• 有很强烈的预感——人们近,因而它需要一些保护”,博物馆的修复员卢西·

    "I felt strongly that people would get very close to it," said Lucy Belloli, a conservator at the Met, "and it needed some protection."


  • 洛里:“通过研究确定主人公就是比安卡背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。”

    Glori said: "From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio."


  • :“通过研究确定主人公就是比安卡背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。

    Miss Glori said: 'From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio.


  • 当被问及囚犯还喜欢什么时,:“我们12不同阿拉伯语版的阿加莎·推理小它们非常受欢迎。”

    Asked what other books were among the prisoners' favorites, Lorie said, "we have 12 different Agatha Christie titles in Arabic that are very popular."


  • 尼古拉斯•特洛里说:“我们不想孩子们过圣诞看不到圣诞老人,如果在孩子生病的时候他(她)带到商场传染圣诞老人其他小孩不值了。”

    "We don't want any child to go without seeing Santa, but it's not worth bringing your child to the mall, infecting the Santa and infecting the other children, " Nicholas Trolli said.


  • 珍妮弗,”洛里小姐,“这位利·泰勒。” —“很高兴认识,” 珍妮弗

    "Jennifer," Miss Mallory said, "this is Leigh Taylor."—"Pleased to meet you," Jennifer said.


  • 河马有时会保护其他动物免受鳄鱼的伤害。

    Paolillo says hippos sometimes protect other animals from crocodiles.


  • ,“试图装进密封的时空胶囊。”

    "I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar," Loe said.


  • “我们不会带走地球的任何物资,不会产生任何有害影响,不会采用矿物燃料去生产燃料,”做出一提议的美国斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室核能科学家F•杰弗马丁,“全过程实现了碳中和。”

    Jeffrey Martin, the Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear scientist behind the proposal. “The whole thing is carbon-neutral.”


  • 所以就是所描述的。

    So, this is what Carlo represents in his poetry.


  • ' '一个巨大影响' '阿博士,阿韦博士今天吉尔福德大学举行英国科学节开始的发表了关于工作记忆谈话

    "It was a massive effect," said Dr Alloway, who today gave a talk on working memory at the start of the British Science Festival at the University of Surrey in Guildford.


  • 奇·拉斯先生电影所拍摄斯科派岛上同一间山顶教堂结婚可能因为这个教堂太小了,而且希腊东正教徒的专属用地。

    Mr Palikiras said it was not possible to get married in the exact same hilltop chapel on Skopelos used in the film because it is too small and is reserved for members of the Greek Orthodox religion.


  • 但是看来伤口确实保持得更干净了维耶,同时减少绷带需要对于病人而言的。

    But it did seem to keep the wounds cleaner, says Riviello, and reduced the need to change bandages, which is painful for the patient.


  • 圣德2008年夏天充电普锐斯,每天5上下班行程中,差不多加仑汽油可以开80公

    Mr. Sandalow said he bought his plug-in Prius in summer 2008 and got about 80 miles a gallon on his 5-mile trip to work and on errands.


  • 幸运是,通过测量·基断层线速度小组加勒比海地球物理学上取得了实质性进展

    Fortunately, he says, by measuring the speed of the Enriquillo fault line, his team has made substantial progress in Caribbean geophysics.


  • 巴甫萨德,基承诺购买更多设备以在将来阻止森林大火没什么意义,因为现在需要一个可以运转的系统

    Back in Pavlovo Pasad, Anya Kirilova says the promise of equipment to stop future forest fires does her no good, because right now, she needs a system that works.


  • 激素能够在遭受压力期间调制基因表达,而同时又拥有非常水平压力激素,”博士

    "Hormones can modulate gene expression and, during stress, you have very high levels of stress hormone," Dr. Loria said.


  • ,他能理解情绪,负责其它七个地区,而且他们的设备陈旧

    He says he understands Kirilova's frustration, but he's in charge of seven other regions and he's got outdated equipment.


  • 我们发现病人的家庭成员这种培训感兴趣,并且总是积极使设备充满电;因为他们看到了这种设备他们所爱之人的好处,”维耶

    "We learned that family members are interested in being trained and motivated to keep the device charged because they saw the benefits for their loved ones," says Riviello.


  • 之前需进行更多研究我们可以提供泻湖甲烷损耗准确评估结果。”洛里补充

    "More research is needed before we can provide accurate estimates of methane losses from anaerobic lagoons," added Lory.


  • 大学海豚专家洛里·如果人类智力水平评判标准应用动物身上,则海豚大脑资质水平和人类的十分相近

    If human standards for intelligence are applied to non-human animals, however, dolphins come very close to our own brain aptitude levels, suggests Emory University dolphin expert Lori Marino.


  • 人力资源主管·弗斯克我们一个进行讨论”。

    "We talk about all of them," says HR chief Rich Floersch.


  • 一位伦敦贸易洛里安·莱昂哈德木头经不起时间的考验。

    Florian Leonhard, a London dealer, says that time has "vibrated the wood".


  • 唐培酒窖总监理查德·吉奥弗这个夜晚灵感来自于“纯粹快乐”,可是还是为穿着那个时代服装侍者所提供的温馨服务现代感到惋惜,因为路易十四时代,客人需要自己取餐的。

    Richard Geoffroy, Dom’s chef de cave, said the idea of the evening was “driven by pure pleasure,” though he lamented that the waiters, in period costume, weretoo modernin their attentive service.


  • 看点: “这部电影尝试第一次拍电影一样选择并且按原来电影套路走,”加

    Why We're So Excited: “What I have tried to do in this movie is to make choices as if this was the first movie ever made and not to buy into the story of what cinema should be, ” Gallo has said.


  • 法律学院教授联邦检察官·利文森:“他们可以门票了。”

    "They should sell tickets," said Laurie Levenson, a professor at the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, a former federal prosecutor who speaks often about the nexus of fame and felony.


  • 邮件快递的方式到达费城时,洛里看了一眼:“哈维永远朋友。”

    When it arrived special delivery in Philadelphia, Gloria took one look and said, "Harvey and I will always be good friends."


  • 邮件快递的方式到达费城时,洛里看了一眼:“哈维永远朋友。”

    When it arrived special delivery in Philadelphia, Gloria took one look and said, "Harvey and I will always be good friends."


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