• 然后接着说一位捐助人伊利社会基金捐赠1亿美元,所有慈善机构都将

    And then he proceeded: A donor had given a staggering $100 million to the Erie Community Foundation, and all of the charities would receive a share.


  • ,”接着然后出乎意料碰了碰肩膀轻轻吻了前额之后离开

    "I love you," she then said, out of the blue, touching his shoulder and kissing him gently on the forehead before leaving.


  • 接着,“如果选择第二份工作,我可以努力很多然后提早退休剩余的时间教书。”

    He continued on to say, but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and "teach" later in life.


  • 接着说,创建者们参考私立学校收费然后取了一个中间值

    The founders looked at what other private schools charged and settled on a tuition right in the middle, he said.


  • 所以朋友决定试试,举起:“伏尔泰“,然后停顿一下犹豫会儿,就接着开始了,就好像我朋友问题一样。

    So my friend decided he'd give it a try and he raised his hand and he said, "Voltaire," and then paused and hesitated and continued with his lecture as though my friend had never asked his question.


  • 就是演出开始时卫生间里,马桶,开着然后起来,接着提起裤子,轻快地走出来,朗读了《嚎叫》。

    And so, when the show started he was in the bathroom, on the pot with the door open, and then he got up, and he hiked up his pants, and he waltzed out and he gave his reading of Howl.


  • 散布消息,卖空公司股份,接着买入,然后他对外界放出假消息,公司重大利空

    So he sent out a fake--he bought -he shorted the company and he --the stock in the company- and he bought --he put out a fake press release saying that there was bad news for the company.


  • 也许上帝俯视人间,接着招来一位天使,把打扮流浪汉的模样,然后:“帮助那个在擦洗吉普车吧,需要帮助!”

    Maybe God looked down, called an Angel, dressed him like a bum, then said, “go minister to that man cleaning the Jeep, that man needs help.”


  • 脸色渐渐转然后接着说

    His face turned from white to red as he continued.


  • 这个士兵找到任何一张然后不满的不是张”,接着便把扔到地上去找。

    The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: "That's not it" and put it down again.


  • 停了下来仔细耳朵门口听了听,然后摇摇头接着

    He paused, listened with his ear turned to the doorway, then shook his head and went on.


  • 朱迪其中有一个全家车祸丧生孩子几个月来,一直摆弄着模型小汽车投进沙堆,接着努力的把它们搜寻出来然后搬来救护车救援

    For months, one child whose entire family was killed in a car crash played in a tray of sand at Judi's House, throwing miniature cars and scrambling them, and having an ambulance come, Ms.


  • 露西衣袋里取出画像然后接着说,“为了避免搞错,还是请你瞧瞧面孔。”

    "Then taking a small miniature from her pocket, she added," to prevent the possibility of mistake, beso good as to look at this face.


  • 接着端详了一番然后不能穿上衣服打扮一个姑娘家呢?

    Then he studied it over and said, couldn't I put on some of them old things and dress up like a girl?


  • 然后眼睛:“光线暗了,你读吧”接着迅速张纸递给监狱长。

    Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'the light is dim. Read it to me.' and he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler.


  • 然后眼睛:“光线暗了,你读吧”接着迅速张纸递给监狱长。

    Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'the light is dim. Read it to me.' and he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler.


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