• 糖果制造者使用预测的时间——温度关系得到更好结果就像乳品工业应用牛奶中的巴氏杀菌法一样,

    Candy makers will be able to use a predictable time-temperature relationship, as the dairy industry does in milk pasteurization, to achieve better results, she said.


  • 这些致癌物质加热温度烹调时间有着密切关系温度高,生成的致癌物就越多。

    And between the temperature and the amount of time that it takes to cook, these carcinogens form. The higher the temperature, the more they form.


  • 研究发现颗粒点火燃烧主要取决于硼颗粒在补室内的滞留时间处的环境温度补燃长度没有直接关系

    The study also shows that the ignition and combustion of boron particle lie on the resorting time and the environment temperature, and have no direct relationship with after-burning chamber's length.


  • 准备棉花所有化学加工过程温度,时处理时间长度化学品的浓度之间关系非常重要。

    As with all chemical process used in the preparation of cotton, the relationship between temperature, length of treatment and concentration of chemical is important.


  • 孔隙率随着凝固温度上升而上升,与预蒸发时间的长短没有关系

    Porosity increases along with the increasing of coagulation bath temperature, and doesn't have relation to pre-evaporation.


  • 得到老化损伤因子老化温度老化时间关系式。

    And the expression of aging damage factor against aging time and aging temperature was obtained by experiment.


  • 选用变色分光光度法测定大气甲醇,显色温度显色时间有着一定线性关系

    We determine carbinol in air with Chromotropic acid spectrophotometry, and found developing temperature and developing time exist certain linear relation.


  • 方法经典物理学扩散理论探讨扩散运动引起信号衰减温度时间关系

    Methods; To study the relationship between signal attenuation and temperature or time by the theory of diffusion movements on classical physics.


  • 本文分析了BAM合成温度时间参数相对亮度粒度等性能指标之间关系

    We analyzed the relation between the comparative brightness, granularity of BAM blue phosphor and synthesizing temperature and time.


  • 测绘了切削温度磨损切削时间切削速度关系曲线,分析刀具前、后刀面显微磨损、破损形貌化学变化

    Cutting temperature, relation curves of wear with cutting time and cutting speed, microscopic features and chemical changes of rack face and rear face of the tin coated tool were measured.


  • 通过数值模拟分析了热体材质、换向时间温度效率热效率关联关系

    The relevant relations of regenerator medium, exchange time, temperature efficiency and thermal efficiency are analyzed by(numerical) simulation.


  • 等温处理温度时间添加微量元素循环处理显微组织关系进行了系统对比试验。

    The relationship of the microstructure with the isothermal temperature, isothermal time, trace elements added and cyclic treatment was also tested systematically.


  • 此外分析了温度冻结时间冻结厚度关系

    Moreover, relation between temperature of cold media, freezing time and the thickness of freezing wall is analyzed.


  • 通过草菇进行冷冻干燥实验研究了过程中样品中心温度水分时间的变化关系

    The relations of temperature and water fraction versus drying time during freeze drying of mushroom have been studied.


  • 压力盐效应影响体现反应时间上。 在相同反应条件下,反应时间温度呈幂函数关系

    The influence of pressure on salt-removing effect indicated that the reaction time and the subcooling temperature submitted a relationship of power function under the same conditions.


  • 此外对PPS纤维进行热处理研究,探讨了纤维干热收缩率强度保持率热处理温度热处理时间关系

    Moreover, PPS fibers had been experimented on heat treatment, and some relations between dry heat shrinkage, tenacity retention and heat treatment time and heat treatment temperature were studied.


  • 实验结果表明花粉活性干燥温度时间密切关系,在适宜范围内呈现相关现象

    The result showed that there is a close relationship between activities of bee pollen and temperature of desiccation, time of desiccation in appropriate context, showing a negative related phenomena.


  • 研究了3233环氧树脂体系粘度-温度关系凝胶时间-温度关系、热力学性能、垂直燃烧性能力学性能。

    The relations of viscosity vs. temperature and gel time vs. temperature of 3233 epoxy resin system are studied.


  • 讨论了通过隧道时间、车衬材质烧成温度关系

    The relation between heat storage and passing time of the kiln car, quality of car lining and sintering temperature are also discussed.


  • 研究溶剂脱脂中脱脂率溶剂、脱脂时间样品厚度溶剂温度参数关系

    The solvent debinding process was studied, including the relationship of binder loss with solvent composition, debinding time, sample thickness, and solvent debinding temperature and so on.


  • 动力学角度出发研究了织物电化学染色时间槽电压温度关系

    The relationship between the half-dyeing time of electrochemical dyeing of the fabric and the voltage of dye box and temperature is studied from the viewpoint of dynamics.


  • 分析瞬态温度场分布随时间变化关系,讨论了激光辐照探测器性能参数影响

    We analyzed the variation of temperature with time, and construe the effects on parameter of detectors irradiated by laser.


  • 研究力学性能添加剂用量烧结温度、烧结时间关系

    The effect of additive, sinter temperature and sinter time to the mechanic characters were studied.


  • 通过数值模拟,研究了煤粉浓度颗粒群着火方式、着火时间着火温度等的关系

    Correlations of coal concentration with the ignition mode, ignition time and ignition temperature of the cloud are predicated by numerical modelling.


  • 结论恒定磁场杀菌作用菌株特征环境温度处理时间关系密切

    Conclusion: the sterile effect of stable - magnetic field was closely associated with the strain characteristics, environment temperatures and disposal time.


  • 本文报道了几种精炼油加热后的激光诱导荧光强度的变化加热时间温度关系

    The fluorescence induced by laser in heated oil has increased intensity with heating time and heating temperature.


  • 本文建立随机气候模式导出了最可几气候温度时间纬度关系

    A one-dimensional stochastic climate model is set up, and the rela tioa of the global temperature of the most probable state with time and latitude ia derived.


  • 通过水溶液直接合成法制得L -苏氨酸研究L -苏氨酸镧反应的投料比、时间温度酸度等因素的关系

    This study focused on the preparation conditions of the Lanthanum with L-Threonine, including synthesis, feed ratio, temperature, acidity and time.


  • 提出选择固化温度原则以及三种不同树脂固化体系粘度固化温度、固化时间变化的函数关系

    The author proposed the principle to select the curing temperature and functional relations of the viscosity with curing temperature and time for three different resin systems.


  • 提出选择固化温度原则以及三种不同树脂固化体系粘度固化温度、固化时间变化的函数关系

    The author proposed the principle to select the curing temperature and functional relations of the viscosity with curing temperature and time for three different resin systems.


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