• 46亿年前发生的事情当时太阳地球在如今已经消失的星际星云中

    That's what happened 4.6 billion years ago, when the sun and the Earth emerged from a now-vanished interstellar nebula.


  • 如今29%英国人受肥胖影响这个数据预计到2030年会上升至35%,我们现在应该视为一种疾病吗?

    With obesity now affecting 29% of the population in England, and expected to rise to 35% by 2030, should we now recognise it as a disease?


  • 三十年前,我在为我的明天而反抗。如今,我在为我儿子的明天而斗争。”苏珊如此说道,她现在是两个孩子的妈妈,一直呼吁人们对气候变化引起重视。

    "Thirty years ago, I was fighting for my tomorrow. Now, I am fighting for the future of my sons," says Susan, now a mother of two, who has kept calling people's attention to climate change.


  • 他们一个人进来说道,‘结婚,你有钱现在钱了;你承诺过我如今无法兑现,’”福尔考尔

    "A spouse will come in and say, 'When I married you, you had money and now you don't. You promised and can't deliver, ' "said Furr Colton.


  • 现在想要讨论一下如今支持协作工具类型

    I want to now look at the type of tools we have available to support collaboration today.


  • 其实如今男性工资低于当时的水平:现在一个30多年轻男子收入三十年前与他年纪相仿的男子低12%。

    Male wages today are in fact lower than they were then: the income of a young man in his 30s is now 12 per cent below that of a man his age three decades ago.


  • 表格数据显示了苹果产品如今股票收益对比。假设现在1997正在商家寻觅新的笔记本电脑

    A chart shows the cost of Apple products versus today's stock gains.Let us pretend for a moment that the year is 1997 and you're in the market for a new laptop computer.


  • 仆人大卫应许的话现在应验了。 你亲口应许亲手成就,正一样。

    You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it-as it is today.


  • 以前,而现在如今的两难选择妥协。

    That was eight years ago and I'm only now making beginning to make peace with my modern-day gender dilemma.


  • 不过到此为止,以前也如今更加深信现在不是第一个100”,而是“唯一的100天”。

    That’s over. I’ve said this before, and I believe it even more strongly today: We’ve gone from the first 100 days to the “Only 100 Days.”


  • 现在二月而且如今或许已经读到听到人们谈论UML 2.0——包括若干进步UML规范所做变化

    It's February, and by now you've probably read about, or heard people talk about, making the change to UML 2.0 — the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements.


  • 无论她人间或是现在天堂灵魂如今上帝同在了!

    Whether still on earth or now in heaven, her spirit is at home with God!


  • 如今一刻现在脑海中,部分是因为我们并不知道,等等,我们如何能够知道?

    Now this moment is striking in part because we had no idea - how could we possibly have had an idea?


  • 但是同时类似特色过滤如今多面手搜索引擎上,使可以垂直引擎那样操作。

    At the same time, however, similar features and filters are appearing on generalist search-engines, enabling them to act more like vertical engines.


  • 这些公司过去美国上市的话可比现在容易了,如今它们依然是非上市公司,以后可能会被迫在海外上市,依靠海外的投资者支持

    They could more easily have gone public in the United States in the past. But they now remain private or, for the time being, have to market themselves overseas and rely on foreign investors.


  • 没有必要解释我们现在改变我们如今状态或者生活

    It doesn't have to explain our present in order to change our current situation or life.


  • 说的对,如今还是想完成学业,知道我有喜欢现在学校生活

    And I still do. You don't know how much I enjoy my college life.


  • 当初决定如今已经不重要了。现在这位年轻女孩心里想只有奥运会金牌随之而来的财富

    But now that decision is history, and all that remains in the young woman's quest is Olympic gold, and the riches that come with it.


  • 现在已经扭转了这个趋势如今非常活跃好动但是努力燃烧那些积极的日子里猛增脂肪

    I've reversed that trend, and am very active now, but I'm still trying to burn the fat I gained in those inactive years.


  • 如今得到了赞助,甚至上海拍摄新的电视广告

    Today, he retains sponsorship and has even been spotted shooting new television ads in Shanghai.


  • 现在已经不是抱怨父母引导自己方向时候了,如今你们已经足够决定自己前进路程,责任要自己承担。

    There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.


  • 现在六十年过去了,如今双方老板就要摈弃前嫌握手言和。作为力争和解开拓之举,这是有象征性意义的。

    Today, however, after six decades apart, the present day bosses are to bury the hatchet in a highly symbolic display of reconciliation, shaking hands as part of a pioneering peace initiative.


  • 当时物资缺乏变成了现在财产权益缺乏;当时排队耻辱如今官员压榨的耻辱替代

    Shortages of goods have been replaced by lack of property rights; the humiliation of queueing for meat has been replaced by the humiliation of being milked by bureaucrats.


  • 我们现在那些,如今运行没有金子转换功能,中央银行机构打交道。

    We're left with the central banking institutions that are now functioning without convertibility to gold.


  • 现在,想想如今人们每天会随身携带一些什么信息传播工具或者,再想想在十年之后一个普通人日常拥有什么样的信息传播工具。

    Now note what media tools people carry around with them routinely todayor, better yet, what they’ll have a decade from now.


  • 现在,想想如今人们每天会随身携带一些什么信息传播工具或者,再想想在十年之后一个普通人日常拥有什么样的信息传播工具。

    Now note what media tools people carry around with them routinely todayor, better yet, what they’ll have a decade from now.


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