks earlier winged its way to the Land Where Fish are Eternally Blessed, "we don't accept it."


  • 这个S音在美国年轻女士同群体群体中更为常见而且通常被认为同志声音的主要特征。

    This fronted [s] is more common among younger American women and gay men than it is among straight men, and is a staple of gay-voice stereotypes.


  • 女们每天电脑,除了聊聊QQ上上开心,逛逛淘宝,还什么呢?

    everday, homeboys and homegirls just sit in front of the computer for chatting on QQ, vist happynet and taobao,what else can they do?


  • JorgeLuis AlcaláChapellín一家面包坊的保安,他星期街上,一个的被偷车贼射杀

    Just down the street here, a week ago, a man was shot dead by car thieves,” said Jorge Luis Alcalá, a security guard at a baker’s shop in Chapellín.


  • Pelz俄亥俄汽车爆胎一位出现

    Pelz recounted(8) a story about a man who showed up to change his tire when he had a flat in Ohio five years ago.


  • 法令规定企业必须于2016年女性成员在董事会的比例提高40%.这意味着法国40上市企业的169董事女董事取代。

    The law would oblige France’s 40 biggest listed firms to put women into 169 seats currently occupied by men.


  • 几个星期,ABC大热剧集《摩登家庭》正在紧张地拍摄新的集:由艾里克·史东斯崔扮演的肥胖同性恋卡梅隆发现了一个坏消息——伴侣米切尔忘记发请帖当晚来参加募捐活动的客人,卡梅隆已经预定蟹肉、借来了表演用的竖琴不到客人。

    His partner, Mitchell, had failed to mail out invitations to a fund-raiser in their home that night. Cam had ordered the crab cakes and rented the harps, but he had no guests.


  • 这项研究中,11名运动员在进行90分钟耐力锻炼要求禁食12小时

    In the study, 11 male athletes were asked to fast for 12 hours, before a 90-minute endurance workout.


  • 获得赛会8运动员姓名雕刻秦皇岛国际马拉松纪念墙上

    The top 8 male and 8 female athletes will have their names carved on the Qinhuangdao International Marathon Memory Wall.


  • 获得、女8名运动员姓名雕刻秦皇岛国际马拉松纪念墙上

    The top 8 male and 8 female athletes will have their names carved on the Qinhuangdao International Marathon Memory Wall.


  • 另外某些情况下这些学生已经经历了重新评价成功”,一种神经学上的说法,意思淡忘(女)他们带来的快乐——这是走出失恋阴影的一步。

    Plus, in some cases, students were already undergoing reappraisal success, which is neurological-speak for remembering the less convivial aspects of an ex - the first step in getting over him or her.


  • 这个奖项颁发一位基金会杰出受奖人特别服务活动专业成就足以作为超服务的扶轮理想范例。

    The award is intended to celebrate a Foundation alumnus or alumna whose extraordinary service activities and professional achievements exemplify the Rotary ideal of service Above Self.


  • 胶布眼镜块写着“鞋子牌子,穿上一双似乎颜色优雅拖鞋,它们有着一种令我惊奇的神秘感。

    Tape-Glasses stopped at the sign that said "Shoes" and stepped into what appeared to be elegant slippers the color of mourning doves.


  • 胶布眼镜块写着“鞋子牌子,穿上一双似乎颜色优雅拖鞋,它们有着一种令我惊奇的神秘感。

    Tape-Glasses stopped at the sign that said "Shoes" and stepped into what appeared to be elegant slippers the color of mourning doves.


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