• 但是这种危机存在着一丝秩序,和我们阿富汗巴基斯坦伊拉克巴尔干半岛看到混乱有所不同

    But, there was also some sort of order that makes this crisis very different from the chaos we see in countries like Afghanistan or Pakistan, Iraq or the Balkans.


  • 开始的时候,金融市场混乱描绘一种清偿危机

    At its onset, the turmoil in financial markets was described as a liquidity crisis.


  • 是因为我们本来大,相比那些混乱银行之前银行危机规模,金融整顿直接成本似乎还很节俭。

    Large as they are, the immediate costs of the financial clean-ups seem modest against the scale of the banking mess and costs of previous banking crises.


  • 奥巴马依然眼下混乱中看到了少见危机机遇的组合,给予了重振美国经历的良机

    Obama also sees in the current mess a rare confluence of both crisis and opportunity that gives him the chance to remake the U.S. economy.


  • 紧随这些混乱由于人为降低利率而带来虚假繁荣时期还是最终信贷危机根源之所在

    These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.


  • 然而危机引发全球金融混乱的局面也使GE部分资产放贷出现坏帐,以致台“造机器”失去了往日的光环

    But the chaos triggered by the credit crunch has taken the shine off ge's cash machine, which has seen some of its property and other loans turn sour.


  • 经历危机次数多,民众反应混乱一致。

    In times of crisis, you get a public reaction that is incoherence on stilts.


  • 处理日常事务过程中,顺利双边合作关系周期性合作危机掩盖美日联盟内在的混乱

    On a day-to-day basis, successful bilateral cooperation on both ongoing issues and the periodic crisis of the day belies the notion of an alliance in disarray.


  • 十月导弹》并没有表现看起来似乎无法解决危机背后的十足混乱仅仅刻画了一场道德冲突,这场冲突明智战胜了轻率莽撞

    "The Missiles of October" conveyed not the muddled confusion of a seemingly intractable crisis, but a stark moral conflict in which wisdom defeated rashness.


  • 混乱直接根源在于正在努力防止主权债务危机蔓延欧元区

    The immediate source of trouble is the euro area, which is struggling to stop the spread of its sovereign-debt crisis.


  • 银行对于贷款谨慎,一部分原因房地产危机金融市场混乱中的得到的教训。

    Banks are cautious about lending, in part because they have been hurt badly in the housing downturn and financial-market turmoil, but also because lending is riskier during a downturn.


  • 花旗信贷危机产生了数十亿的亏损,导致投资者混乱股价过去大幅下跌。

    The bank has run up billions in net losses during the credit crisis and its share price has plunged over the past two years, to the fury of its investors. See article.


  • 由此可见问题的部分真正原因在于抵押借款借款人意味着危机一种金融市场混乱房地产市场混乱

    Since the real problem lay partly in the mortgages, rather than the borrowers, this suggests the subprime crisis was a financial-market mess, as well as a housing one.


  • 然而这些模式并未银行们规避到危机带来风险,这一危机致使信贷市场混乱不堪。

    But, those models haven't sheltered the Banks from the subprime mortgage crisis that turned into a dislocation of the credit markets.


  • 危机揭示的那样,一个国家疏忽混乱延伸到其它很多国家。

    Slack oversight by one country can, as the crisis has revealed, spread chaos across many.


  • 布朗应该此次混乱局面负责。本该发挥自己优势管理应对危机但是在处理的过程中暴露了自己最糟糕地方

    Mr Brown is partly to blame for this mess, but crisis management should have played to his strengths; instead, it revealed his worst side.


  • 随着北美欧洲由于信贷危机引发资金短缺而手足无措,使供应链陷入一片混乱之时,日本商事模式似乎其称赞之处。

    But as the credit crunch causes firms in America and Europe to flounder for lack of funds, throwing supply-chains into disarray, Japan's trading-company model seems to have some merit.


  • 美国银行银行家忙于应对金融危机混乱美林收购交易时,一大批美林高层已经逃之夭夭了

    At bank of America, for example, where bankers are grappling with both the financial downturn and a tumultuous takeover of Merrill Lynch, a raft of senior Merrill bankers have jumped ship.


  • 弗勒保时捷因其混乱、欠考量的一系列牵涉到金融衍生品和巨额债务的公司接管而陷入危机

    Schaeffler and Porsche are in trouble after launching murky, ill-conceived takeovers involving derivatives and mountains of debt.


  • 主题:[自动回复]Re医改陷入混乱支持率降,已现全面危机--我们*现在*亟需新的行动计划

    Subject: [AUTOREPLY] Re: healthcare reform chaos, approval rates plummeting, general sense of crisiswe need urgent new plan of action *now*


  • 信任危机市场混乱恶性循环

    Faith crisis and market disorder will be vicious circle.


  • 混乱将会持续数月导致2010年后期全球金融市场最终崩溃之前进一步经济危机的发生。

    The turmoil will continue for some months, leading to further economic crises before the final collapse of world financial markets later in 2010.


  • 这场金融危机使我们看到市场不是万能的一味放任自由,势必引起经济秩序混乱社会分配的不公最终受到惩罚。

    The financial crisis, we can see, the market is not omnipotent, just laissez-faire, the economic order is bound to cause confusion and unfair social distribution, and ultimately be punished.


  • 但是一个时期我们思想工作特别是农村思想工作严重忽视了农民出现相当程度思想混乱信仰危机

    But in a period, our ideological working especially rural ideological work has been serious to have overlooked, peasant has arisen the ideological disorderly and faith crisis of considerable level.


  • 企业危机管理公司莱斯康传播集团(Lexicon Communications Group)总裁CEO史蒂文•表示,鲁伯特·默多克混乱做出一些决定看起来只是本能的反应

    Some of the decisions Rupert Murdoch has made in the melee look like knee-jerk reactions, says Steven Fink, President and CEO of crisis management firm Lexicon Communications Corp.


  • 查普曼:“当时发生了意想不到的情况:市场陷于混乱律师们不得不到第一线危机降温。”

    The unexpected had happened: the market was in chaos and lawyers had to come to the forefront to take the heat out of the crisis, he says.


  • 某些形式混乱——比如一场金融危机——会让选民支持头脑冷静而不失灵活思考者

    Some forms of disorder - like a financial crisis - send voters for the calm supple thinker.


  • 某些形式混乱——比如一场金融危机——会让选民支持头脑冷静而不失灵活思考者

    Some forms of disorder - like a financial crisis - send voters for the calm supple thinker.


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