• 浆果放置一个700毫升中,火至浆果涨开为止。

    Place berries in a pan with 700ml water, simmer untill fruit starts to burst.


  • 还有一种的连气泡都看不到煮沸方法,只能观察到汤汁表面轻微的波动,这叫做”(frémir),主要用于炮制鱼类或是其他易碎食物

    An even slower boil with no bubble, only the barest movement on the surface of the liquid, is cablled "to shiver, " frémir, and is used for poaching fish or other delicate foods.


  • 巧克力掰碎块放进里;连碗放入平底锅,用半开熔化。然后取出冷却5分钟。

    Break the chocolate into squares and melt in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. remove from the heat and leave to cool for5minutes.


  • 份米兰藏红花作为开胃菜一种用藏红花牛肉骨髓混合而成美味佳肴。

    I ordered a risotto alla Milanese to start, which was a delicious mix of saffron, creamy rice and beef marrow.


  • 安徽菜系安徽厨师注重烹饪温度擅长

    Anhui Cuisine Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing.


  • 肉桂柠檬花瓣混合一起,放在盛壶里水蒸气会带出百花香气空气变得异常芳香。

    Combine dried orange peels, cinnamon sticks, lemon peels, and flower petals in a simmering pot of water. As the steam leaves the potpourri, the air should become much more fragrant.


  • 结合有关川木香的历代文献记载,木香制法研究现状进行综述,对川木香合理开发临床应用等具有指导意义。

    It will be helpful for guiding the rational exploitation and clinical application to study the historical literatures and current situation about Radix Vladimiriae and its baking methods.


  • 课题作为中国石油天然气集团公司“X80级管线钢管弯管技术研究一部分

    This research topic is an integral part of the "research on the Heat-stewed BendTechnology of X80 Pipe Steel" by CNPC.


  • 燃气管道设计中对管道转角处理可以采用机制弯管、热弯头、冷弯弯管、弹性敷设

    The mechanical elbow, hot-bending bend, cold-bending bend and elastic installation can be used to handle pipeline corners in design of gas pipeline.


  • 防腐一直埋地管道防腐的薄弱环节,直接影响管道的使用寿命。

    Anticorrosion of heating bend pipes is a problem all along in buried pipeline construction. It affects directly the service life of the pipeline.


  • 项最新调查显示诸如腌猪肉兔肉英国传统美食目前正面临着逐渐退出历史舞台危险,一些英国年轻人甚至听说这些传统食品。

    Traditional British delicacies such as bath chaps, jugged hare and brawn are under threat of extinction as youths in the kingdom haven't even heard of them, a survey showed.


  • 介绍循环流化床锅炉木柴点火的方法及其优缺点

    Ignition of the circulation fluidized bed boiler is performed with firewood and charcoal, and its advantages and disadvantages are summarized.


  • 除了添加柠檬罗勒叶,其余成分直到吸收和增厚。

    Add the remaining ingredients except the lime leaves and basil leaves, and simmer until the sauce is absorbed and thickened.


  • 餐馆告诉我们,“小米汤鲟鱼一道经典山西

    We were told that sturgeon boiled in millet congee (a kind of porridge) was a typical Shanxi dish.


  • 家家火塘有一浓茶,可随时饮用招待客人

    The families are Huotang simmer a can of strong tea, drink and hospitality to guests at any time.


  • 晚饭的时候,有方老太太亲手做的鳝鱼丝、鸡翅西瓜、洒,都是大儿子爱吃的乡味。

    For dinner that evening, his mother herself prepared fried shredded eel, chicken wings in soy sauce, stewed chicken with melon, and shrimps cooked in wine-all his favorite local dishes.


  • 北京菜的主要做法有、煎、

    Beijing style specializes in sauting, quick-frying, simmering, deep frying, braising and roasting.


  • 成型,再经过文火制成表面光洁细致唇膏

    The delicate, bright and clean lipstick was finally made through pouring mold to shape and drying by soft fire.


  • 奶酪里焙烤或者鸡蛋技巧就是掌握时间火候

    The trick of shirring and simmering the eggs in seasoned cream is timing and temperature.


  • 烹制几十原料放进绍兴酒坛中,口用纸密封盖子盖紧旺火,再用文火

    When cooking to to dozens of raw materials have been put Sheng Tan Shaoxing wine, I altar of paper and then seal the lid Gaijin, Wanghuo first boiling and then simmer slowly slow fire.


  • 中药镇板漂浮中药,就可以质量好的药液。

    When the Chinese medicine is decocted, the floating Chinese medicine is pressed by the apron block, and the medicine liquid with adequate quality can be decocted out.


  • 安徽菜系安徽厨师注重烹饪温度擅长通常加入火腿方糖改善菜肴的味道

    Anhui Cuisine Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often hams will be added to improve taste and sugar candy added to gain.


  • 通过查阅有关制法文献制法研究现状进行统计分析

    Through consulting the literatures about baking method, to put up statistics and analysis about the study actuality of baking method.


  • 另外还有这里牛腩土豆牛腩朋友口服了。

    Moreover also has here sirloin to simmer the potato, likes the friend which eats the sirloin being possible to have takes orally.


  • 另外还有这里牛腩土豆牛腩朋友口服了。

    Moreover also has here sirloin to simmer the potato, likes the friend which eats the sirloin being possible to have takes orally.


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