• 倘若要说这些电影有所指,那么广告入侵未来随之而来威胁

    If the movies are any indication, the threat of invasive advertising is something that comes along with the future.


  • 行业分析师因为主要制片商遭受双重威胁好莱坞制作中的电影数目的预估值已下调超过三分之一

    The number of films being produced by Hollywood is set to fall by more than a third as the major studios struggle against a twin threat, industry analysts say.


  • 件事还是明确的,几年认为是电影产业最大威胁盗版事业,已经不足为患

    About one thing the studios are fairly sure. Piracy, which was widely viewed as the greatest danger facing the film business a few years ago, has been eclipsed as a threat.


  • 问题高度紧张冷战期间,肆意猖狂次级电影怪物由于意外遭受核辐射产生的;而如今似乎瘟疫人类威胁大。

    During the cold war, when nuclear tensions were at their height, rampaging B-movie monsters were the result of accidental exposure to radiation; nowadays plague seems a greater threat to humanity.


  • 电影不仅这座捷克核电站被描述成对奥地利威胁而且事件发生捷克官方还向邻国隐瞒重要信息

    Not only is the Czech plant portrayed as a menace to Austrians, but the Czech authorities withhold vital information from their neighbours after the accident.


  • 一方面互联网带来潜在威胁盗版者窃取电影,本属于制作商电影成了他们的战利品

    On the one hand, the Internet has brought a potent threat: pirates are plundering films and carrying off booty that rightfully belongs to the studios.


  • 毫无疑问,网飞公司商业模式最大毁灭性威胁来自电影现在可以在线下载观赏

    Of course, the biggest threat of disruption to Netflix's business model comes from the ability to download or watch movies directly online.


  • 人们不断快速地发现在家观看电影方式严重威胁电影业利润最大部分

    People are rapidly discovering new ways of watching films at home that pose a grave threat to the most profitable part of the film business.


  • 如果定价低的话电影公司因为它威胁到了DVD而退出

    Set the price for online films too low, and the studios will revolt against a threat to DVDs.


  • 因此能够直接播放VCDDVD电子计算机构成电影的竞争威胁

    Therefore, direct broadcast VCD, DVD's computer constitute a threat to the film industry's competitiveness.


  • 一次事故人气爆棚演员大鹏跌入人生谷底草率电影契约使受到生命威胁

    Because eof an accident, the popularity of the actor Roc fell into the bottom of life, and hastily signed the film contract, so that it was threatened with life.


  • 关于西的西部小说电影印第安威胁主题

    Westerns, i. e. films and books about the Wild West, use the threat from Indians as their central theme.


  • 幽灵威胁电影加斯加诺计算机生成的角色

    In The Phantom Menace film, Gasgano was a computer-generated character.


  • 2004年科幻电影机器人》讲述了人形机器人人类致命威胁; 2009年的动画电影《机器人9号开篇就展示人类机器人手中几近灭绝场面。

    In 2004 sci-fi film I, Robot, humanoid robots pose a fatal threat to humanity, and the 2009 animated film 9 opens with the near extinction of human beings at the hands of robots.


  • 威胁潜伏一部星际大战电影新希望前传

    The Phantom Menace "is the prequel of the first star war's movie a new hope."


  • 当前传影片星球大战:第一——幽灵威胁美国首映那个周末列入计划疯狂影迷排起长队买票就是为了一眼电影的宣传预告片。

    When the opening weekend of the prequel movie Star Wars: Episode 1 — the Phantom Menace was planned in the US, crazy fans queued up to buy tickets simply to see the preview trailer.


  • 电影宣传人员半夜收到威胁电话

    Festival publicists told of receiving frightening phone calls in the middle of the night.


  • 第三:本章主要内容是女性恐怖角色思想内涵以及女性“威胁”的两种模式带来恐怖效应,并对好莱坞恐怖电影的恐怖女性形象进行反思。

    Chapter 3 mainly touches on the mental implications of horrific female characters and horror effect from two modes of female"menace", at the same time, refecting upon horrific female images.


  • 一个人奥林匹克电影取材于短跑选手刘长春不畏日本侵略者强迫和威胁,单刀赴会,第一次代表中国参加了1932年洛杉矶夏季奥运会的感人故事

    "The One" is based on the story of sprinter Liu Changchun's struggle against Japanese invaders to represent China at the 1932 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles.


  • 一个人奥林匹克电影取材于短跑选手刘长春不畏日本侵略者强迫和威胁,单刀赴会,第一次代表中国参加了1932年洛杉矶夏季奥运会的感人故事

    "The One" is based on the story of sprinter Liu Changchun's struggle against Japanese invaders to represent China at the 1932 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles.


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