• 时期文学中,爱情神话遭遇了全面挑战

    In the new period of literature, love runs into challenge in all aspects.


  • 时尚解读穿越爱情神话讲述责任战争牺牲背叛诱惑世界性主题

    Meanwhile with fashionable languages it tells the love myth going through the Millennium and explores the global topics like love and responsibility, war and death, betrayal and temptation.


  • 经典爱情神话无非男权文化造出另一神秘之女性往往面前失足,跌落爱情陷阱;

    The classical love story is nothing but a mysterious matter created in the male culture in which woman take a wrong step and land in the love trap frequently.


  • 各种古典风格装饰艺术品充斥房间,客厅放着爱神青铜雕塑是最有名希腊爱情神话故事之一,还有黎明女神欧若拉引领太阳神阿波罗的油画。

    Classical art dominates here with a bronze statue of Eros and Psyche, one of the great love Greek love stories, and Apollo led by Aurora - the Greek goddess of the dawn the Greek goddess of the dawn.


  • 人们讲述关于爱情神话传说

    They tell myths and legends about love.


  • 古希腊当时男性爱情婚姻一样重要写入希腊神话

    In Ancient Greece love between males was in many ways analogous to the marriages of the time, seen as equally important in the life of the individual, and enshrined in Greek mythology.


  • 究竟还有谱写神话爱情故事威廉凯特更甜蜜?

    What's sweeter than William and Kate'sfairy-tale love story?


  • 神话中的起源应该,一个叫做洛斯这个形象,是爱神,爱情女神阿佛洛狄忒儿子

    The mythological source is in the sort of mythological character of the God called Eros, who is the God of love, the son of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love.


  • 诺莱流行的影片类型当数枪战片、爱情神话故事。戴墨镜的光头男子正在扮演一个歹徒

    The most popular genres in Nollywood are crime, romance and witchcraft. The slick-looking young man in the sunglasses is playing a gangster in a fraud syndicate


  • 然而却是爱情变成一个我自己都不怎么相信神话故事。

    But what I have done instead is turn my relationship into the kind of myth I don't quite believe in.


  • 皮影戏中,历史演义戏、民间传说武侠公案戏、爱情故事戏、神话寓言戏、时装现代戏等等,无所不有。

    There are Shadow shows of historical stories, folk legends, martial arts and legal cases, romance, myths, and fashion modern dramas.


  • 戴玲同一种人,以我们才智不会相信古老的神话爱情

    You and I are the same, Darien. We are smart enough not to buy in to the oldest myth running: love.


  • 这里适合任何一个神话故事开始因此任何关于人妖爱情电影故事的拍摄可以从这里开始。

    Here it is right for the beginning of any fairy tale, so you can shoot any movie about love between men and ghosts.


  • 部分阐述哥特式风格原因父权制压迫南方淑女艾米丽态度对待爱情神话

    Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily's attitude towards love.


  • 金牛座神话故事十二个星座碓一描绘爱情故事,打破了一般人认为金牛座缺乏浪漫错误印象。

    Taurus's fairy tale, is the only story depicting love of the twelve constellations. Taurus is generally considered the lack of romance, but actually that is false.


  • 按照这个神话说法,Frigga(北欧海盗爱情女神)儿子有毒寄生叶子做的下。

    According to this myth, the son of Frigga? C the Viking goddess of love? C was killed by a poisonous mistletoe dart.


  • 成为爱情辅助形象具有神话史诗根源传承

    And We discuss the origin and transmitting of myth's epopee in assisted image of horse sequentially.


  • 神话中的起源应该,一个叫做洛斯这个形象,是爱神,爱情女神阿佛洛狄忒儿子

    The mythological source is in the sort of mythological character of the God called Eros , who is the God of love, the son of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love.


  • 诺莱流行的影片类型当数枪战片、爱情神话故事。戴墨镜的光头男子正在扮演一个歹徒

    The most popular genres in Nollywood are crime, romance and witchcraft. The slick-looking young man in the sunglasses is playing a gangster in a fraud syndicate.


  • 希腊神话手持爱情弓箭爱神丘比特纯洁美好爱情象征传说射中的个人无法自拔地陷入情网。

    In Greek mythology, Eros, armed with a bow and arrow, is a symbol of pure love. Legend has it that being struck by his arrow two people will instantly fall in love.


  • 希腊神话手持爱情弓箭爱神丘比特纯洁美好爱情象征传说射中的个人无法自拔地陷入情网。

    In Greek mythology, Eros, armed with a bow and arrow, is a symbol of pure love. Legend has it that being struck by his arrow two people will instantly fall in love.


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